My extended unified grand theory on Jim's role on the show

59  2016-07-27 by WhatTooReal

Jimmy wants to have a say only when he can use the show to:

  • Defend comic friends (for example Schumer)
  • Be around women he wants to have sex with (porn stars, schumer)
  • Meet A-list celebrities and get photos with them (Paul McCartney)


  • Get revenge on someone (DL Hughley)

Top 4 things Jimmy doesn't want anything to do with:

  • Coming up with ideas for the show
  • Improving the show in other ways
  • Marketing the show
  • Being publicly associated with the show

He ordered a pizza and is now complaining he isn't getting a hamburger. Like a baby boy.


I think that's pretty close to accurate. I also think that his original "I don't want my name on the show" shit he pulled after Ant got fired and they resigned was because he was mad he isn't making Opie money.

That name came back real quick today after his meeting with Wickland. My guess is they reassured our little buddy that they would take care of him come October.

A bigger apartment to fit all the kiss memorabilia he bought with that crowdfunding money!

Was wondering when Opie would chime in

This is too coherent to come out of opies head.. Opies head is full of glitter and skittles

and sunsets !!

And Peckas

AAAh peckaaa.

jim is a stupid hypocrite

remember right b4 ona ends he would be complete silent for an hr or so after the show started, busy tweeting/browsing facebook etc., u cant even tell if hes in studio or not

b4 that if patrice or burr were in studio he wouldnt talk neither because those 2 may replace him so he would just throw a hissy fit

It's real strange the xm heads didn't try and get Patrice on board after he replaced Jim for that month or so when he was off shilling in Hollywood, they probably could have gotten him for cheaper considering their relative careers at the time. Plus they would appeal to a wider audience with the coloreds.

Then again I guess Dipaolo was right when he said mediocrity sells, as hilarious as Patrice was he was way edgier (politically, not in the "I suck tranny cock teehee" way) and was probably way worse at selling himself then Jim is. It's a damn shame because the debates between Ant and Patrice were constant and organic even though their chemistry was so good together, and even tits managed to vibe with Patrice from time to time, at least when he wasn't busy shushing him

They shouldve use rotating comedian guests at the very least, how many times can we listen to the same chicks with dicks joke without getting sick

Maybe opie protected him or something who knows, but baby boy had got to go

I'm sold. Call the necromancer. It's time to resurrect Patrice for the good of the show.

How about walking in 5 minutes before they go on air everyday. Must be infuriating. "That's just how I perform" was what he said to Opie during their first fight. I should try that at work and see if the boss is good with it.

Doesn't matter. Jimmy has the talent for it. Maybe Opie should sleep at the studio to get some.

Jim has earned too much goodwill for the eame 5 jokes recycled for the last 15 years

Oh yeah?

Doctor Kevorkorian, other end of a shotgun, I ENJOY THE COMPANY OF WOMEN WITH PENISES!

baby boi tranny hookers lol!!

"Get aids and die. Then go fuck your mother and flush your Sirius radio down the toilet." That's some talent right there, just like his advice show.... Yawn

Your bullet game is on-point.

Here's what frustrates me about Yimmy. He's pissed about having no say, but he makes no actual effort. Even during the good old days, he was texting or otherwise fucking around on his phone during broadcasts a lot of the time. I was listening to some old shows and I noticed there were a lot of times when he would just fall silent for like half an hour.

It's kind of bullshit to act indignant and put upon when in reality you're usually doing a half ass job.

Addicts lie. I think CQ's assessment of his character as a complete phony is accurate. He say what suits him in the given moment to make himself look good. He lies and connives constantly.

Is addiction to cum a thing?

And vetoing guests like Gavin Mcinnes.

At this point, Jim brings as much to the show as Mark Normand.



Lmfao, an accurate and on point theory. Second bulletpoint had me dying. Bunch of fucking legit funny commenters on this subreddit

baby boi tranny hookers lol!!