It's official. Brother Joe has the mentality of a 6 year old.

61  2016-08-02 by IHateSherrod


Fawkin buried dat cocksucka

HEY dats my line, piece of gawbage!!

This coming from a guy with cum in his last name

and his hair

and down the back of his throat

I'm honestly getting to the point where I want to see Hilary win more for how Joe and his ilk will react than any actual political beliefs I have.

It's so funny to me how much he cares. Like, most people have who they want to win & if they lose they would deal with it. For the most part they would live their lives as they did. But Joe really really cares. If Trump loses, his heart rate will go up. He'll probably cry. He may self-Medicate. It's hilarious to me. I hope that he's on TACS & they broadcast the election live & someone posts their faces if Trump loses

I think you give people too much credit. No matter who wins, there's going to be monumental levels of butthurt this November, with accusations of "cucks" or "bigots" ruining this country.

But yes, Joe definitely fits the mold of one of these kind of faggots.

Oh yea, of course. But Joe is next level.

Anthony pretty much went off the rails when Obama got elected. I thought he was just playing it up beforehand, then it got unfunny and sad.

That's because Obama is one of "those" people.

Fucking boot licking moron.

Boy, talk about biting the hand that feeds...

You'd think he'd have a little more tact when it comes to anything LGBT related.

(You know, with his little brother's penchant for young man asshole and whatnot.)

Thank God this guy was around to directly influence his brother into being a successful radio show host.

These Cumias are fucking losers.

I would have laughed if it didn't come from his child rapist brain, and if he didn't set it up as the greatest line ever.

His father robbed coins from vending machines for a living. Let's not act like the Cumia bloodline was built on scholars and academics. If big brother didn't know how to tell dick jokes, these two would be siphoning gas out of parked cars.

I chuckled. But I've been up for 37 hours

Joe Cumia's Trump fandom is the best case against Trump I've seen as yet.

And the appetite of 6 men.

are the pederasty accusations against joe baseless now?

homerun chipperson

Bragging about your own comments is truly the behavior of a very sad person.

Nice Sprint service, faggot.

or the comedic ability of Anthony or Norton in 2003

This is the exact sort of insult someone would use here.

Hchris? I don't get it.

Fuck it, that one's actually funny. Dont tell me if you didnt know someone whos last name was Omo you wouldnt say the same thing.

I might.

But I sincerely doubt I would then announce publicly how funny my post was.

Totally agree.

I think your love of Joe is less understandable than your love of drunk driving.

I couldnt give less of a fuck about Joe, but in a vacuum, if you see a guy with the last name Omo, you tell them they forgot the H in front. Thats just the obvious line.

Is it the race thing or just his politics that you don't enjoy seeing mocked? really cant see that Omo is a funny last name? What does it have to do with politics?

Or maybe just devotion to Anthony? It's baffling.

Youre the one making it about politics...there are probably 100 times more embarassing facebook posts they could have chosen over this one, if a supposed O&A fan cant see the humor in the name Omo because it conflicts with their beliefs, its a sad time we're in.

Are you a just a huge Guilty By Association fan? Are you on his "spit on my mouth" payroll?

I...I think "Omo" is a funny last name. Under most circumstances most other people would agree. Theres not really any more to it than that.

I didn't find it funny when Artie was talking about how the name "Romo" was close to "homo" and I didn't laugh at this either.

I thought it wasnt that bad to say that it was a white trash gift from god to give the cowboys quarterback a last name that rhymed with homo, and I personaly thought that apearance was really funny, but if youre last name is "omo", come on, how are you not just asking for it? lol

It's just hacky, low hanging fruit is all. I don't find it funny when someone says "that would make a great band name" when there's an odd grouping of words either. It's just cliche.

yea its a pretty obvious line, but it is clichefor todd to cover the joe cumia murders in his usual fashion : ___________ came into my stooahh and pooped on my shoes and im pwetty suwhe hes the zodiac killeh" (LOL RANDOM)

Is it the race thing or just his politics that you don't enjoy seeing mocked?

Or maybe just devotion to Anthony? It's baffling.