show where the blonde hair guy friend of kevin james picked up on cumias fake drug stories

1  2016-07-30 by olebillyredface28

Tranth says he was always to scared to deal or do drugs and then 10 minutes later tells a story of him and samcro Joe dealing coke and free base and people coming to the house, long hair blonde guy called him out and said said something, anyone have a date for the show I only remember listening to it on a worst of, it was 2010

Not Kevin James! Kevin the little comic fucker what the fuck is his last name the two of them were in that drug movie


Are you talking about Jason Mewes?


You realise you could have saved this trainwreck of a post with 5 minutes on google?

David Spade


Kevin Smith and Jason Memes? How did you mistake him for the king of Queens?


I left it because I thought it was kinda funny

Also op is a real moron isn't he? What an out of touch creep