One of my favorite Nopie shows; Vos and Colin are in, with some real gems

7  2016-07-28 by DrunkMasterPo


This whole show was really funny. Jimmy is the first one in studio so he kills time with Sam and Kenny until Vos gets there, Ant is about forty minutes late, Jay Mohr calls in, Colin comes in as well.

They scheduled a "Intern's Eating Testicles" bit, and they're all smashing the hacky concept and trying to get to the bottom of who's idea it was, and you'll never guess. It was Opie's idea! Even after they are told it was Opie's idea, they spend the rest of the show shitting on the bit and laughing at what hacks they are for doing it.

Rich Vos smashes the show a bit, the kind of stuff that makes Tits want to "play", Anthony laughs it off and contributes to the smashing because he knows it's funny.

Some of those "gems" I spoke about:

2:38:10 for the greatest slam on Vos I've ever heard from Colin

2:41:17 Dice meets Chippah

3:02:00 Jim has a great line


I don't care what you faggots say, Anthony is a genius

This is one of my favorites as well. Basically bashing Opie for the dumb fucking bit that he came up with.

I really really love when they start playing the Todd Rundgren Bang on the Drum All Day song and acting like faggots. I miss this show.

And because they were purposely being hacky douches, the slide whistle/flute or whatever didn't even annoy me, it made it pretty hilarious

Imagine if opie was in. "YOU WANNA PLAY" would have been yelled at colin.