It's Finally Fucking Happened

0  2016-07-27 by PeteFo

Weve gone so far around that we're defending Opie against Jim on this sub. I swear I never thpught we could become this twisted. What a turn of events. In the words of our new savior: "Who saw that one coming?"


Let me be clear: FUCK OPIE

No one here enjoys Opie. It just so happens that in this case Jimmy was being the pouty baby when that role is almost exclusively reserved for Gregg.

They are all reprehensible, and myself for reveling in this garbage.

We aren't 'defending Opie', we are 'attacking Jim', by any means necessary.

This is what I think to sleep at night.

There's enough equity in Opie hate to last several lifetimes - Jimmy was being a little titty baby and for once, Opie was less wrong than Jimmy was.

Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day.... about nuts.... sometimes.

It's the revival of the Church of Opie.

I, for one, have consistently defended Opie. So there's that.

Yeah Opie did a shitty thing but Jimmys baby boy silent sulk is worse.

I've tried to fill my life with family and love but turns out that watching a dead radio show self destruct even further is far more fulfilling than family could ever be. It's also less dissapointing.

No opie is still a douche but he's right about pornstars being boring radio the only time they were fun to listen to was when they were interacting with lady di bobo david patrice and jim jefferies or when they made that one cry other then that they have nothing to say

But i still hate how opie tries to deny he has more power than jimmy

This sub is all in with the opester! Period. #teamopie