Anthony calls Dannys bluff regarding "a bomb"

31  2016-08-07 by Spudsmargera


If what passes as his life was an open book, he wouldn't have scurried around like a madman deleting Sue Lightning pics or ripped phones off the walls.

That book snaps shut when anything embarrassing happens to him.

/u/NotDannyRoss nut up or shut up. You're looking like a lying sack of shit right about now. Drop your bomb or delete your account, pussy.

Yea, even if you're lying and there is no bomb make something really bad up



I don't even care anymore. Your act is already boring.


Then jump out a water pipe

Mang yourself.

What if Danny's secret is the "really bad shit" that Opie was talking about?

Edit - I'm all in with this bit.. It's been so boring round here lately

For Opie to call Ant "human garbage", it really had to be big -- like CP level shit.

Has anyone mentioned his alleged pal Kurt Love on Twitter?

Yeah, and ant blocked him in 3 mins.. I can't give the link cuz I'm blocked too lolz

Of course, that little man loves the power of blocking people. If that was the real Danny this Kurt Love thing is definitely something to harass him about and look into


Oh man! He called you a cocksucking wuss, /u/NotDannyRoss! What are you gonna do about it?

hopefully overreact and spill the beans on Ant's pedo ring.

an open book ? mein kampf

Dropping a bomb on Anthony would go unnoticed due to the Craters covering the majority of his face

HE REAlly is a creepy ghoulish pock marked old fuck.


What if danny has a split personality i.e. fight Club and is the creepy stalker???

It's a quanspiracy!!!!

More like Danny LOSS, amirite??


Danny really isn't dumb enough to be goaded into the reaction you guys want.

this is danny, isnt it.

No, just saying it's too transparent. Bobo would probably see through this.

hopefully overreact and spill the beans on Ant's pedo ring.

Of course, that little man loves the power of blocking people. If that was the real Danny this Kurt Love thing is definitely something to harass him about and look into