Ghostbusters video game developers file for bankruptcy 3 days after release.

32  2016-08-02 by andiswearrrr


I told them to include the Leslie Jones Empire State Building chase.

From MetaCritic:

Ghostbusters is unfortunately a very boring and bad game. The four main characters have no charisma and they try to seem funny... but they are not at all. The gameplay is repetitive and the player will be bored in no time, and it is really too bad that the Ghostbusters franchise couldn't be honored with a good game that the original four deserve. Because Ghostbusters is simply worth it, this is not.

If you were to replace "game", "gameplay" and "player" with "movie", "film" and "viewer", then this could easily pass as a review for the reboot itself.

And yet, this will be seen as sexist, I'm sure.

By some twitter skanks. The great part is that IRL no one gives a shit about this movie. Male or female.

If you look at the character model for the black ghostbuster, she's thin and has white facial features. I don't know how that isn't a focus of the SJWs. (Probably because nobody will play this hunk of shit)

there was a ghostbusters game that came out on the 360 that was cool as fuck

Most people (akroyd included) consider it the third movie since it was written by the same folks

They came out with a ghostbusters game a few years back with the original cast and it was a great game

You mean it could pass as a shocking instance of bigoted muh-soggy-knee and, racism, of course.

God damn patriarchy.

This makes me so happy

I'm sure IGN can be bought off to give this game a 9.8 out of 10. They're not a member of the patriarchy, they're just money whores.

Clearly this is the result of hateful, sexist men who haven't even played this terrific video game online. Of course they haven't purchased the game because their misogynistic hate is so extreme that they only are interested in things that exploit women, not things that celebrate that a woman can do anything. As a result of their rampant sexism, hardworking folks have lost their jobs. The work of these video game designers has been celebrated with a feature film about their design of the video game version of the film ET for Atari.


The funny thing is they quote the metacritic score and metacritic is fucking notorious for people who havent played a game bombing it with low scores. I have no doubt this game is terrible, but it's still funny.

is this game on super nintendo? if not, then not interested!

It's mega drive or go fuck your mother

Turbo Graphics 16

Peasants. It's all about the Neo-Geo.

The only fucking old school game system I never owned! Wish I did though. So much SNK greatness ported to that console straight from the arcades.

If it's not on the Atari Jaguar; go kick rocks.

I only play video games on a modified oscilloscope.

Common to pecka

Had that absolute piece of shit as well. And a handful of games that, outside of the aliens game, looked to be unfinished! I go back and forth when thinking which was shittier, Atari Jaguar or Phillips Cdi

Cdi was just comically funny, but not worth the price to have around as a joke. Almost every game was unironically bad, especially the licensed Nintendo ones. Voyeur was ok, I guess.

Always wished the 3DO had a more solid core of games. Still, I have fond memories of playing shockwave, slam n jam, and a few other titles. Reminds me I still have Overdrivin' on my SD card (there actually a 3DO emulator in the Play Store, and it works).

I bought/still have my neo geo in 1994 with six games (king of fighters 94, world heroes 2, samurai showdown, art of fighting 2, baseball stars, and cyberlip), 2 controllers and a memory card, off of a classified ad in the news paper, believe that shit? I still play it to this day (even though I have every neo geo game on my laptop). Best controllers ever

Ghostbusters on the sega master system rules all, son!!!

The Sega Genesis Ghostbusters game is a classic.

Where were you during their time of need? This injustice will not stand.

only girl game charters worth talking about are lara croft and sonya blade, ill never cheat on you two!

ExcUSE me, Sirrrrrrrrr! I can see that SOMEbody never played Metroid!

The Ghostbusters remake was barely worth talking about here. The video game adaptation of the Ghostbusters remake is even less worth talking about here.

Well according to Breitbart, claiming bankruptcy 4x is actually really smart business and not embarrassing at all. I don't see the big deal

Is that faggot Breitbart still dead? Yea? OK, good.

This article is petulantly hilarious. Seriously do you guys not get the same vibe reading Breitbart as Jezebel? Are you not very smart?

Only someone particularly stupid but self conscious about it like you would posture themselves as intellectually superior to the people of this sub.

Not this sub, just this thread of people clapping their forearms together at a dumb fucking breitbart article. I love smart people who dont agree with me, smart people not agreeing with eachother is one of the best things in the world. Dumb people feeling good about being fucking dumb is one of the worst, and they read breitbart and gawker and jezebel.

Oh and nice try on trying to smarten up your sentence but it's unnatural as all hell.

Say more things you babbling retard.

I'll just repeat myself from a different comment. You dum dums are coal for the fire, man. Time to smarten up. Time to stop being marks. One day breitbart and buzzfeed and whoever are going to have an AI that churns out articles tailored to getting dum dum upvotes and you're not going to notice because you dont think critically about things as long as you think they're right. It's gonna be a bad old world, dude.

You look incredibly dumb right now. Writing meandering replies isn't helping, just proving my point that you're a dummy with an inferiority complex.

You sound like Trump.

Well you look like wordy dumbass, now we all see your faux intellectualism is just an act.

Anyone who says something is faux is an asshole.

your sentence but it's unnatural as all hell.

Nah you're the asshole.

I think you quoted the wrong thing.

Your like Joe cumia, just with better grammar and punctuation

Oh fuck off, it's not about the goddamn article, I'm just posting a source for the title. I don't even know what brietbart is. Now literally kill yourself.

You should read the article, it's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. All these MRAs pissing and moaning about how their precious ghostbusters has been coopted by some liberal agenda, spearheaded by breitbart, and then breitbart literally does the same thing and uses a ghostbusters tidbit to relink 5 agenda articles. You dum dums are coal for the fire man, smarten up.

Stupid, do you think this was posted here to debate the article? No. It was posted to inspire quips like the top comment. Fucking retard insulting people's intelligence when he can't even separate comedy from faux-intellectual debate.

You should read the article, it's the dumbest fucking think I've ever read. These assholes screen shot jezebel so it doesn't get clicks.

It was co-opted by a liberal agenda. The fucking official ghostbusters Twitter account endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Yeah people who see some conspiracy everywhere are dumb, but this case was so transparent.

Are you happier being coopted by a website that pretends to agree with you but is really just manipulating you into click fodder?

I didn't even click on the article. You don't need Breitbart to see that the Ghostbusters franchise was co-opted to push unfunny social justice crap.

Here's some queer web site that reported on it:

Hope it makes you feel better. No MRA shit to trigger you.

Yeah that's a much better article. It's full of facts and context, it doesn't try to draw laughable parallels between the failing of this game and a social agenda. In short it's not insulting to anyone who reads it.

The movie failed because of its agenda. The game just sucks.

God youre a pretentious douche



Look out gang, we've got a Guardian reader on this thread.

Never read it.

You're taking this all very seriously. Where does a genius such as yourself get his news?

Not really. This sub is just way too nice to dumb shit.

Yep.. Breitbart is a fuckin joke

So is this sub



I deserve this

The funny thing is they quote the metacritic score and metacritic is fucking notorious for people who havent played a game bombing it with low scores. I have no doubt this game is terrible, but it's still funny.

Common to pecka