Any one listen to Andy Kindlers "State of the Industry" speech?

12  2016-07-30 by MotherBoy90

I'm about 40 minutes in so far and it's fucking awful. He's going in on Louis CK, Gervais, Leno, Dane Cook, and Maher. Who does this nothing think he is?


I like stand-up comedy, not people talking about stand-up comedy. And having a state of the industry speech is pretty pointless - we're the ones watching comedy, we know the state of it.

I like talking about stand up comedy and hate Andy Kindler.

He does it every year, but is civilians dont get it. To put it in perspective, Joe DeRosa idolizes him as the funniest person he knows. As you can tell Kindler and DeRosa are both not funny and idiots like them give other shitty comics hope. Fuck'em both.

they only have an affinity for each other because together they can form one full set of shoulders.

Aren't these the same exact comedians he bashes every year? Yeah, don't bash truly awful "comedians" like Amy Schumer, Jamie Kilstein, or Franchesca Ramsey. Go after Jay Leno and Dane Cook because it was the edgy thing to do back in 2006.

He doesn't bash progressive fags and women, just the evil cis-het white male shitlords.

How about Jimmy Fallon? The most popular unfunny late night host on television? Whoops, Mr. Brutally Honest might not want to blow a shot at being on his show. I fucking hate Kindler

Kindler has slammed Jimmy Fallon about 23,000 times. It's not the fact that you're wrong, but the fact that you're so fired up about something you're wrong about.

Whatevs, he is still a fat little dweeb who has never said anything funny. How's that?

How the fuck is franchesca Ramsey a fucking comedian?

İs that Gordon Ramsay's pizza oven?

He is unfunny and gives me the creeps. He really looks like he has some sexual issue. Someone really should look at his hard drive.

I have no idea where this cunt got his reputation from or why anyone cares. Enough big names wash his balls though. Saw a clip of his stand up, it was humiliating.

I listened to the one after Anthony was fired where Kindler quoted the tweets. Never again, he's fucking terrible.

This nerdy old Jew walks out to London Calling?? Gimme a fucking break.

In fairness, I've heard Auschwitz Calling and it's not nearly as catchy.

Amy was accused of stealing from like 10 people including a dead black guy on her special she recorded at the Apollo. Wouldn't she be a natural target for this speech?

Good God, this is atrocious. Bomb after bomb with him doing his meta commentary about his act. How do people think this is smart comedy? It's the dumbest, laziest hackery there is. He's incapable of writing something funny.

He couldn't find anyone relevant to go after?

I'm about 40 minutes in

Its remarkable how actively people on this sub seek out useless things to be outraged about.

I heard Rich and Bon Vos say that Andy Kindler hates when people joke about homeless people just FYI for those of you with Twitter.

Yeah, but no one ever mentions cop killer apologist Andy Kindler at these things. The guy hates cops, and defends those that kill them, haven't you heard?

Well I am sort of surprised that i agree with one thing that piece of shit preaches.


When did he start using Ron Bennington's delivery style?


No.Remember Never Ever Funny.

I just tried to listen, but this guy sounds like a stuttering muttering fag who had one too many drinks.

He's so fucking pathetic, writes shitty jokes that bomb, then acknowledges it and this is the god of comedy? what a zilch


Like any Hillary speech I don't have the stomach for it. Would much rather listen to other people talk about it after.

For some reason other comics say he's funny.. I dont get it, at all..

Andy Kindler is the Joe DeRosa of comedy.

if you cant be funny ... talk about why even though everyone else is funnier they are all bad people

Thanks for reminding me. I love the way that little jew triggers you faggots with his awful schtick.

Tell me more about what you love, queerbo. I really need to know.

I love the idea of you pissing your pants over some road comics terrible one liners on twitter because he attacked Anthony Cumia 3 years ago. A guy everyone here now shits on. People give Milo credit for being a master troll, meanwhile look how riled up this little asshole gets this whole sub. How does he do it? By making the worst jokes on earth. It's fucking awesome.

Ooooh, a piss fetish. Kinky.

You know what.......You're alright.