Looks like Von raised her daughter to be a grade A hoe, would Patrice be proud or ashamed?

0  2016-07-31 by EddieRibs


I'm sure he'd think you were an awesome guy for commenting on it.

Bangin body imo

She looks alright.

He'd love her regardless. Anyways Von is hotter.



Theres hours of youtube videos about how her mom loves getting fucked and doing threesomes, its a natural path

look a the jaw and forehead on that bitch ...looking like she got fat sharrod tongue too ... pretty sweet body though

The jaw does kind of have a Gervase from Survivor thing going on. Forehead looks normal to me...

She's fuckable.



Get a room you two!

She looks great, especially standing next to that retard.


Who invited the mortgage broker on the right

She looks like a Ferengi.

holy shit, she does.


Wow...she's goofy looking.

Does that girl have Patrice's DNA? Did Patrice have kids?


How is he a cuck if she had a kid before he met her? At least use the word properly lmfao

They're wearing matching outfits

Attell looks like a fuckn nyc cabby from the 50's twilight zone

That was nice of Rich to bring Bonnie's sister to the show. Look at her big downsy grin what a happy lass.


isn't that her with the hat on?

