Baby Bangs

13  2016-08-01 by ScorzeMan


Aging rock hack douchebags like this twat & Joseph Cumia are the reason your kids became wiggers.

That and Creed are why white women mudsharked.


He banged Robin Quivers, you guys could could never get a girl that sexy I bet he rocked her fuckin cooter so hard she was quiverin

FAAAWK YEAH! I bet his landing strip was drenched in PUSSY JUICE

Her father finger banged her in 1st grade. She would lick Bobo's asshole without prompting.

I know she's always been really out of shape but 10 years ago she really wasn't terrible. That looks like Nick is hugging his grandmother

And your point is?

The fucking soul patch. You suck Florentine.

And now his gimmick is to talk about what men shouldn't do because its childish. Have a beard or shave it off, none of that weird shit.

It's there to soak up the cum so he doesn't lose a drop.

I don't want to look at this man's face

"Baby bangs"

What are 'The next things Ant will be arrested for', Alex?

You've got a little something underneath your lips, bro.

the body of a cuckold

Sweet bowling shirt brah.

Nice 12 year old looking haircut.

YUCK. Jim "Eggs" Florentine stinks and I don't like him.

He looks like an 80s Christian Rock bass player at the Dove Awards.

What is he 5?

Only children and faggots have bangs....What kind of man has bangs? Besides one who loves a stiff meat whistle sliding across his lips, I hope he bangs his head on a garbage truck doing 50 in a school zone.

he really does have a punchable face doesn't he.

No top lip-having mutha hucker!

Is that really his nose?

suck in those cheeks a little more faggot

Please, guys, please... tell me that is not a recent photo.


Why is his skin yellow in certain areas? Serious replies only.

Rock 'n roll liver

I'd hate to bring up the fact that his marriage got torn apart when his wife made him a cuckhold...

But it's probably his own fault for ever having looking like that.

He was funny when he was in like three times a year.

Jim touched my dick and forced wrestling pictures in my pocket. Idk wtf his deal is I just said I was a fan

bowling shirt

hes got the same haircut as napolian dynamite in that ice skating movie

And your point is?

That and Creed are why white women mudsharked.

Her father finger banged her in 1st grade. She would lick Bobo's asshole without prompting.

FAAAWK YEAH! I bet his landing strip was drenched in PUSSY JUICE