Meanwhile the only entertaining A-Bomb is /u/notdannyross got booted from Rockstar again!

8  2016-08-07 by [deleted]

What a pathetic loser Danny Ross is! Holy fuck, that shit made me laugh for hours. You unemployable pathetic fuck. Heard you were upstate last week with your whore of a mother driving around in your faggoty Jeep Wranger. Pussy should have stopped by TACS. It looks like you want to blackmail Ant. You miserable fucking loser. I spoke with Ant the guy seemed cool, calm, and collected about you. Why is it you're the one looking like a little cock sucking bitch?


Does Anthony talk to you via the television?


he don't give a fuck about this bullshit because there's nothing for him to give a fuck about. danny ross got information on ant from dani who is a drunken whore


Why are there people in your life giving you updates on where Danny and his mother are driving?

who the fuck are you?

The Stalker?

Ant sends his goons online

This is weird. Can't we all just remember the good times. Danny made a ton of funny situations on the show because of his attitude and just being there. Best googler ever. He got to work at sxm, rockstar... that's pretty cool. He also hasn't hung himself... so he's got the edge on the ex-producer life choices power rankings.


/u/notdannyross you told us to ask Lazlow about the "stalker" Ant did. Holy fuck you pussy cant even comment?


nice way of pussying out bro


not your stalker. you say anyone who don't suck your dick is your stalker. bro get a fucking grip. just calling you out for the lying rube you are

seriously, why the fuck are you following the guy's mum? youre actually crazy. holy shit.


What, he like follow your mom on twitter or somethin'? Tsss

