It's Official: Our new target is now ourselves

10  2016-08-04 by AccidentalRenaissanc



Fuck you OP

You better shut up before I show you what's what

Whoa this has so many levels to it.

Getting caught blatantly posting replies to yourself is a sign of retardation.

This guy is retarded.

Getting caught replying to yourself

If you don't delete your reply in embarrassment when you realize what you just said, you're dumber than Rich Vos ever pretended to be.

How will anyone catch him making that comment?

Good point, we need to get the cyber police involved to see if people are replying to themselves.

Consequences will never be the same

Why don't you come back here and shut up?!

cannot self terminate

I hate myself so much it was only a matter of time before I started spamming black cocks on my facebook feed and calling into my work trying to get myself fired.

That's the best, though.

Merely relaxing & fornicating.





You better shut up before I show you what's what