Jimmy Fallon is such a cunt

14  2016-07-29 by JMueller2012


Jimmy Fallon is the personification of a sitcom's live-studio audience.

İt's criminal they took the show from Conan

I think Conan has more creative control over on TBS. Plus a lot of his clips go viral so people know where he is.

Conan was best on NBC but now he just panders and sells out to Hillary on TBS. His show really isint that funny unless its a remote segment now.

I like Conan but he does too many Trump jokes and they all suck, half these hosts should just cut the monologue jokes

The leaked emails already implicated the news media as getting talking points from Hillary, it's not that crazy to think Daily Show/late night shows don't do the same.

Jesus Christ, that sounds crazy lol but it's entirely feasible.

Stewart was discovered to be in the White House visitors log meeting with Obama a few times.

almost as faggotty as seth meyers.

HAHA everything is hilarious! Fucking faggot

"He looks like he does rails of mdma before every show" - Soder on Fallon.

fucking reaction robot
