Just heard Jim's advice show where caller asks about October

0  2016-07-31 by Mr702law

He says he will be meeting with Anthony. Mentions Opie and him probably have different visions of a show. Then compliments what Opie does is hard and him and Anthony are better counterpunchers and whenever he has to run the show when Opie is gone he sees how hard it is.

Then at the end he brings it back that in end though this is his job and although he's a successful comedian he's not Bill Burr and he doesn't make 100k a gig... Which basically means if he gets an offer he's taking it.


You forgot Peckahs dick nose

Edit - I take this back. Op was telling the truth

Yeah, but what about addiction?

I don't know, that's a tough one man, maybe go to a meeting or something.

link? I don't believe anything on this sub w/r/t to this stuff

This is pretty much word for word what Jim said.



Does CQ, the legend, also use that abbreviation?

It's not true.

edit: I was wrong

I'm driving in my car. I didn't have a recorder running.

nobody's asking for a cassette recorder.

Jim can't leave the nest and therefore will never be successful

Heard the same thing. He is just waiting for Ant to open his studio in the City.