Does Anthony still do a show?

73  2016-07-27 by taj_g


If a wop broadcasts in a basement and no one's around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Not if its being choked.

That's so uncomfortable to watch.

"I didn't bomb! Keith did I bomb!? Rat, wasn't I funny!? See, I told you I did good."

it's the worst thing I've ever seen.

His delivery is way too deliberate.

ah shiiiit .. You gonna get doxxed son

Panera Bread Employee# 119346

if i were Opie, this would help me sleep at night

Opie watches this while masturbating

That kids got some comedy chops, he's going to be a big star!

I can still get behind the Amy Schumer fat jokes

Let's not forget that this is the thing that sent Anthony over the edge. He was "all in" with Reddit before this. This is what led to his several ranting nonsense posts and caused him to never come here again. It wasn't getting caught trying to give gifts to a 14 year old. It wasn't getting caught as a homosexual man who fucks men with fake tits. This is what did him in.

Jesus, that is brutal


Legend has it if you're in Rosyln Heights in the middle of the night you can hear the distant shouts of a drunk man who can't find his gun.

I couldn't tell you. I don't follow the black comedy circuit that closely.

I don't think Anthony likes that type of comedy. Or anything with that adjective.

He's into black and blue women

And black crime statistics.

No-one has seen it in years but apparently a droid called BB-8 on desert palnet Jakku has a map that leads to his show.


Upvote for you both...

and one for you, good Sir.


this sub is great

Upvote for you!


What's my problem? You're in MY fuckin house

Get, get out!

Just, just stay right there, I'll take care of it.

"cock meat, nothing but cock meat"

"nun nun nunnuh nunnuh no!"


I really miss Martini Steve when I hear replays on paltalk or

I think Anthony moved to

Live from the Treehouse with Ant and Richard

Hell, I'd watch. Even with Richard being a corpse. The decaying add a unique angle.

Today on the show: the bed post challenge.

They put lipstick on their hole and see who can go the lowest.

From one network that no one watches to another one.

Let's talk a bit about what makes GaS Digital different, and why we know you'll want to #PlugInFuelUp with us!


I think that's Dani Brand's pop pop.

Anybody like that show Vice Principles? So far it's no Eastbound and Down but I'll stick with it.

Walton Goggins is too fucking good not to stick with it.

He'll never be better than Shan........Shane. Sorry, I got a bit choked up there for a moment. Those final credits at the end of the final episode.



Have you seen Justified?

Goggins portrayal of Boyd made that show. If they had killed him off in the first episode as originally intended it would've been a terrible show.

It wouldn't have been as great as it was. Justified was a great show because it was basically two plotlines at all times: Boyd's plotline and Raylan's plotline. Both were usually pretty good.

How is it? I absolutely loved The Shied, so I've been interested in Justified.

How is it? I absolutely loved The Shied, so I've been interested in Justified.

Oh, wow. You're in for a treat. Tim Olyphant (Seth Motherfucking Bullock from Deadwood) plays a US Marshall who gets sent back to his home of Kentucky, the first mission there is to deal with Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins), a white supremacist skinhead who Raylan dug coal with when younger. First episode is a really good starter, I'd give it a shot. The first SEASON is a lot of one-off stories, but the show takes off around episode 10, when the thing just goes serialized in the best way, then the show continues with that pattern of (setup episodes, buncha episodes of development of bad guys, then like 5 or so episodes in a row where the bad guys are dealt with). Season 2 has Margo Martindale as a weed kingpin boss lady who kicks ass, I think she got an Emmy for the role or something, I forget though. She's also on The Americans as the Jennings' handler. It really feels like The Shield did in that way: A lot of serialized storytelling with procedural elements and character development that kicks ass. It also has some really great supporting actors/characters, like Jacob Pitts' and Nick Searcy's marshalls and Natalie Zea as Raylan's ex. By the way, The Shield ranks as one of my favorite shows of all time and Justified is up there with it on that short list of shit I keep permanently on my hard drive in 720/1080 form.



" Shane, I'm hella hungry. You bring that Big Mac and large fries like I asked for? "


" errr, no, sorry buddy but they were all out when I got there. I did however manage to procure you this hollowed out pineapple. Yum! "


" aww Shane, you're my bestest bud. I love you. [ kisses ] "


" aww, you must be hella hungry like you mentioned previously. Why don't you carefully take this delicious hollowed out pineapple over to the car while I remove myself from the immediate area.


" ok buddy. Let me take that and go to the car like what you said.

Hey, why's it ticking? "


" err....I don't know. Maybe cause it's ripe? "


" aww Shane, you're so silly. Let me just open the car door and sit down before I feast on this nutritious fruit delight.

There we go, now......hmmm what's that smel... "



" Shane, the pineapple exploded! Shane? Shane?"

There's an easter egg in the final episode?!

Sounds like I need to watch "The Shield" again.

Vendrell was an overconfident retard like Opie. At least he had the decency to get rid of Mara before eating a bullet.

It took a dark turn in Episode 2. I like it!


Did you see the new Mad TV? Sweet heavenly fuck it's bad.

I was not aware this existed

I didn't either. I loved the original.

It's funny, I like it.

I was going to make a post about this earlier. Show rules so far


Didn't you hear? He went on a crazy rampage in France, killed a bunch of people and the police shot him... Black lives matter protested his killing

Nah, way too successful for our Antwan Kwumia

What's all this Antwan Kwumia business about? I think I missed the original joke.

Anthony was framed by the manufacturer n stream media as the perpetrator of the Nice truck attack. Twitter, photoshop, and this sub helped them get to that conclusion. Several world outlets ran with it. Including LA Monde in France.


Yes. And whoever photoshopped the Quran into his hands is a hero.

oh literal wsall, I was implying that he wasn't framed

you rascal!

He was 14 years old

That's old for him.

Filthy terrorist.

He does a 10 hour a day show on Twitter now where he promotes right wing politics and tries hard not to sound too racist while sending our racist texts.

They're not human!

A bit of an exaggeration, you're leaving out the other stuff he does on twitter, like getting catfished.

kill yourself you liberal faggot.

Baby boy :(

That's all you have, repeating the same stupid shit day in and out, you asshurt autistic faggot.


Yeah but once he gets his new studio things are going to really take off

I think the new desk is really gonna be the thing that SETS SHIT OFF!

If you consider sucking tranny dick and beating waifish girls then yes he's done a couple shows and put up a new picture of himself with stress herpes popping on his lip.

I only come here now because it's an old habit I can't quiet.

Much like sucking penis.

And typos.

Oh, please be quite


He was killed at a ranch in the state of Washington because some ranch hand couldn't control the very randy horse.

Fuckin amateur thought he could hold it back with one hand

Did Opie or Jim even mention Anthony during their fight? If Anthony tries doing a Greggshells Part 3. I don't think anyone is even going care.

Once he gets everything set back up in his basement in Long Island, it is going to take off. Jimmy will be on like every day

Can anyone tell me the last time Jimmy did his show? During his squabble with Opie I noticed Jimmy's TL was full of "Do a show with Ant" tweets...

And by full I mean there were 3.

Can anyone tell me the last time Jimmy did his show?

June 9. But don't worry, when Anthony gets a studio in the city...

It's funny because they had all that talk about moving to the city a few months back... But they must have decided not too... Because they haven't started getting great guests yet.

If you call getting fucked in the ass by young transsexuals "a show."

I was curious about this myself so I just went to and laughed when I was redirected to It seems he does do a daily show but only about once a week is the guest more famous than your average person off the street.

I've been invited twice now.

Can't think why.

Yes, you can find it afternoons at

Once the studio in NYC is..... Oh wait, Anthony gone and strangled a bitch

I guess you could call it that if you're feeling generous.



I dont think hes ever really technically done, "a show".

The Enola Gay dropped that "Hardly Davidson" line.


he threatened killing himself with the car on in a closed garage)

what the fuck?? Really??

he said it somewhat as a joke, but in the middle of his litany of life problems so it was half joke/half cry for help

his litany

I don't get why Gavin is still on there

Gavin pictures a fantasy land where he and Anthony are going to be the next big shock jock duo. He thinks there's still hope that someday this thing will take off and break through the mainstream again.

Anthony was funny on the last YKWD. Kelly, Cumia, Normand, and List just riffing. Good stuff.

It's amazing how he squandered his opportunity. It was actually exciting when he was getting the new studio in NY ready. Kind of like a smaller scale Adam Carolla independent media empire. Fuck the corporate overlords at SiriusXM and terrestrial radio. A true rebel with a following doing it on his own. The potential of Jim leaving and reuniting with Ant (in the beginning). Now, I haven't listened in months, the show is complete garbage. I used to think Jim wouldn't touch the Ant brand after the Dani affair, but with his career spiraling down the shitter, it's not out of the question that Ant offers Jim a decent salary and they host a daily show together, especially if Ant is sober. Fact: Jim will not be with Opie in October. Only other option I see is that SiriusXM offers Jim his own show. But if not, why not co-host a show with Ant? I mean, what else is Jim gonna do? I'd probably subscribe to Ant's network if that happened. Also, isn't Luis J. Gomez kind of pissed at Jim for starting a UFC/comedy podcast? He has been hosting one for a while now. Is there really a market for two UFC/comedy radio shows?

No. He got fired from SiriusXM July of 2014. Nobody knows what he's been up to since

Anthony never did a show. Anthony fucked around at other people's expense, that's why he was awesome on O&A. Fuck shows, we hate shows. Opie does a show cause he sucks and that's what he always wanted. Anthony tries to do a show but it doesn't work because he's the anti matter, the nihilist, the reason we woke up to hear his vitriolic disdain for the show


Won't see him no more

If youve heard him talk to a caller these days youd know those days are over.

I wonder if he's still doing the cringey oh erock thing, dice impression or casino references

I'm still getting $6 sucked from my account every month so I guess so. Dude seriously needs a cohost of equal weight to Norton though, or better yet, Norton. Or maybe Normand. would make me actually watch it more

What about ck or burr, I would say attel but meh

Get, get out!


And black crime statistics.

I really miss Martini Steve when I hear replays on paltalk or