Ive heard several comedians praise Dante Nero's relationship skills. Everything I've ever heard he is typical N. Your thoughts?

1  2016-08-06 by Mr702law


Most relationship advice is bullshit. Theres a million desperate, lonely men out there that get taken advantage of by sharks that hang the solution to their loneliness over their heads for their own egos. Its gratitfying being a "sage". Theyre narcissistic fucks. Patrice, Nero, those red pill freaks. All the same. Theyre not there to help you, why would they empower their competition? Besides, hope is easy to sell. You dont have to manufacture it and in some lonely guy the demand is infinite.

He's great at picking up 3's ill give him that

he's a fat guy who gets stripper pussy. dont know why i need to listen to him now that patrice is dead

you're racist

No fuck that dude.
