O&A Pests and this subs rebellion quick mention on Rogan (starts 22:00)

2  2016-07-30 by EncinoEscobar


I don't see how Trumps fans are anymore rabid or 'dangerous' than any other politician fans. That's a lot of horse shit from the lil fella.

Have you been to that subreddit?

Yes. How are they rabid or dangerous? There's a lot of really funny guys there. The serious posts are nothing more than exposing the other sides lies/failures. Same thing I've ever seen in every political forum (outside of actually being funny too). They look hardcore because there's so many of them and Hillary doesn't have an equivilant because she isn't as popular. /r/politics actually masquerading as impartial, thats way worse.

They're certainly 'dangerous' to the Clinton campaign. And they grow in numbers thanks to disgruntled Bernie supporters every day.

Oh that's what you meant by dangerous, then sure.

I mean, it is pretty noteworthy how influential they've been in spreading all the dishonest shit Hillary's been up to, and the media alongside of her. Obviously, a lot of it is just them bragging amongst themselves about how well Trump is doing and how scared liberals must be, but I'd take them over Hillary supporters any day.

Trump has repeatedly condoned political violence.

BLM is more dangerous, politically violent and more frequent than any "Trump condoned political violence". Hillary and the DNC are buttbuddies with BLM and the thugs parents talking at the DNC is not just political violence condoning it's glorification of it. And anyway his condoning was to hecklers, bunch of gnats - hate them at stand up shows, hate them anywhere, fuck them.

The Democrats have condemned violence by protestors. The biggest threat to America currently is Donal Trump in terms of the economy, national security and his undermining of democratic norms.

The Democrats have condemned violence by protestors.

Nope. Not by being involved with BLM and inviting thug mommys they're not.

National security

Hillary is the biggest threat to national security. I won't list all the reasons why she's already proven she's dangerous to national security (the video below is semi relevant) whereas you're completely guessing for Trump in a what if scenario. You've read through the DNC wikileaks, they have been undermining democratic norms in their methods and in states like California (Bernie kerfuffle). If by undermining norms you're also talking about decorum in a political setting, good. The Clinton Foundation exchanging political favors for gifts is undermining democratic norms.

Unrelated if you have a few minutes, I find these displays worse and scarier than any sort of flip flopped opinions of Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI

The democrats have condemned violence by BLM protestors, trump has actively encouraged violence from his supporters.

If you say the democrats endorse BLM violence, by the same token would argue that Trump endorses violence by the KKK and neo-Nazi groups he's associated with?

It's a stark false equivalence to compare what was revealed in the DNC leaks to the proposed limits on press freedom, etc. proposed by Trump.

It's ridiculous to suggest that Clinton will threaten national security more than Trump, when he undermines NATO, undermines East Asian alliances, empowers Russia, starts a trade war with China, etc. Not to mention Trump and his policies being a catalyst for Islamist radicalisation.

There are numerous instances of Trump lying on public record too.

I'm not saying Hilary or the Democrats are great, but Trump is a disaster for America economically, internationally and constitutionally.


See, voting for Hillary is like eating a bowl of re-heated microwavable brown rice: boring. You don't get to give the skinny on how "well actually, the experienced politician would be worse than the reality television star." You don't get to say cool Heath Ledger Joker type phrases like "I'm just sayin' fuck it and ridin' this thing to hell" under your breath to yourself in the voting booth.

People voting for Trump are as "part of something, maaaaaaaaan" as OWS was. Your Presidential choice should be boring.

Also, when did it stop being a given that every politician is a lying, corrupt piece of shit? I don't understand why this is a problem for anyone.


He's looking at that stool like he's about to hump it and scream "DOLLA DOLLA BILLS Y'ALL!" at any moment. A true artist.



What kind of gay nazi aids patient posts a youtube link without a time stamp?

The queerest damn fag north of Lance Bass's asshole.
