Opie outs Jimmy about Stuntbrain

0  2016-07-27 by Mr702law

Apparently Jimmy told Opie he did not want Stuntbrain on anymore and Opie reluctantly said OK. LOL @ Opie bringing this up on air about a guy who thinks Jim is a friend of his and used to work for them.

This is a great example of the divide between these two guys. Opie is growing up and trying to do an adult show and Jim doesn't want to "talk politics" during an amazingly interesting Presidential election as he'd rather make tranny jokes and try to get porn stars in.


Stuntbrain was awful though. So 1 point for Jimmy

And why are you trying to portray Opie as "...growing up and trying to do an adult show", when he's still an insecure, narcissistic child trying to do a "ME ME ME" show?



But it is election season...At least he has a semi-informed opinion unlike Jimmy's nonsense.

And what may that opinion be? "I don't trust any of these politicians?" Riveting stuff. I'll take tranny talk over Gregg "broad strokes" Hughes any day.

I read the "i dont trust any of these politicians" part in scott shannon's rock jaw voice lol. Im sorry, but this is what the show (or lack there of) has become.

You're giving the dim-witted ginger far too much credit.

Nah. Stunt brain was a retard


I can't believe that you actually want to listen to two uneducated men talk about a topic that they have no experience with or insight about. They literally just repeat headlines and clips. You can hear the same shit on any local radio show/morning TV show because that's where they hear it when they are getting ready for work.

That's Opie's point about bringing in Stuntbrain. At least he brings an informed opinion that the other guys can play off of

He never has an opinion about any issue. He's a republican but he avoids them all like a corporate faggot. It's always "well here's what the democrats are going to need to do about the superdelegates if they want to blah blah"..."the GOP won't be able to energize their voter base if they don't blah blah" like you'd talk about how a team could win their game.

He is a monumental fucking bore every single minute he's on the air.

Enough already. Shut up

Tits can't play off anything.

Why do you want to hear interesting political talk from this show, fag? I prefer stupid humor

Im with Norton Stuntbrain is an unfunny dullard.

Who's Norton Stuntbrain?

Fawkin hilarious comma humor from a guy that wants to hear wet mouthed Tits and a dullard "play off each other" about politics. Kill yourself for being such a faggot.

If they were remotely knowledgable about the subject and didn't sound retarded I wouldn't mind if they talked politics every now and then, but they're idiots so Jim is smart to not try and delve into a subject they both know nothing about.

Yeah opie is growing up. This is the man that a few months ago sulked (not for the first time) and had to be coaxed into saying what was wrong. "I needed you Yimmy" If you want to hear informed opinions on the election turn on Fox news fag.

Okay, I gave Opie credit for not having porn stars on because they are bad radio. But I take it back if he wanted Stuntbrain on. The only thing more boring than porn stars on the radio is political talk with uninformed asses.

I honestly think since Stuntbrain is biased to be anti-Trump (since he was a heavy Cruz supporter) Jimmy wants nothing to do with him. It's obvious whenever a guest comes in and bashes Trump and Jimmy just sits in silence while they bash him that Jimmy is very butthurt whenever anyone attacks Trump. He himself will bring up Trump whenever it's something that paints Trump in a good light but never talks about whenever Trump does something dumb.

Say Trump again.

he'd rather make tranny jokes

Don't forget the pedophilia references.

I agree with you but no one else does so I hope you commit suicide and stuff.