Kevin Smith Vs. A Hater

0  2016-07-28 by Grillskillz


Based on the trailer theres no way he actually thought it was a good movie. When he got to "when else do ya see two chicks standin' next to each other not fighting over a guy?" you know what it was really about. Why it would the gender of the characters make it entertaining? He wanted to empower his daughter and that was it.

*and "right now on youtube its dead even, 2k positive, 2k negative, its literally 50/50" is not something you fuckin need to say "...and stuff" after.

fat guy in a hockey jersey how cool

Pretty cool huh?

Buried that cocksuckah

I don't get the hate, he seemed fair here. And I've trashed his movies before. He realizes there are a lot of people who just think his movies suck. When people blindly start screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at the mention of MallRats you know they're just commoners blinded by nostalgia. You can like the movie but you gotta realize its place in entertainment... it seems like Kevin does, so now I feel bad for trashing his movies so harshly.

fucking yuck. Kevin Smith is a self absorbed cunt. "I, I, me, me, I" fuck him, his shtick, his fan boys and groupie twats. He's one of these goofy geeks that thinks he's a cool guy because he's not the typical cool guy. Fuck off you product of excess and stoner philosophy dick bag

as the old Louis CK would say - I'd like to drop a bomb on that entire room resulting in them permanently not mattering. But fuck CK too, that selling out your core fanbase for a newer hipster artist loving faggot

I find him to be pretty likeable despite a steady decline in the quality of his films, bitchy celeb gossip, and constant crying at cartoons.

Dude wears his heart on his sleeve and he just seems to do whatever he wants now instead of feeling pressured to follow a more traditional path.

If he wants to smoke a bag of weed and talk Batman for 2 hours a week, I will happily listen on my way to work. It's not like O&A are listenable anymore.

I don't understand how someone doing whatever they want is admirable.

how is it not?

It is narcissistic

I don't understand how someone doing whatever they want is admirable.