
154  2016-07-29 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Tss yeah he Lynches people.

Jimmy as the monstrous baby and Opie as the Lady in the Radiator is what really sells it for me.

Some 14 year old from West Babylon muttering "in heaven everything is fine" in a Xanax haze

In heaven everything is fine, except this.

Not getting rave reviews, but I like it; what do I know.

Those reviewers in their ivory towers. Me I hardly get time to go to the movies I'm on the job all the time.

How's the economy treating you lately, Joe?

Ahh color is overrated. Give me a thermos and coffee in front the ol' black and white and I'm happy.

Tsssss what is his fawkin world black n white or sumthin

Now those look individually placed

Just cut them up, like regular peckahs.

Jim as the deformed baby. My ribs are hurtin'.

Jimmys face makes it. I like that he isnt shown having arms - true to his worm-like persona.

Ant should have been the girl with the pockmarked cheeks...

I want an imgur gallery of all the O&A movie titles you fuckers have made.

In Heaven...everything is white....

Should've had Amy as the lady in the radiator.

good god this fucking movie haUNTS ME

You may like this song about Eraserhead by Bruce McCulloch from the comedy Troup "the kids in the Hall"


It's been a while, I gotta re-watch it.

Thats fantastic haha ::applauds::



Now someone needs to photoshop Ant as Killer BOB.


Looks like Barton Fink

The hair is right.

I like it, aside from having that twats name anywhere near it. Sorry but a victim twat is still a twat.

Just think of the thorn in the side of Ant she is, you'll find a little place in your heart for that unwashed little girl.

I hope you didn't spend too much time on this.

I did not.

It shows.

Good? Just goofing around fella. I'll make sure to send anything your way for approval next time.


Do you really think this is funny?

I was certainly laughing at how stupid it was when I made it, so yes.


In your defense, this is indeed monstrously stupid.

Some 14 year old from West Babylon muttering "in heaven everything is fine" in a Xanax haze