Ant the cuck

53  2016-08-02 by SeffyGonzales


He looks like John Wilkes Booth. And has the same attitudes towards race.

and a brother in show business!

sic semper tytrannies

For perspective, the guy on the left is only 5'4"

Looks like one of those Napoleon dynamite character

Ant looking even more like porn star Dirty Harry (sfw) here than usual.


Ant looks like a guy living in a one room rent controlled apartment in chelsea.

Thank god for individually placed follicles.

John Waters, his sister, and her husband.

Ha! Look at Ant's face. You can tell he's seething inside.

He probably made her use a whole bottle of hand sanitizer before she was allowed to touch anything in the house.

"Do you mind if we dance with your dates?"

"CUNTRAG bitch fuck animal pig face worthless meat sack shit pile stink crotch ass stain rot bung…"

~ /u/anthonycumiashow

Anthony Cumia: Trigger fingers turn to Twitter fingers

His career got bodied by a stripping nigga.

Fuuck. That fits perfectly. Anthony should make a back to back parody song. That is if he's ever heard of it.

"I got the drink in me, her ribs gon' crack"

He's not the type a nigga to talk to niggas. Billy can keep calling nigga, he aint picking up nigga.



430 lbs From Grenoble, France

Can speak Hroome

How does he end it that weak? Rot bung, lol.

Xanax and bud light will do that

something so fucking creepy about that discount nose job, chin reduction plastic surgery, botox lip injection look. Girls from long island and north jersey disfigure themselves with. They end up looking like aliens with rubber tits and a cheap wig.

And wannabe Mark Cuban on the left who only spray tanned a fence board across the center of his face looks like a real fuckin idiot too.

he has the opposite of a sunglasses tan, what in the fuck.

Ant looks like a guy who ran out to Sears for some dress shoes/pants/shirt so he's have something to wear for a special occasion.

At least he looks better than the prom picture with the 17 year old, where he literally looks like he's wearing his dad's suit jacket.

The Cedric the Entertainer Collection. Only at Sears.

you mean white trash?

Ant looks way cooler with that mustache/soul patch combo than clean shaven. Is that Jill Nicolini?

Everyone always says Ant looks better with facial hair (and a hat). I guarantee some teenager said "omg your mustache makes you look so old" and he's been clean shaven ever since.

You're probably right.

Very few people actually look better with a mustache sans any legit beard. Ant can really pull it off.

The very same.

Nothing worse than your horse-faced two bit coon lipped bimbo girlfriend making friends with a colored

there's not one aspect of her that's completely terrible, but the combination is really weird looking.

I don't get it. What's wrong with four dudes hanging out? Are they all Ant's old work buddies from back when he was a tin knocker? Are they catching up or what? Help me out here.

Anthony "Cheap Suit" Cumia.

nicoleaky? btw anyone has pics of who he cheated on her with? I re-listened to the saga recently and I think Ant said that she was on some porn site.

I think it was the Canadian girl with the big round glasses.

Wow. 2008 was a long time ago.

Looks like an after party for the community theater's production of Guys & Dolls

Looks like a porn paody for captain America civil war.

Mother fucker looks like a struck match

"I don't even care if you fuck em, just don't be posting pictures on your social media with them."

Is that Cenk Uyghur on the left?

No. The Saudi Arabians weren't paying him enough

Cenk might do work with some Saudi Arabian's but he ain't lowering himself to the level of dealing with dirty Tunisians'. He has standards.

She was probably fucking that nigga behind Anthony's back

There ya go lean in as much as possible, that'll show em who owns that pussy.

Artie Bucco lookin nigga

Whos dat bitch? Find me dat bitches information... can see the fury inside him as the woman puts her arm around "one of them".

The Donald Sterling inside him is burning.

What is it with black guys and brandy?

We need to get this version of Anthony back. Not the horrifying clown we have now, who looks like he was glued together.

How did Ant go from this decent looking human to an orange weirdo with a clown wig

That guy was white before Jill greased him


When white trash get a windfall

Is that Nat King Cole on the right?

an unflattering photo for all involved.
