Hosting an /r/opienadanthony subreddit gathering; location pending (likely held in NYC) [details]

0  2016-07-29 by itrits



I was honestly coming in here to ask which buffet it would be at.


  • Buffet
  • Prison
  • Anywhere not within 500 feet of a middle school



I hate that place.

I'll be there, whatever time my shift at the bowling alley finishes

Stinks will have everyone over for punch and pie

It'll be just like ants protest

Psssh like we could get Bobo to show up.

I would line you queers up like bowling pins and knock you down one at a time

can you provide proof that you are not some fat, unhealthy slob?


I don't think he meant physically. His smell permeating from pockets of fat due to not showering would render others unconscious.

yea ok

Man it would have been so much fun!! We could have had the Human Centipede Experience. Contacted Guiness World Records and tried for the largest circle jerk in history. See which couple could keep a snowball going the longest. Group docking. Ahh the fun we'd have.


  • Buffet
  • Prison
  • Anywhere not within 500 feet of a middle school
