"The Wave" on Roast Battle

24  2016-07-31 by AccidentalRenaissanc

Whatever out-of-touch executive thought that forcing that pantomiming bullshit along with those obnoxious sound effects into what I thought was a pretty solid show should be shot.

"The Wave" doesn't only not add anything to the show, it actively distracts the audience and viewer which is disrespectful to the comedians on stage and the viewer's intelligence.


The wave is part of the original show at the Comedy Store in LA. It wasn't an out of touch exec. It works really well in the small room upstairs. Not sure it translated that we'll for television.

Not sure it translated that we'll for television.

It didn't.

The bit I watched they ran up on stage and acted like they got shot while sound effects were being spammed, it's pretty cringy IMO

What is this? A fucking high school pep rally? It's stupid. If I was in a comedy club watching a roast and these cunts kept going on stage after every zing I'd be heaving rocks glasses at their head as hard as I could


those spastic faggots can take their show ruining act else where.

It was funnier when it was called the negro wave.

The entire concept doesn't translate to television. The fucking judges act like they are on AGT. Its cringey and unwatchable

Who was the guy that started the roast battles with Brian moses in LA that got pushed out when Jeff Ross wanted in, I think I've heard you mention him on RAP. He had some disagreement with Jeff Ross and Jeff got him banned from the Comedy Store if I remember right.

Rell Battle. He's actually one of the producers of the TV show. I believe they have all squashed it. He produces the Roast Battle at NY Comedy Club. Mike Lawrence and I produce RoastMasters at The Stand which is actually the sister show of the LA version. Any time Ross is in town he judges RoastMasters.

Fantastic. Is Colin Quinn still booked for LoS?


Are they those unfunny fags who run up on stage when someone tells a decent joke?

Those would be the ones

Bottom line, "the wave" doesn't fucking work on T.V. Was their no pre release testing done before airing? They walk straight onto stage and ruin any momentum a comic might be building. The comics themselves look at them in bewilderment like who is letting these idiots on the stage?

The comics themselves look at them in bewilderment like who is letting these idiots on the stage?

And every single guest judge that's been on gives the same look when they realize they're going to be doing their shtick for every laugh

I'm watching Season 2 and in Episode 2 one of the comics can't stop talking about them. You can tell he's super distracted and irritated. At the end he says 'Jeff Ross you better pay me double for this minstrel show shit".

that was funny as hell. that's exactly how me and my friend felt too. that stupid shit drives me crazy. and whoever thought this shit would be funny is seriously immature and out of touch.

I fucking hate The Wave, they ruin all the momentum of the comedy with their distracting bullshit. It's like I'm laughing at a joke of what the comedian says, then these idiots run up on stage and try to take all the attention away from the comedian and I immediately stop laughing. They just look like three stupid drunken frat boys who want all the attention because they think they're so much funnier than the actual act. What they do doesn't even make sense according to what was said on the stage (case in point: a guy shaving his pubes on stage -- is that comedy?). What I hate even more than the fucking Wave is the fact that every fucking comedian keeps saying how much they "love" the Wave and what they're doing. What kind of pandering bullshit is that? The only one who actually gave them a piece of their mind was Ralphie May, who made me laugh when he got pissed off at them doing their bullshit.

Yeah, I searched google for "roast battle wave" because I needed to get this off my chest. They almost singlehandedly ruined the damn thing for me. That, and some of the judges making obviously wrong calls (especially on night 3).

I laughed at the 9/11 one, but the rest of the time it pretty much stunk.

Without their shitness to fill up the show, the episodes would be like ten minutes long.

that was literally the one 'skit' they did I laughed at and purely because it was actually topical and they had a known fraud on stage

Yea it's really bad.. they get on stage way too frequently.. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they were in the background.


I especially hate the unfunny white faggot.

He looks like a young Opie, same fag hair as well.

I agree. The wave is fucking awful and just doesn't make sense. The 9/11 one was funny as shit though.


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Kevin Hart put it best: "Whatever they are paying you, I wanna talk to you, this needs to stop!"

Im not sure Opie would even stoop this low to this type of shitty attempt at humor...oh wait...

The wave sucked and the judges drone on for way to long.

Just watched the finale (and the ones leading up to it). Those 3 guys annoyed the hell out of me the entire time! So fucking stupid. You could tell that some of the judges felt the same way; Seth Rogan's face was priceless.

İt's for sure douche chill. Makes me not want to watch it

Honestly I'll still watch it because the acts themselves are usually funny (Ralphie May and Steve Rannazzisi being called on their abhorrent personal lives was gold Jerry, GOLD) but If I gave a grade to the show with and without 'the wave' the scores would be 4/10 with and 9/10 without, that's how fucking distracting it is to have a miniature version of "Who's line is it anyway" every single time someone tells a joke that gets a laugh.

Like someone mentioned earlier, keep 'The Wave' for all I care but put them in a lesser role and not at the forefront of the fuckin' stage every time a good joke is told. We are not so stupid we need to be force-fed our laughs, we're sold on the show already. We're comedy fans. Appeal to the lowest common denominator all you want Comedy Central but your fan base is already watching and the people who tune in solely for 'The Wave' are the same people who watch Norm MacDonald and mutter 'I don't get it' to the person who took them there.

With the wave it's a 0/10. They make the entire show an unwatchable non stop cringe affair.


Keep it going!


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The bit I watched they ran up on stage and acted like they got shot while sound effects were being spammed, it's pretty cringy IMO

It was funnier when it was called the negro wave.

Who was the guy that started the roast battles with Brian moses in LA that got pushed out when Jeff Ross wanted in, I think I've heard you mention him on RAP. He had some disagreement with Jeff Ross and Jeff got him banned from the Comedy Store if I remember right.


Not sure it translated that we'll for television.

It didn't.

those spastic faggots can take their show ruining act else where.

The entire concept doesn't translate to television. The fucking judges act like they are on AGT. Its cringey and unwatchable
