Well it looks like The Cumia Show just landed a big guest....on the phone. That Manhattan studio will pay off though.

13  2016-08-04 by RBuddCumia


Remember when Colin accidentally spilled his glass of Diet Coke and the Ant sycophants treated it like the funniest moment in world history?

remember when it turned out to still be the funniest moment of his show so far?

Wish I didn't.

I guess Ant wouldn't provide CQ a metrocard.

Who is doing this horrendous Photoshop 'art' for the network?

Stinky it's good

No. No it's not.

That's what Colin would look like if he was in GTA

Nothing the people love more than a phone interview, eh

Ant's show would improve significantly if he phoned.

"Hey Collin, are you goin' back to Long Island?"

Man, I don't think so

Anthony, I'm going back to Brooklyn


His individually placed follicles held down with crisco

You can't spill a drink over the phone.

But you can spill your beans amarite

Nice Colin Quinn tweet

I hate the little graphic novel posters he makes for the guests...like, what the fuck is the point of that, really?

What's the point of life, really?

But there are purposes within life, and I dont think those stupid photoshopped images fulfills one.

He also had a phoner from Jimmy.