Are there rumors that Joseph Cumia beats and molests black children?

89  2016-08-02 by [deleted]



they are not rumours, they are a matter of historical record. he also killed his father and gave his mother alzheimer's.

Didn't know Alzheimer's could be transmitted sexually.

Only anally.


There are now.

They're NOT rumors

Why do you think they call him Nigger Kids Joe??


i kind of want this entire sub to be filled with these joe cumia posts

i hope someone more autistic than me will do it

I've done my part.

If I remember correctly, didn't he also work for a company that used excessive force when confronting customers who were late with their hat payments?

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere "that Joseph Cumia beats and molests black children".

Black children get less handouts

Making America Great Again

No, but that wont stop me from spreading it like the plague #TypicalResponse


It's not a rumor if he proudly shouts it from the rooftop.


Cool post bro!

Fuck off loser.