Friday's Opie Morning Zoo: A New Low

8  2016-07-29 by 867-5309-

I fucking dare you to listen to Friday's show, it is simply dreadful. It features the coma-inducing Jamie Jasta and a metal-loving comedian whose response to everything is "I'm not 12."

It's absolutely terrible in every way possible.

I can't imagine that the noticeable absence of Sherrod and Vic this morning and today's Zika outbreak is just a coincidence.

Thoughts and prayers.


We know. The rest of us stopped listening years ago

About two years ago, to be exact.

I punched out when Patrice died.

So did Patrice.

Well, to be fair they did spend some time talking about cutting dairy out of their diets and how the new dairy free ice creams are actually pretty good! I thought i was listening to the View for a while.

They're cutting dairy because they probably get runny old man shits if they eat it.


You mean you didn't enjoy Jasta BLOWING OPIE'S MIND MAHHHN by recommending shitty death metal covers of songs like Gangsta's Paradise that he would then play from YouTube?

Just seeing that written made me barf. Now he'll be playing those for openers. The death metal cover of Where Have All the Cowboys Gone or a screamo cover of The Jefferson's theme.

Jamie Jasta says nothing of note and is not at all interesting yet he insists on dominating every discussion.

It was really odd that while he was boasting about his band recently touring with the Offspring and Opie was trying to remember the name of the Offspring's lead singer, Jasta didn't know the dude's name.

Was Kevin Brennan at least busting balls?

yes. Him and the guy who do the podcast fight like girls going after the same cock. In this cases Opies. I think they are actually a good listen might try out their podcast.

Don't worry, I tweeted at him last week that he needs a new co host so the girlishness should be taken care of by the next episode.

I really enjoyed it at first but it's gotten old and it's kind of annoying him just screaming at you. Listen to cum town though I've listened to every episode twice already it's so good

No thanks, keep your dare, I'm not 12.
