How does Anthony pay his 60 year old brother his welfare allowance handout he's been shamelessly taking for over 20 years? I always wondered.

51  2016-08-03 by JoeCumiaSr

Does he use paypal? Cash? Bitcoin!? These questions need answers!


he throws it on the floor and joe fetches it like a dog

I'd love it if he got whatever amount it was changed into quarters and just emptied a bag into his pool.

With mousetraps

The glue ones

Patrice once said he kept his girlfriend in check by giving her an allowance paid with a check. In the "For" field he would write, "being a rotten ho."

I recall Anthony thinking that was very funny. Hopefully he does something similar.

"Being a rotten bro."

If my brother became a multi millionaire from being a radio personality I would probably try and sponge some free shit. I certainly wouldn't brag about it online to strangers though - I'd feel pretty emasculated if I started bragging about how my little brother pays all my bills so I don't have to work.

No cumia left behind

Your a cocksucccckkaaaa

I should have made a poll with children's spit as a currency.

And how does Joe become this right wing asshole who is so against welfare while taking these unearned payments?? I'm fine with him taking the payments but then he should understand why poor people sometimes need help. And why poor people sometimes get stuck on welfare.

He could have saved and used the money to build his own business but no, he's happy acting nigger rich and getting his new check every month. Pathetic.

You hate what you are, etc. He really is a white trash version of everything he rails against.

I'd say Anthony is sort of on that kick too. As Patrice said, the fucker loves guns and drives an escalade.

He tried building a cover band business but some internet trolls had to go and get his gigs cancelled.


With his mouth


I wonder if it's an allowance or does Joe just get all his bills sent to Anthony.


I think Anthony pays the children directly to spit in Joe Cumia's mouth.

Cash so they can dodge taxes.

I think he pays him in falafels.

He makes him do the truffle shuffle and throws it at him as cash

Ever since 1990, Ant has been paying him in young girls for him to rape and murder.

Joe's going to pay him back as soon as Guilty By Association gets into that NY studio!


People always gave Ant shit for never having kids or a family but he was supporting Joe and his all along. Can't blame him for not wanting to foot the bill for another family.

How does not wanting kids or a family warrant getting shit for it? Sounds like some jealous, disgruntled dads.

He places it in between his cleavage while he's giving him a lapdance.

I bet they point outwards if he leans forward.

When/if ant finally wakes up and realizes that his brother has used him and guilted him in to supporting him all of these years, do you think he'll shoot and kill Joe, or just shut him out of his life the way that he should have long ago?

Retard joe clearly feels responsible for ant's former success, and since he has the balls to say it to fans, that means he's convinced anthony of it as well. I would imagine the resentment that anthony harbors has caused most of these problems for himself over the past few years.

shoot him with a paintball gun, maybe.


Anthony makes him slurp it out of his asshole one nickle at a time.

Keith happily helps Ant reload.

I'm sure that Joe is a 1099 contractor and autobills for consulting. Anthony most likely runs his finances like a business for tax purposes, making the above completely easy.

Not flash, but probably the real answer.

Anthony owes entire his career to Joe, at least, that's according to Joe. So the weekly handout is fair.

JOE CUMIA taking CREDIT for the SUCCESS of "O&A" is hilarious!!!

We all KNOW the true TALENT behind their success was none other than SCORCH... PFG!!!!

How does Joe report it on his taxes?

Joe doesnt do taxes, why would he? He has zero insurable/taxable working hours in 30 years.

I've never heard of welfare coming in any former other than a check or food stamps, so I hope this answers your question
