The Anthony Cumia Show - East Side Dave jerks off Bobo

49  2016-07-28 by cwr


The important thing for Dave here is that he's leaving a proud legacy for his children before he commits suicide.

"Son... i ate shit and beat off retards so you and your sister dont have to when you grow up"

"Yeah, but you weren't paid to do either of those things, so why would we have had to do it?"

"Didn't you actually pay to jerk off one of those retards?"

I think its also important to point out that hes either going through or about to go through a divorce that will include some type of custody agreement for his kids. I wonder if something wretched like this will come up at all?

honestly I think jerking off retards for a goof is a pretty good reason to lose a custody battle.

Can it still be considered a goof if you actually do it? Doing it as a goof would be like if Dave went "Hey I'm gonna jerk this guy off haha!" and then just mock jerks him off. But Dave actually put a man's penis in his hand and made it hard. It is no longer a goof. It's just gay sex now.

This network of Anthony's is really something else.

I think most us can agree that ESD swallowed Bobo's load for money after the show so he could buy medicine for his kids.

This could all be part of a well thought-out plan.

Is it cheaper to raise those two kids outright,

or cheaper to pay regular installments of "child support"?

Unless he draws Fucktwat the Judge to rule the case it probably won't go well for him.

Didn't he come up with Fucktwat the Clown because he felt some of the people on the channel didnt show him any respect? I wonder why

Yah, you'd think shoving a cigarette pack up his ass would've garnered all the respect he craved.

Scooby dooby cawk!

She might be so batshit, that even this won't sway a court's opinion.

Those poor kids. What a choice of guardians ...

I thought his piece of shit wife just let him have the kids so she could fuck drummers at will.

I'm sure they're not really his.

this is exactly what I was thinking, you can see desperation in that guys face and sadness, he is absolutely the most likely to commit suicide and if one of these "friends" tried to help him maybe it could be avoided.

I don't get why people find East Side Dave funny.

He was great on Ron & Fez. As his alcoholism, drug addictions, and mental illness have progressed he's still funny but in a sad, pitiful way. I like it.

You don't think "Suck and fuck dawgsies" is funny?

I drink a lot

See, I'm a Dave fan and I'm undecided about whether this makes me like him less or more.

And see, I was sitting here thinking this might make me subscribe to the network. You have officially met someone worse off than you.

He is an absolutely manic depressive bisexual liberal faggot like nearly everyone in this sub, that's why.

Stop projecting you queer

It's not projecting at all when you here are tranny porn loving Bernie fags who think Jon Stewart is an apolitical comedian, Ant is an eviw waythitht, and your heroes are Faggot McGuinness and Needs-Mental-Help-Deviant-Sex-Addict-ClosetFag Norton.

So what you're saying here is literally everyone in this sub is a carefully constructed strawman

How many average size cocks can you fit in your mouth?

7, and there's always room for 8.

This isn't a liberal sub you fucking retard faggot.


Nah I still dont find him funny.

this is interesting, I would describe myself honestly as a 'manic depressive bisexual liberal faggot'

oh.. further reading tells me you're a troll :(

You are a pathetic fucking faggot who not only voluntarily comments but then puts on an act like you shouldn't have; I'd say die of AIDS but you already admitted that you're well on your way.


No, you're a manic depressive bisexual liberal faggot. Go back to /r/HillaryClinton you lefty libtard

Ha! Me as a leftist? I'd already have a 12ga sized hole in my head because I'd realize I'm an enormous, uneducated, AIDS-filled asshole and that the world is better without me.

HEADS UP TO ANYONE READING THIS EXCHANGE. /u/libsarefaggots has several alt accounts that he uses to promote Hillary Clinton for President. This account is used to make Conservatives sound like racists and homophobes. /u/libsarefaggots is a flaming liberal & is probably being paid by the Clinton campaign to smear conservatives.


I fucking knew it. That guy is a bleeding heart faggot.

What lib isn't?

HEADS UP TO ANYONE READING THIS EXCHANGE. /u/libsarefaggots has several alt accounts that he uses to promote Hillary Clinton for President. This account is used to make Conservatives sound like racists and homophobes. /u/libsarefaggots is a flaming liberal & is probably being paid by the Clinton campaign to smear conservatives.

The effort this took...

Go back to defending your favorite queer lover Hillary. Maybe spend some time defending her RAPIST husband.

I'll think of you when I'm cashing my next welfare check

Shut your whore mouth.

Whether you are a "leftist" or absolutely are still all of those things.

Shilling is no better than thought-control Orwell shit. You should be ashamed of yourself, selling out humanity in this way.

Only someone who is desperate to suck a cock can feel that passionate about homosexuals.You're like Josh Brolin in Milk.

Only faggots utilize the "says fag is fag" argument in a desperate attempt to act like they can actually rebut what I say. I didn't see Milk because I don't watch fag movies.

How are you not completely bored by this corny persona you've adopted? Such a waste of energy!

Your user name is homosexually oriented every other word you type is fag or gay.... Buddy I think your repressed gayness is coming out in a real useless angry way.

says fag is fag

Again, the retarded reddit faggot shows his grasp on psychology.


"What a Fellini movie" spoken like a guy who has never seen a Fellini movie.

Anthony's fall from grace after breaking up with a girl 30 years younger than him is eerily similar to that of the main character in La Strada....

Kinda is, fam. Fellini was degenerate AF.

As much as Passolini?

I have no idea who that is, I'm a straight white male.

Yeah kinda, fam.

Is everyone/everything on that network gay?

It would certainly appear so.

It seems this is the next evolution for Anthony & Friends. Nothing else is working, so they're just coming to terms with being gay. Can't say I understand it, but maybe there's an audience out there for this stuff.

Mike Finoia is getting bukkakied by the rest of the fellas as a goof next. Just wacky hijinks, not gross and queer!

This is why Opie was very protective of his powers to call the shots on the show.

they should fuck bobo in the ass next time for maximum wackiness

Bobo's going on Gavin's show?


Preferably with the custom sex toy from the movie Seven.

This clip is more entertaining than the combination of everything oqie has ever mush mouthed into the mic.

Has anyone informed Bobo that letting another man jerk you off is, in fact, gay?

Bobo is probably entering Wheelchair Fred territory where any stimulation from another human is good stimulation.

I mean... he did do Cherry Darts, he's probably come to grips with it at this point.

He told me it didn't happen

This is exactly the type of shit Opie didn't wanna do anymore on the radio,Ant seems more than happy to have his network become a joke that sadly just ain't funny,not siding with Opie btw just pointing out one of them is uptight and the other is suffering from some weird mental arrested development.

Opies show is boring but atleast he realized the time had passed for this type of radio.

And Daveys stuck wondering why no one takes him seriously.

It's funny to me that that is the one thing Opie maybe brought to the table. Without those kinds of stunts, Opie literally has nothing. He isn't funny in the least, not interesting either, and damn sure cannot interview for shit... I mean the fucking dope can't even read and talk at the same time.

As for Dave, no idea what the fuck he is doing, but he's one of the main reasons I check out old R&F clips. His solo show was meh

Yeah the time for insane junkies jerking off retards is done, now it's the golden era of talking about diets, passive aggressive sniping, and stumbling through news headlines.


This video makes it look like this is the first Ant is seeing of it though, it's likely that he didn't sanction this and just lets Dave run riot on his own show, you can see in this video Ant actually shocked and cringing a bit.

I refuse to watch this, but did they just molest a retarded man?

Yeah, i'm not clicking the link either. I'm taking the headlne at face value and assuming that is A: what happened and B; people are paying money for access to this 'content.' Really disturbing on both counts.

I watched it and it really makes me question the whole legal status surrounding autistics such as Bobo. Not all autistic people are intellectually impaired but Bobo might be too retarded to deal with what just happened to him.

seriously what the fuck? why is that guy playing the keyboard?

That started on the Davey Mac Sports Program as a bit of a play on a baseball stadium organist. At this point Dave is so obsessed with it he brought it onto this show and has him play after almost every word uttered.

I loved it in the DMSP days, but now it needs to fucking stop.

This is not ok.


bobo needed the money...


we need Bobo Dice Clay

Hickory dickory dock.. East Side Dave just buffed my cock OHHHHHHHHH


There was an old lady that lived in a shoe, alroight?

Her uterus fell out! That explains me! Ohhhhhhhhh!


I can't be the only one that thinks Dave is a comedic creative unique personality that despite everything working against him is still TRYING.

Dave is the fucking man. This is just a bump in the road.

That's the problem, after 11 years, its time for him to stop trying.

He failed.

Bob Levy still has a career. The man's not even 40. Let's slow down here

Bob Levy has a career?

More like a bikeer tsss

Shame on you, sir

Now this is what I want out of the Anthony Cumia Network.





I miss public access shows.

40 years later and Ant finally realized his dream of hosting Stairway to Stardom.

Jimmy Schwatzman is too big a star for TACS.

Stunt Boy finally becomes a Stunt Man.


Larry King: Why was the wallet in the book bag?

Was Bobo wearing boxers or briefs?

I'm not fuckin watching that, but I must know, is it to completion?

Does it make it less gay if it isn't?

ESD should just fucking kill himself.

I hope not. He still has plenty more years of abject embarrassment in him.

Wtf...ESD is a poor man's Steve O...even Steve O knew he had to cut out the stunt boy stuff. I can't believe I ever thought Dave had talent.

I never thought he was talented... this is something different entirely.

"Forty Year Old Failure Sexually Molests Dim Witted Adult Man-child" is a better title for this video.

Glad to see Dave is doing well....

I am way behind on East Side Dave since when he came on R&F I'd slam headfirst into a brick wall until I passed out so I didn't have to hear his annoying voice.

So can someone explain to me about his wife and the kids? Was his wife really fucking the drummer of their wedding band? Did she know him before the wedding? Was she fucking him the whole time she was married to Dave? What are the chances either of his kids with her are not Dave's little ones?

ESD's situation is like Opie & Bam Margera except it's not a joke. My understanding is she started fucking him after they met at the wedding. Not sure about the kids but it'd be funny if they weren't his.

That is some fucked up shit. Meets another guy at her own wedding. If I remember correctly they had to rush into the marriage because she was pregnant? Wonder if she was seeing other guys at that point and got knocked up by one of them but latched onto Dave thinking he was going to slide into the Fez chair? From what I heard on air Dave was acting as though the show would be Ron and Dave before too long so I could see him telling her how rich he was going to be when he signed his first contract and her buying into it. I know paranoid Fez thought she and Dave were working against him behind the scenes and it was probably true.

The marriage was basically a radio bit. Dave's family has money. Knowing him there was probably no prenup.

Jesus tapdancing Christ.

I loved ESD on Ron & Fez; he was great on that show.

On Ant's network, however, he's pretty terrible.

It's just more proof that Ant spoils everything he gets his hands on.

Dave was horrible at everything he did once he left Ron and fez. Ron knew how to use him and control him. On his own he is a mess.

Leave Dani out of this ESD talk.

Isn't that prostitution? East side Dave gave him $20 to let him jerk him off....

But they filmed it so it's just a porno.

If Bobo was my cousin, or nephew or some kinda relative, and I saw this.. I'd beat the living fuck out of Dave

You know that is a good point. I was going to say that its basically the same thing as the up and down game and him precumming on the rug at XM but this is kind of different and seems over a line. I remember someone was talking to Stern about him having porn stars ride that vibrating machine in the studio and asked him why not have some type of penetrating toy on it. He basically just said 'its different' and hes pretty much right, its a smell test and some things smell right and some smell off.

He's sexual abusing a fuckin retard!!!!!


East Side Dave paying to jerk off Bobo is fucking hilarious. This sub is obviously negative, but im beginning to think maybe YOU people are just hating for hates sake... This sub might just be a nest of vipers is what i'm getting at...

Tell a joke or be a joke. -Ronnie B


Yes but what is the context behind the bit?

Their can be none to make it funny, or acceptable.

I actually thought he was going to jerk Bobo off nice and softly, how stupid of me.


Whatever gets you through the day you gigantic repressed homo

I wonder why Ronnie B never hired East Side Dave to take over for Fez.


I was hoping you nice people wouldn't get alerted to this, haha.

Doesn't he only take home $50 a week from tranthiny?

He's getting overpaid by like $45 then.

Perhaps more than that.

Subscribe at


What a nice father-son moment.

This is so stupid.

There should be laws against this sort of thing.

There probably are, it certainly feels like a crime

Yeah. Ant should'nt be doing a show

Just... wow. Damn Dave fell off.

You mean from shoving a lollipop up his ass and licking it?

Well now he is just straight up having sex with men.


That gave me an anti-boner

this is just sad :(

Bobo ensures everyone that he actually didn't really get jerked off by Dave

Lets entertain this notion that Dave did not actually wrap his fingers around Bobo's cock and make a jerking motion. He still put his hand way up inside Bobo's underwear and for sure at least rubbed his penis, to which Bobo most certainly got an erection.

It's gay. They had gay sex. Bobo and Dave are gay men.

''not that there is anything wrong with that''



Him paying Bobo means no Chinks take-out for supper tonight!

ESD should start doing this to strangers in the park. He'd be making more than Anthony pays him.

The East Side Dave Show is hilarious.

You cunts should really shut your mouth about things you don't know shit about, it's embarrassing.

Ok, what are some highlights for you? I've only listened to the first episode which was too much of a clusterfuck for me to really enjoy anything.

Every show is a highlight, as his life gets worse, the show just keeps getting better.

Yes! It's so good

Says the man with the handle Aidspiss.

Says EastSideDan, the man who has a lot to complain about The East Side Dave Show, but has only seen small amounts of it.

Everybody on here knows what ESD does. They also know that people only like his shit if they are retarded.

ESD fucking sucks. Always has.

No, you don't know what he does. You never watched his show. Stop lying.

No, you don't know what he does. You never watched his show.

I don't need to watch his show to know it'll just be him 'sperging out, screaming like a child and doing infantile shit that isn't funny to anyone whose age is in double digits.

Stop lying.

I'm not loying, orrrrright!


That is only part of it. Many reasons to hate Dave

How jaded have you people become? This was fuckin funny.

on radio with a room reacting making jokes yes. On a video with no commentary or jokes its literally just a retard being jerked off

Exactly, and if we were jaded we would need to see a retard fucked to find humor in it. As it is I thought it was a little disturbing and out of my comfort zone.

It was disturbing to me too but you'd think the people of this sub could appreciate the fucked-ness of it all while still knowing that it's wrong.

That's probably because you're a closeted faggot.

Thanks for sharing the laughs.

I mean, to each his own, but it's literally just two retarded men having sex with each other. It's gay porn.

they should fuck bobo in the ass next time for maximum wackiness

Yah, you'd think shoving a cigarette pack up his ass would've garnered all the respect he craved.


Scooby dooby cawk!

This clip is more entertaining than the combination of everything oqie has ever mush mouthed into the mic.