Isn't what NotDannyRoss is doing called blackmail?

7  2016-08-07 by Tom_Stall

And Anthony is a black male... lololololol


Did he ask for anything?

There is the implicit request for gold.

of course it is, i'm actually quite surprised at the faggot mods protecting danny like this, and yes i'll name all of you /u/SpaceEdge /u/rahtin /u/stgerago /u/BigGreenYamo /u/TheToolMan

just cause you have a little gay friendship with danny doesn't mean you can protect him at the expense of reddit rules.

I will have you shut down faster than dannys threats you sad cunts, now quit playing favorites.

FAWK yeah you rule

o0oO0o this guys angry! look out!

Ant can throw some back. There is another situation with Bobo's sister and it wasn't with Anthony it was with Danny. Danny almost did some damage. Anthony stopped it from happening
