More Importantly

0  2016-08-02 by aprosbro

How long are you going to be amused by Braun Strowman squashing jobbers before it's groan awful boring? They need to get him into a program next week.

too sweetski me biz cliz


I do like the reverse chokeslam and new haircut. He is somewhat interesting now and less goofy looking. His theme reminded me of a bitch version of Napalm Death's Twist The Knife (Slowly).

All that face splat stuff is good, I wonder how it's going to look on a heavier guy though, like Cas or Rusev. If they lift their knees it's going to look very sissy.

Can always pick up a second finisher for bigger guys. That, or Braun Strowman is legit a scary powerhouse. That move looks crazy unsafe. Reminds me of the inverse Razor's Edge.

They'll give him a submission.