"Technical issue" cut out Jimmy calling Opie a dick according to erock and Travis

121  2016-07-27 by Dennyislife

Uh huh


did it also cut out all of the talent and comedy for the past two years

The comedy in the room got fired 2 years ago

The comedy in the room died 5 years ago

Aw shit.

oooooh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!

almond shake

It's also Roland's fault. The whole time Jim kept blaming Roland, I kept saying, Roland comment?

Ah shit! Swim walk!!


Fuck everyone involved in that phonie garbage show

Oh yeah, well fuck everyone involved in this sub. This place is cancer and we deserve the rotting tumor of the show we're left with.

Fuck everybody's mother.

Someone had a bad weigh in day

This whole sub has had a bad day...everyday....for quite a while actually

We all just need to go to the gym and eat butter

I've actually had a lovely day but this place makes me think bad thinks.

How much heroin money does /u/stinkskc charge you for his well worn crust punk undies?

Asking for a friend.

You should self harm. It makes the bad thinks go away, for a while.

Chin up buddy, you can always eatabullet.com

100% agree.. Dumbshits gathering on the Internet wasting energy on a show the supposedly hate.. Seems to me like this entire sub has their bowl of fuck popcorn holding on to every last word.


There are over 10,000 seconds in a Worm & Udders show & it took Jim like two seconds to say that line. I consulted Opie's math mentor & there's roughly a 0.02% chance that only that particular line was accidentally erased out of an entire show.

I'm not sure, but they could be lying faggots.

I'm trying to think of someone having said something that was less believable. The only thing that even comes close is Michael Brown's friend's statement on what happened.

There is even less chance than that because the "glitch" covered the exact time Jimmy was speaking then fixed itself. The opesters mentor did not factor in this random glitch messing a portion of what Jimmy said, so the chance is less than 0.01% . They are lying faggots and opies math mentor is as retarded as tits himself. 141 IQ bitschseah


Old Dairy Cow Eyes is just trying to take care of his meal ticket.

Holy shit is that funny.


"Technically, we cut it out"

Do you think that's the truth?

Sounds like a fib to me.


Reminds me of the time Bill Burr's podcast got cut off by a techinal issue just as his wife was about to go into a rant about a man taking pictures of a woman in a public place without her permission.

please tell me this really happened?

Ok here it is. Starts around 57:30. At around 59:35 Nia says "Do we need to talk about..." and that is exactly where it cut off.

I was way wrong about how they started talkin about it. Someone wrote a letter.


Ahh shit, this is totally the works of the Billburr Group



I also like to have people take diarrhea flu shits in my mouth too

Yeah it did. It was a few months ago. There was some story that Bill was talking about where a woman was unhappy about having her photo taken in public, and I think she may have attacked the guy or broke something, I'm not too sure on those details.

Anyway Bill was saying that in a public place she has no right to privacy, even if the photographer was being a dick he has the right to take the picture. Then Nia was saying some bullshit about rights and laws don't matter feelings are all that count... bla bla bla, some nonsense.

It slowly got closer to pretty much arguing about exactly what happened with Anthony in Time Square and it got cut off. When they came back Bill just said he accidentally hit the plug of the recorder with his leg.

Strange thing is that that podcast isn't live. Bill could have gone back further and deleted the whole conversation.

Some of the details about how they got started talkin about it might be wrong.

To play devils advocate, Ol Billy Boy is a self identified moron who consistently has petty technical issues with his podcast after 9 years of weekly episodes.

i lost a lot of respect for Burr that day


He's a liar

Yes give us more info sir.

is bill still doing the podcast with his wife?

She only jumps in occasionally. Mostly for the question reads for a cunt point of view.

She jumps in when the show is getting too funny and we need someone there to grind it to a screeching halt. (That's generally what god made vaginas for anyway)

Can't blame Bill he's got to live with her better she rant on the podcast instead of in his ear while hes watching the game

thats pretty funny considered he made that famous rant about yoko ono

is she there the whole time monitoring everything he says

it's astounding they think that anyone would believe that and/or that they still try to pull this shit.

"Above All, Real"

Their target audience is not all that smart.

Erock was recording it from the closet and just before Jimmy said it, the tape fell out and broke on the floor. Dang it. It was pretty awesome, I wish we still had that tape.

That happened to me too!!!!

A 3 year old could think of a better excuse.


Buncha liars!

Tucker Max and Mark Normand both agree that this seems plausible.

You don't believe me? Wtf bro?

Only 4 words got cut with the technical issue, the equipment is old. And Roland's phone don't get some texts because he drops it.

Travis and erock are idiots to think listeners buy that bullshit. Travis is little twink.

False flag

It was the HAARP system combined with thermite paint



Used to cut up the audio and create this fake fight. Mind control and misdirection to boost ratings. It's an inside job!!

Technical issue, yeah its called the dump button.

That's not how it works.

Opie dumped bob kelly last week.

From the live broadcast perhaps...which is what the dump button is for.

If he dumped anything but a plug I'm supremely disappointed in him. What a fag

Yeah, I agree about that. I'm just saying tits has a record.

Well, these two are about to be unemployed soon, so what do you expect them to say?

They both live in abject terror of Tits.

Sounds like a Quannspiracy. WHY WAS SIRIUS XM TOLD TO STAND DOWN???

Please provide audio clips for those who don't listen to the show

Coulda used the South Park "YOU'RE A LIAR!" drop.

No, that would of been mildly amusing

When did he call him a dick?

thermite paint

It is insufferable listening to that defense. Jimmy saying "Im the one who said it, and I didnt think it got edited out" That faggot doesnt believe that, he knows they tried to bury it, despite the reason.

I expect something like this from that fat pig Erock, but I'm pretty disappointed in T-Storm.

Oh no!

Liar whore liar whore!

This is the 2nd or 3rd time this "mistake" has been made.

Making it sound like shit so they could point out that it would have sounded better if done on purpose seems about right as well.

I've used the software they use. It's IMPOSSIBLE for that to happen.

Someone is lying, but you can't blame them. Nigga's gotta eat.

Say what you will about the show and its staff but you have to hand it to them. At least they don't insult the intelligence of their listeners.

It sounded like they reversed the audio, like radio people do when they're censoring something.


When you record something but it doesn't save. I know that feeling bro.

They could have came up with a better life than this.. Wait, nevermind.

The only virus that is spreading via this channel anymore is one that causes cervical/breast cancer.

I bet Wickie called for the edit - trying to put out the flames of his imploding show

such bullshit and lies


They actually covered that up? What a joke, of all the 2 seconds that get cut out its those 2? Shut up.

Dassabesso, jus' cutin an fuckin...

Double double toil and trouble

Fire burn and cauldron bubble

They're lying about the edit because you can hear the audio reverse right at the cut.

Horse hockey

theres literally no reason they wouldve intentionally taken just that bit out and left everything else in, and then discussed it all the next day despite wanting to take it out.

but have at it you conspiratorial shitcunts.

Are you really this stupid?

Give a counter argument then you bastion of logic. Why wouldn't they cut out anything else? What specifically was wrong with that, that was worse than the stuff they left in. And then why would they blab on about it for 5 minutes the next day. What a brilliant cover up....

Why are you asking questions this sub clearly can't answer?

Why would they cut that EXACT part out? What, 200 minutes of audio in each show, and it is pure coincidence that it happened to be that part?

They blabbed on about it because they were called out on it. EVERYONE - except you- sees that it was very fishy at the least, and they do something that is called downplaying it.

This is not the first time this shit has happened.

That type of radio that we all lived and laughed at is gone. Legion of Skanks is the only way to go.

Used to cut up the audio and create this fake fight. Mind control and misdirection to boost ratings. It's an inside job!!

Give a counter argument then you bastion of logic. Why wouldn't they cut out anything else? What specifically was wrong with that, that was worse than the stuff they left in. And then why would they blab on about it for 5 minutes the next day. What a brilliant cover up....