Patton "O.J" Oswalt is on the hunt

4  2016-08-04 by EncinoEscobar


Sure giveaway that he murdered his wife and is now moving on.


He'll bash her head in with that typewriter like Caan in Misery.

He's writing his novel, titled "if I DID IT"

I think what happened is pretty tragic guys and I would like to give this man a hug.

Just like he hugged his wife's throat

Wasn't this the plot of Secret Window?

Yeah, I'm a shameless hack. Snooooowey in Michigan

What's interesting about this photo is that his wife is dead

As Patton solemnly typed the last word in the manuscript she could never finish, he felt a catharsis wash over him, it was a feeling he knew all too well. The final chapter in the book wielded the evidence presented before like a cudgel smashing the Californian serial killer's glass house exposing him for all to see.

Patton chuckles as he tosses the manuscript into the open fireplace. "Next time, perhaps" he murmurs

That ass ain't gonna fuck itself.