
0  2016-07-28 by somarock

What happened to their twitter feed? Seems like it was all deleted and now shows as joined in July 2016. What's the deal?


Investigate further and get back to us. We're counting on you.


They changed their handle from "@OpieandJimmy" to "@SXMOpieRadio" after their little lovers quarrel yesterday. Meanwhile one of us shitheads slipped in and grabbed the "@OpieandJimmy" name. Now that Tits and Worm made up they went back to switch the twitter name back, but it was gone. Now they are "@OpieWithJimmy"

god damn that's funny.

This guy has stumbled onto something big here

its gotta be a band new account because i'm no longer blocked...

This is the account they disbanded the other day and someone snapped it up is all.