Paralyzed Opie - a classic bit where Opie tries to get attention by telling a sad story but instead gets shit on by everyone. Bob Kelly and Rich Voss in studio.

94  2016-08-02 by [deleted]


I lost it in this one when Ant mimics Opie introducing the show as a robot: Brothaman Brothaman it's the Opie and Anthony show.

All kidding aside, appreciate what you have.

Damn it, I miss that fucking radio show.

"this is what I get for sharing the scariest moment of my life? I thought we would all share a scary moment" everyone ignores and continues laughing "anyone here ever had a scary moment?"

My scary moment.. I turned on the radio one day and Opie was doing a show with sherrod and vic hendley

The funniest part of this video is him repeatedly trying to "go with the bit" by interrupting everyone elses bit.

Oh man, he thought he had a broken nose but didn't go to the doctor?

This man is truly a national treasure

I was gonna say "at least Opie takes the beating in tha clip and isn't as obnoxious as usual"

Then I remembered the douchy tough guy shtick about not going to the hospital.

"Whyyy wooood you!!!" in gravely Opster voice

He lives on the edge!

The one bashing he got wasn't even a real bashing. The weren't insulting any personality or physical traits he has

Well, that's not difficult tbh.

This whole episode is fucking awesome

And that fucking time he got shit on by Bill Burr for saying "As big as your imagination". It's so obvious he can't stand being the butt of a joke. He'll do that exasperated sigh whenever he gets steamrolled by comedians. It's glorious.

" I'm a cookie, in a room, surrounded by men...

....imagination "

He had a self deprecating moment on the show today. That Sheehan lady came up "do you remember her? Opie says "yeah, I look like her!" Jim laughed and said "oh yeah, we gave you quite the beating for that". Then Opie says something like "I think that's why I cut my hair". It was a decent exchange and very unOpielike.

More dooshy then your wildest dreams.


How big can a boy dream? Go!

That's pretty darn big, Ope.

He went to south park clip so they would shut up haha

To be fair, the bit was dying anyways

Holy shit this website is gold!

Thanks budday! Ive got tough crowd on there too eventually i make a page for it


I remember listening to this live and it definitely is one of my favorite moments in show history. It's funny thinking back on it too, cause it was before all Opies flaws were so specifically pointed out to me. So his Greg shell response wasn't a thing yet, just a feeling

At 4:33 they all start laughing at the idea of "The Opie Show" and how he's not able to get any guests in because they're all too uncomfortable...

It's amazing how many times he brings up this fucking story, again, again, again, before they start pounding him. They were all ready to move on before he introduced it for the 5th time.

I guess I'm weird because I never thought this was all that funny. There are still massive Greggshells all around. They were joking about a pretend situation that didn't actually happen and Gregg is acting like they are tearing him apart at an atomic level.

He thought he paralyzed himself, in case anyone missed that.

Do you think it was the scariest moment of his life?

I'm not sure...

Ahhhh, "The Wheel of Hate" ....

Ant is awesome in this. Makes me sad to think how good they were.

Some foreshadowing by Jim and Vos there.

Prob best clip ever

U need to listen to the full segment it was on 9/16/10 I think such a brutal show

without shitting on opie, this is one of my favorite insult dog piles on the show

He was too uncomfortable to even pull Greggshells. That was great.

"kenny please put cheerios in blender for me"

My favorite part is when Opie thinks he has effectively steered the ship to another topic but then Ant and Vos just ramp it right back up. You could almost here his teeth grinding away.

Congratulations!!!!! This is the clips MILLIONTH TIME POSTED!!!!!!! Tell em what he won, stinks.

Subscribe for more reposts! I can listen to this clip every day.

This could go to the books. Best bit ever

A timeless classic.

I'm actually hearing this for the first time & loving it so go fuck yourself.

Kind of ironic that the takeaway from this is that Opie is thin-skinned...

A timeless classic.