shes just your type breakable

8  2016-08-01 by [deleted]



she's worse than last year

...this tiny senior citizen has been following her for at least a year lol.

Sure she was brought up on O&A

Fuck /u/stinkskc looks terrible.

I kinda look shitty irl too

The Breakable Kimmy Split

Well there goes my appetite

Good, you don't want to be fat like this whore.



You know ant is thinking he could put a pillow over her head and be legally fuckin a child's body

Yeah, because Ant worries about "legally" doing things.

Looks like she could use a cheeseburger right gang?

A few and a big tall milkshake

Rich cunt doesn't want to eat, fuck her.

Kinda hard to feel sorry for someone who starves herself to death living in the most affluent society in history. Not only is every kind of food available to her, but the knowledge about what food to eat has never been so accessible either..

Crushable ribs. Like popping a sheet of bubble wrap.

Perfect body for Holocaust roleplay.

Ant loves him some brittle, breakable ribs.

I thought you were going to post the picture of her "roastie", as the kids these days call it.

so skinny, but vag lips so meaty.

Its red... Why is she aroused?

Jimmy would love her. The fattest part of her body is that pussy. Fucking 10/10

Should do an update on this "radio star". He's even worse than last year. People are literally watching him dying.

Her arms creep me the fuck out, so gross

Imagine the damage he would end up doing to those hands and ribs.

I remember that "oops my vagina popped out" video

Why the fuck do people care? Go to Google and get better porn in seconds.


Ant needs a little meat on a gal; just enough to soften a blow to the ribs.

What an attention whore

She looked like Stetten in the thumbnail.

I thought Tammy Faye already died