I Have An Announcement To Make ....

0  2016-08-01 by MilliBotany



what about Tower 7?

Ask Larry Silverstein.

Or his accountant.

The accountant has an accountant? What is this jewception or sometin

Yes it's called Capricorn One and it's frickin aces.

Hal Holbrook:

" There's a device......on the plane. Your families.... "

It's got OJ Simpson playing an astronaut. A bit of funny trivia about that - OJ's afro kept getting stuck in his space helmet and if you look really carefully, during some scenes you can actually see his hair sticking out like spider pubes.

Also Elliot Gould wasn't first choice for the movie, originally one Lawrence Tierny was cast but after a night's drinking during pre-production he challenged OJ Simpson to a knife fight ( OJ declined saying his insurers wouldn't allow it ) and ultimately the studio backing the project's development decided he was too much of a " risk x "factor and the role went to Gould.

Somebody ask me how I know so much about this movie.


First off, that wasn't an exposé? I thought it was a docudrama of some sort.

Injust chalked-up the idea that I never even heard of the mission because it was expunged from the record because of the whistleblowing!

And that Tierny guy played the insane Mage in "Deep Space Nine". So maybe the producers thought he was too close to the truth, having already played a outer space man.

And how do you know so much about this?

I'm not telling you.


It's got O.J., the guy from Law & Order, Mr Barbara Streisand and Ray Donovan's friend Ezra (RIP); it's gotta be good (spoiler alert: It is good).

Thank you, yes it is. I'm quite proud of it.

The police planted narcotics in the bathroom cabinet of Ray Donovan's friend Ezra (RIP) in Capricorn One and Fuhrman planted the glove at Rockingham; coincidence?
I think not.

Are you Sir Lew Grade?

No but you're closer than you know.


His son?

Not quite.

Friend of Paul Lazarus?

Nah, I fucked a girl who was in a movie directed by Hyams who talked a lot when her mouth wasn't full of my sausage. She had a pretty big part in it, as did I it turns out.


I knew there was a Karen Black "connection"! heh

Good guess but not quite, although I would have for shits n giggs. Think nearer the millennium.

I'm at a loss, Sir. I'm stumped! Unless, of course, you took Hal Holbrook deep!

Sounds like the ultimate Quanspiracy

It was spaceshuttle endeavouw


It's Wernher Von Braunstein, and he was a Oberfuhrer in the SS!