When bobo is feeling sorry for you its time to tap out

37  2016-07-27 by Dennyislife


I like Davey Mac and all; but he's on a one-way street to Chris Benoit territory.


Which providence?

ME: Providence

Rhode Island

It gets easier after the first murder.

Davey mac should win back custody of his kids and take a one way ticket to joe jackson territory and beat them till they are good at something that will make lots of money

I hope he speeds it up, then.

During the TACS episode with a comedian with the last name "Lee" (forgot first name, it was within the past 2 months) he dropped in on Ant's show live and spilled his guts about ihs personal problems and life situation.

-wife left him

-"chemical dependency problems"

-car broke

-had to move back in wiht his 70something parents as a 38 year old man

-is broke

Quitting Sirius really looking like a poor decision in hindsight.

It was a poor decision in foresight. His next good decision will be his first.

Who's on first?

Didn't he get fired/let go?

He quit R&F but his podcast was cancelled.

He got Jackie Martling syndrome.

Lol, what a loser. Why doesn't he just get an actual job? Become a fucking ditch digger or a garbage man, this internet podcasting shit ain't working out.

What skills does he have? Who would hire him? Would his resume just be a list of things he's shoved up his asshole? Would it be written in crayon?

He can eat his own shit like nobody's business!

He could probably still get a basic job except he cant pass a piss test. He always told R&F he would go back to bartending but he's an alcoholic and would be fired on the first night. So I guess the answer is keep doing the same shit hes always done and just be a deadbeat dad.


He has an actual paying morning radio gig.

Minimum wage. He'd be better off digging ditches. More popular too.

Yeah, but if hes getting divorced hes also got to pay for his place, her and the kids' place, and whatever she'll fleece him for a month. I doubt co-host of a small New Jersey rock station pays a lot, just ask radio legend Scorch.

SCORCH... PFG made MOST of his vast FORTUNE from the WWF/WWE as its BIGGEST star, but still made MILLIONS on his RADIO work!!!

Do you THINK he would be LIVING in a SWANKY part of LA if he was POOR?! He ISN'T even WORKING and still living in a MANSION!!!

He's in some type of weird conundrum where nobody will pay him enough for it to be worthwhile for him to work. Does that mean welfare/unemployment? I dunno, I'm just happy the IG account is still active even if the twitters down.

Probably LIVING off of his SAVINGS and INVESTMENTS now! SCORCH is working as a PROFESSIONAL ACTOR and has appeared in MAJOR films and MUSIC VIDEOS, including 21 pilots' VIDEO of a song on a the SUICIDE SQUAD soundtrack!!!

God I hope scorch becomes a successful actor.

That would be such a poetic ending to this odyssey of horseshit

You write THAT like SCORCH isn't already a SUCCESSFUL ACTOR!!!

Are you kidding?! Radio legend, wrestling LEGEND and legitimate actor SCORCH broadcasts to over 90 MILLION people around THE world! You know who you are!

/u/pfg-sciple comment?

He's on a hack morning radio show that no one listens too and there's no money in radio anymore especially if you're a divorced drug addict.

What happened to the radio gig he had in Jersey?

That radio gig can't pay more than 20K and no way does he get benefits.

A four hour shift on a low wattage shore town radio station in a non-existent market? Its a slight step above college radio.

Well thankfully he has his show on Compound Media. Which, I've been told, broadcasts to at least 40,000 people on a daily basis.

The revolution is here.

If each of his loyal listeners donated a dollar, on top of the 200 a month Tranth is paying him, he'll be able to afford a new car, high priced divorce attorney and high rise Manhattan apartment in no time.


He isn't EVEN a JOE PISCOPO, who has a very POPULAR show on AM970 "THE ANSWER"!

What really, really sucks about that is that Casey was really hot.

Do stunt boys ever have promising careers in radio?

Exactly. If you wanted the bosses to treat you with respect don't have a long running bit where you stick something up your ass and then shit on a newspaper in front of everyone. I can only imagine Don's response to Dave saying he deserved more money than the O&A producers.


Sadly Spuds Buckley ended up with a decent career.


"I deserve a pay rise because I have kids!"

~Every loser ever

ESD fucking sucks. Lowest common denominator, childlike shit. I hope everything gets worse for him.

ESD fuckin sucks

How can YOU say THAT?! He YELLS a lot!!! That is FUNNY!!! His AUDIENCE would find that FUNNY!!!


I can get Dave a full time cashiers job at Panera if he wants.

As your manager and at first glance, I don't think this individual would be a great fit for our work environment and indeed our Panera family. But hey, shoot me an email with some of his references and let's see if we can make something happen.

This is genuinely sad to a degree but he really is a.fucking moron. His sports podcast like 3/4 years ago was actually a top rated show on itunes etc. They actually talked about sports in a wacky, different way. Then it went completely off the rails and was just terrible.

When chris stanley wants nothing to do with you, you know there's a problem.

What's going on?

I guess Dave begs for money now too. His twitter is only him plugging his t shirt store and his reddit hasn't had a post in 2 months, all the esd listening threads have 2 replies so god knows.

Dave's been begging for money and help since 2007. Had to have XM pay for his sham marriage to a message board poster; had to set up Amazon Wishlists so he's sycophantic message board buddies/fans would by him and his sham wife gifts. Begged people to harass Sirius XM into given him a 50% raise. Begged people for money to launch East Side Dave Country. Using his TACN show that six people watch to beg for help to pay for his divorce.

The guy is and always has been the definition of a loser.

Yeah, exactly. Why did this idiot go and have two kids? He knew he couldn't afford them. Im not financially stable enough to have kids, so I don't have any.

(But I do own an extensive collection of Doc Martens)

This was a heavy point of contention with Fez. Dave was broke and getting married, them broke and knocking up Casey, then broke and having a second kid, and there was a fight about him having a close call with her right after the second kid was born.

Look at Fez actually being sensible.

I love Dave to death but dude makes some really terrible life decisions. I'm not Mr Perfect by a mile, but at least I didn't bog myself down with kids. (And a divorce he'll probably have to pay out the ass for)

He also turned down money from Fez to put their kids in daycare, which for two kids is a crazy amount of money.

And his excuse for turning it down was stupid, that his son throws up a lot so he can't be in daycare.

Stan's health issues were a lot more complicated than an upset stomach occasionally. The kid spent a lot of time hospitalized, having surgeries, etc.

Casey & the drummer have big plans for that dough!

You also knew you couldn't afford that Ghostbusters prop so you tried to jew the guy who sold you it into paying you back like a kike faggot.

Something tells me either your boss or your father is jewish, and/or a homosexual.

actually I'm jewish. and I can smell my own.

Well if you're in LA, let me know if you want to be on the guest list for this Sunday. That video won AGAIN, (lol!) and they're screening it at a short film comedy festival. I'll buy you a glass of Manischewitz.

Read this comment in your best nigga voice.. It's hilarious

Don't forget this...

Oh my God. I never saw that before. Exploiting her own kids' illness for money. Those two truly were scumbags who deserved each other.

Too bad she was being railed by the drummer of her wedding band or her and Dave may have worked out.

Did Dave ever get a DNA test to make sure the kids were his?

He sank his drumstick deep inside her ....

Dave was probably in a closet watching & jerking-off.

Who was that that she cheated on him with?

Mikey Background, the drummer for the band at their wedding

Mikey Background. The drummer from their wedding band.

Shitty perks.

No way I'm donating to his defective child if I don't get a banner on his website.

Anyone know what he does for work, aside from his 1.4 cents/hour TACN job?

He does morning radio on wrat still I think. Should've kept his tent pitching job.

New Jersey's own, The Rat!

Dave, just work at starbucks with Patti. If you play your cards right they might give you 0.93 days of vacation, and you can still keep your super annoying show on the cumia network. Plus you can get healthcare and can get that rehab one of these days.

Two months and I've already accrued four hours vacation!

Well look at Mr. High Roller over here!

Stalker Patti is a reliable employee.

I wouldn't hire a dude like ESD.

So how the fuck is getting a divorce a good idea when you're broke and have two kids?

Wife takes the kids and moves in with her parents, Dave moves into a garbage can and default all his child care checks since he's a fucking bum. Dave goes to jail, kids have no father and the wife's parents will fork the bill continuously using up the wife's inheritance money, and when they die, this useless cunt will be needing her kids to pay her rent.. But they're probably in jail by then.

If you get married and have kids, you dont get to bail out. Fucking trump need to stop caring about Mexicans and wall in irresponsible shits like Dave and his wife. They're a worse drain than any spic that ever crossed the border.

Pretty sure she left him. Hed probably be fine is a loveless relationship

Looks wise she was so far out of Dave's league, he had no problem being cuckolded. But, then she saw he was a go nowhere loser, not the rising radio star she thought he was, so she bailed....after having a boyfriend for most of their marriage.

Dave would make a good used car salesman.

This radio thing isn't working out.

Remember, this is a man who told the story of how he ran away when he was 24.

EsDS is one of the best shows out there. It's pure chaos mixed with song and simulated Masterbation.

The small amounts I've seen are Godawful.

He was only good when being directed by Ron, or fighting with Fez. On his own, he's pure garbage. Loud, screaming, red-faced garbage

He's very original, funny and a risk taker. Shock jock robot is a great bit, i dont care what anyone says

He's a clown and a baby and talentless.

What is original about him?

His show. His bits. His insanity.

His show is awful. Its like Uncle Floyd and Pee Wee's Playhouse. His bits involve him screaming and his face turning red.

his insanity is contrived.

That analogy is any i love the show. Different strokes...

I wish ESD had one of those...

simulated Masterbation.

Not so simulated anymore.

tranthiny still paying minimum wage for podcasts?

How about Bobo and ESD stay out of my finances.

He ate his shit on the show, so at least he's got that going for him.

Anyone know what the Dave/Pepper Hicks falling out was about?

Out of all the people on the shows I have interacted with ESD and Steve C were the nicest and coolest people. I honestly hate to see Dave where he is now.

I'd like to see Dave end up like Steve C

I would hate to see anyone where Dave is now, but at least he's not where Steve C is now.

Two months and I've already accrued four hours vacation!

His show is awful. Its like Uncle Floyd and Pee Wee's Playhouse. His bits involve him screaming and his face turning red.

his insanity is contrived.

Stalker Patti is a reliable employee.

I wouldn't hire a dude like ESD.