A thread for annoying side shit they did during the show; tapping things on the console, eating on the mic, etc.

12  2016-07-27 by TheScarletR

No clips needed but always welcome.

Listening to the early XM shows when a lot of the interns are still kind of new to their jobs and learning their place. The boys have them run to get them breakfast, coffee, fruit, whatever else these whiny cunts think they need to sit in a chair and talk for four hours. Opie for sure, probably the other two, seem to think this gives them material on-air or something because they are constantly discussing it.

They're always talking about how they "should get omelettes today" or "milkshakes today", it doesn't lead to any fun discussion, it is only monotonous drivel about their food for the day. They also order their food on mic regularly which makes the fact that they eat during the show even more irritating. And then they will freely chew up on the mic, talk with their mouthful, and be generally enraging to listen to.

One thing just for Opie; the way that he would interrupt Jimmy, Ant, or even a guest to (partially off mic) say "what?" to E-Rock or Travis or Sam or someone else who intentionally didn't let the mic pick them up because they didn't want to interrupt, and Opie will just start talking about whatever was said to him, that the mic didn't pick up. He has the attention span of a retarded infant (his daughter).


Of all of the annoying things they did on the show, the food shit was the absolute worst for me. It angered me probably way more than it ever should have. But I couldn't help it because it was fucking inexcusable garbage.

There is no reason that this crap should have ever made it to actual radio. If Opie thought that this was a good "bit" to get a conversation going, then he should throw himself out of his apartment window. It was never entertaining. It didn't start any good bits. All it did was make them look like a bunch of divas.

There is no reason that adult men can't go a few hours without eating. They aren't athletes. They don't need to eat every 3 hours to keep up their protein intake and metabolism. They sit on their fucking asses for 4 hours and go home. Don't they have time to eat breakfast, I don't know, before they go to work? I've worked early jobs. It's not that hard. Wake up 10 minutes earlier so you can eat a fucking bowl of oatmeal, you faggots. Eating your din din and a little snacky so your blood sugar doesn't drop on the radio is not fucking acceptable. Jesus Christ.

Oh and fucking burping and smacking your lips into the mics is bullshit! It didn't make them seem cool like all the hip kids out there. It made them look like faggots. Once again, just because Howard burped into the mic in the 80s when it was edgy does not mean you can do it, Gregg. Their lips should have been severed for trying to pull that shit.

I'm seething right now. It's insane, I know, but I can't help it. I'm dying to talk about how much I wanted them to die during the cronuts fiasco of 2014 but I'm trying my best to hold back. I just hated the food shit. Everyone here has their thing that sends them over the edge with O&A and this was mine. I could handle the other bullshit they did but this twisted my asshole around like no other.

Agreed on all points. The food thing also sends me over the edge and fucking drives me nuts. You're telling me that you are starving at 6:45 or 7am, but at 5:00am when you're leaving your house you don't think to eat a fucking bowl of cereal or a bagel or something? I used to work at 6am and I know the time adjustment for breakfast is an easy one.

It's the fact that their job is so painfully easy that makes me so mad about it. If all I did was talk for the day, I could go until 5pm without eating anything.

How about Opie getting pissed off because he can "feel" his blood sugar dropping. Are you a fucking diabetic? No one is that in touch with their body.

They always acted like they were the only people in the world who had to get up early to go to work. Most people get up early to go to work. And they work more than 4 hours a day and many of them don't get every single weekend off.

And you know what else is crazy? In this whacky futuristic world we live in, they make these things called protein bars and energy bars and cereal bars that, get this, you can eat on the move! The milk comes in the cereal bar! Is that nuts or what?

But to be fair, I can see not wanting to eat stuff like that. I mean, its not like Jim was a chubby little turd, Opie had tits and Anthony flew out the door at 10AM to shovel Xanax and booze down his throat until he passed out and barely showed up on time the following day. They clearly treat their bodies as temples. It's why they had to obsess over egg white omelets every day.

It's amazing that they didn't realize how annoying that kind of talk can be to someone who is listening on their drive to work, or to the people who have already been working for an hour or two when the show starts. They're all much less aware than they let on.

what was the cronut thing?

You know how this show seems to suck recently because they pick two news topics a day and talk without any knowledge or prep?

Well, that's not a recent thing.

Cronuts were all the rage in NYC a few years ago. Basically, a donut made from croissant dough. One bakery came up with them, and they had lines around the block of people waiting to get them.

People were lining up for hours before the store opened, just to get a chance at getting cronuts before the guy sold out. Almost every news channel had a segment on cronuts, so of course, that was enough to get the Shock, Jock, & AIDS Joke Show to talk about them for a couple hours.

And of course, if you're discussing food, Stupid Roland was brought on mic because he's a foodie fat pig. Every food segment was brokered by him so he'd get free meals, but the Cronut Guy was resistant. The three "hosts" were baffled that they couldn't use their star power to get them cronuts, and Fatso Roland would giggle and tell them he's working on it.

People were lining up for hours before the store opened, just to get a chance at getting cronuts before the guy sold out.

I remember thinking "what adult wastes time like this, or even has that level of patience for a fucking fancy donut." They talked about that shit ad nauseam too.

People get obsessive over strange things. When a Krispy Kreme opened up near my about 10-15 years ago people here were losing their minds over it. Over Krispy Kreme donuts. And it was in a busy area. It wasn't out in the sticks somewhere. The place went out of business like a year later.

My point is that Opie is a faggot.


Completely ruining really good bits with the soundboard. Over and over and over...someone may have found it funny the first time, but doing it 10 times in a row made me want to punch the radio.

Homer screaming BOOOOOO!

Opie: heh heh heh heh heh heh hehhhhhh

Someone else starts to say something, gets cut off by-

Homer screaming BOOOOO!

Opie laughs again like he's being original

The only time I ever liked it was when they would play the "stranded! There's a person stranded!" clip when Vos dropped a bomb.

Do you remember when they used it during Jocktober and Opie improv'd the line and said "Theres a show, theres a show........(pause like he cant think of the next part)........ its (high pitch)STRANDED!" With that weird non-quick-witted pause, and then they cut it and put it in the Jocktober intro. I laughed every time I heard it.

Opie isn't just unfunny, he's anti-funny

I really liked the sports clips they would play after a bomb where the announcers would miscall the play.

actually this was hilarious. sometimes opie would keep hitting buttons desperately until someone begrudgingly chuckled so they could get back to talking. fucking gold.

Opie speaking into the microphone at all

That really was the most awful and consistent thing he did, how could I overlook it

Whenever ANYONE walked past the window and they would comment on it. Opie was by far the worst by yelling at them and trying to get them to do a shitty couple of minutes of interview when they obviously needed to be somewhere else but Jimmy and Anthony also had really bad moments with it, with Jimmy rushing out to get a picture/autograph and Anthony would go into a random rant whenever it was some black celebrity that passed by.

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Much appreciated, good sir.

Anthony I always found was a complete cunt to interns even though he criticises Opie for being rude to staff in greggshells. He always seemed like he would try and be tough to them because he knows they lose their job if they fight back and hes a scared old insecure boy fucker

Yeah, he gave off the vibe that if they were trying to "rib him" he would get very serious with them. Like Steve C saying something about Ant being late, even though Steve was wrong to complain, Ant was legitimately mad that he had even noticed it or had an opinion on it.

Doesn't everyone who used to work with the bbbbbbbooyys, have nothing but kind words about Ant?

Opie burping and grunting into the mic in an attempt to sound "edgy" and "cool" is always infuriating.

I enjoy a good, manly sigh into the mic, or maybe a sniff. It's a great way to punctuate a statement.

Not the best way to punctuate a statement. PERIOD.

I want to inflict physical pain on anyone that makes loud chewing noises. It's a fucking radio show .. I cannot process why they think it's okay to eat on the air, even ironically.

The eating on air is the most infuriating thing to me. No one thinks it's funny or anything but annoying, and they know that, so they think it's a silly bit to annoy their listeners. And then be indignant saying "we could just sit here and eat and not say a word and you guys would still listen and complain". Like they did when Louie and Burr were in and they had the stupid cunt from Jersey singing "I Saw the Sign" in an amateurly exaggerated accent. I've never listened to the whole thing I hate it so bad. Opie references callers who are sick of her by saying "we could have her come in everyday and sing for four hours and you guys would still listen!" No we wouldn't, you moron.

That one soundbite of a guy laughing or crying (I can't tell which) obnoxiously loud. It lasts way too long, and then Opie plays it AGAIN almost every time. It completely derails whatever they were doing.

Now I'm curious to know which one you're referencing. Was it one of the obnoxious Homer ones?

Probably DiNero in Cape Fear

I think I know which one he means then. Now I can be annoyed, accurately.

Oh, that might be it. Doesn't he laugh like that while sinking at the end? It's been a while since I've seen it.


Eww I fucking hated the saga of the two girl interns. Opie had them do a fucking book report on Columbo or some shit just because Ant casually brought up that they probably have never heard of the shows he likes. The book report thing was about a twenty minute bit, I've never listened because it can't be good.

The one specific Homer soundbite that goes on for way too long.

"Ahahahah! Did you see that Jerk? aahahahahaha! AAAAAAAAAA-HHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Opie's work for sure.

Man, for you guys who hate the overuse of soundclips, you must not have listened in the WNEW days. They would seriously not talk and play sound clips for 10 minutes at a time and thought it was comedic gold.

Often with absolutely no context given beforehand. I specifically remember the Ant divorce stuff or Howard gag order shit. They would just play minutes of sound clips without ever telling you why. You just had to happen to have read the NY Post that morning or listened the end of the prior show.

Not exactly side shit but when it was obvious they had done absolutely no show-prep so they just randomly bring Roland in the last hour of a show to talk about stuff for an exceedingly long time just because they think he has a funny voice.

I really can't stand Roland and his awful squeaky voice. The time that he "trashed" Rich Vos was infuriating. They praise his awful slams like he's just destroying Rich when what he said was literally "Um, are people gonna see Rich on the Tonight Show, NO! Um, or maybe David Letterman, NO! Or will he be on Jimmy Kimmel, NO!" Great dummy, what have you accomplished in entertainment? That's right, nothing.

Any conversation about "Lost". When they started talking about that shit show for the first hour I always stopped listening. The fact that they talked about that dumb show like a bunch of housewives was enraging

Jim's deep nasal inhale, straight into the mic. Jim constantly letting listeners know he has to "tinkle" or "pee" before every break always annoys me. Everything Opie has ever said or done.

Jim's deep nasal inhale, straight into the mic

But how else would you know that he is about to make a profound statement about our culture or political system?

Oh....and Opie's god awful laugh

the constant audible sighs from anthony and jim after an opie bomb... but they never actually tell him he's bombing, they just exhale and move on... why make a noise? so we know your hearing what we hear but then you won't address it ?

No shit, you either completely play along like a phony or you tell him he stinks. Although after many years together and being actual friends, maybe that was an inside joke for Ant and Jim to just sigh when Opie bombs and then they laugh about it after the show when they talk.

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This post is totally unbiased.

Why would you expect it to be?


Sarcasm, not your strong suit?

No, it is. Just a weird point to be sarcastic on, I guess. As no post here is ever unbiased about anything.

I didn't mean anything by it, please accept my sincere apologies.


My strong suit is chainmail, you wanna duel?

Jim's deep nasal inhale, straight into the mic

But how else would you know that he is about to make a profound statement about our culture or political system?