The interns who work on the show get paid now but guests like Sherrod, Chris Destifino and vic henley only get food

0  2016-07-28 by Dennyislife

In other words they can only get in people who are doing so badly they cannot afford breakfast.


they're still overpaid.

Sherrod will cuck for chicken

♫ Love that chicken from Popeye's ♫

is it a decent breakfast?

It doesn't bother me. Honestly, they are obviously very willing to come in at the drop of a hat and do 3.5 hours of radio for free several days a week. They obviously don't have much going on otherwise they'd ask for some money.

I'm sure there is plenty of money to hire an official 3rd mic but why should the show bother if all of these guys are willing to come in for free?

If only they cared about the show enough to get a good third mic that would need to be paid...

How do interns get paid? I thought college internships were unpaid because they are part of their academic obligations?