Ralphie_May: I love that the man who took down @realDonaldTrump was a Muslim immigrant.

0  2016-08-01 by bobomobile


I love that the man who took down Ralphie May drops fries in oil for $8 an hour.

That nigga took Patrice too!

I let half my Big Mac fall to the curb for Patrice

I didn't. Patrice was funny but that Big Mac is good stuff, so fuck him lol

That "lol" makes me furious. Consider me an enemy.

Oh well. Live and learn! hhhheh heh haeh

Ralphie will probably be found dead of a massive heart attack in a small town Motel 6 before November, and they'll have to tear out a door frame to get his corpse out. So who cares what he thinks about the future.

It will take ten stout men to raise him via pulleys and he'll be buried in a baby grand piano crate.

No jokes, but watchin him on that roast battle, how does he fit through door ways?

I've never seen him in profile, but he might be able to slide in sideways a la Flats from spongebob

He doesn't have a profile, he's round

Ralphie forgets about the time Khan marooned the crew of the Reliant on Ceti Alpha V, putting creatures in Chekov's body, and trying to steal the Genesis device in order to get revenge on Kirk. Aboo.

He tasks me....

wha....whats that a Seinfeld reference? sniff SNOWAYYYY!!

ME: I need to check Star Trek out again. Last one I saw was the one with the planet of wooookieeeees!

IS that the consensus? That Trump was taken down? It's pretty much a non-story at this point.

Are you kidding? It was on all the morning shows. Trump is just so stupid he walked into it. Wouldn't have even been a story had Trump not said what he said

It's a story that just makes people who hate him already hate him more and makes his voters not give a care. Undecided voters are retards so who cares what they think.

Trump is already backtracking. All he had to do was offer sympathy and say he disagreed with the guy. Instead he went after him and his wife and so it stays in the news cycle another 3 days. Trump is just a moron.

People aren't in the mood to sympathize with Muslims right now. Tons dead, we live in a fucking surveillance state because they need to live here, we have to wait in lines at the airport and have our nuts groped because they need to live here etc. If Clinton and the left want to die on that hill defending Muslims, so be it, it won't hurt Trump at all as there will be another terrorist attack in 3.....2....1....

No. Fat wiggers are what makes America great...

huh? What?

Anytime I hear Ralphie May I remember the story Joey Diaz told on his podcast when him and ralphie were in a movie theater, high as hell, throwing peanut M&M's at the back of peoples heads.

you really think Ralphie ever threw any food away let alone delicious peanut M&M's ?

and he was high.

My god you're right.

You'd think that the man would have better judgement than to support a woman whose votes as a Senator authorized the illegal war that got his son killed. A person whose dangerous foreign policy record reveals one undeniable truth: A Hillary Clinton presidency equals more senseless deaths of American servicemen and more domestic terror.


I love that the thing that will take down @Ralphie_May is a massive heart attack

To say this incident "took down" Trump is ridiculous. It'll be forgotten about by the end of the week at the latest.

Who gives a fuck what that fat, annoying, unfunny, lardass thinks anyway? I hope his next tweet is his obituary, posted my his grieving relieved family.

This is why ralphie is a moron. Not even 6 months ago this guy was getting shows cancelled for some media coverage about him hating native americans that was pure bullshit, called them all liars for purposely misrepresenting him, but now that its someone else's turn in the shit show he believes everything he hears.

Ralphie attacked the oldest Americans in favor the newest "so called" Americans.

He tasks me....

wha....whats that a Seinfeld reference? sniff SNOWAYYYY!!

ME: I need to check Star Trek out again. Last one I saw was the one with the planet of wooookieeeees!