Jim says the UFC podcast has had 1 million downloads

16  2016-08-02 by Dennyislife

So how many does Opie Radio podcast have?


Probably 10 million with his mafia connections and being recruited by the viral video company.

I worked for them legit though Bobby.

But I gotta be vague, I just realized

I just realized you're gonna ask me some follow up questions.
Now I gotta be vague...

The Don's name was Little Chippy D

"Gettin a taste. You know what I mean, right? A taste."

Wait, are you counting Funny Mofos Daily in that number?

UFC Unfiltered is in 90 cities plus London.


Scorch: Hey dat rhymed!

So that would mean the podcast has had around 80.000 downloads per episode. It's not really that impressive at all especially considering how much UFC has pushed it.

they keep advertising it on their utube channel and every ppv, awful

Classic negotiation tactic for the Jocktober contract. Morton is gonna make a killing.

I'm gonna laugh when they don't pay either of these dopes. The contract in 2014 was basically charity.

He's loying

It's pretty boring. I listen to it sporadically. The last one I heard was so shit. They kept phoning famous guests but getting random people by mistake. Then they finally get the correct guest on the phone and she wasn't expecting the call and really awkwardly tells them she can't talk for long.

The Serra/Morton combo is still better than Hughes/Morton.

you and that dulan101kulan fella are prolly the only 2 ppl in this sub thats all in with that shit podcast

Never heard it. Know nothing outside of the big names about ufc and 30 second KO clips on twitter

ok then

but i can swear its always the same few ppl constantly making posts praising that podcast


Jim also says he is going to deliver on all those Indiegogo perks

what UFC podcast?

A lot of those UFC numbers was because those Game of Thrones guys were on and it got linked everywhere.