All of Opie's tweets about their lame drama (since I know you're all blocked)

55  2016-07-27 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


TBF, porn stars are dull radio.

Except the pornstar and Jim jeffries fight was great and the pornstar that they made cry was one of the best segments of OnA ever. So that's not always true.

It would be boring now because the show is just straight QnA with who gives a shit guests.

Belle Knox was an absolute embarrassment of a segment though.

lady di saved it

That was an atrocity. But it was in a way funny that they all fell into a stupor then after she left and moreso the next day they all realized what assholes they were.

No they didn't, they vehemently defended their conduct because picking on porn stars is apparently not ok, despite the fact they have done far worse to far less deserving people for a good decade.

Yeah, I'm referring more to the oldschool Stern style of treating it as a sexy treat for the audience.

I did also like ERock spanking the one whore so hard that she cried.

tune in the bonefire and u are in for a treat, all their female callers want is to suck and fuck and the sucking and fucking

I loved the bonfire but as a favorite OnA universe Character would say, the bonfire has passed me by.

Loved it when they were doing some Tom Hank's retarded son bashing, but now all they talk about is porn pussy and penis and their staff getting pussy then take a call with a female dirty caller about pussy and suck and fuck


Someone is FORGETTING about the enlightening and FUNNY BELLE KNOX interview.

Get it?! It was NEITHER of those THINGS!!!!

Good one, my man!

Jim : "Boy, that abuse stuff is just wrong... Max Hardcore was just dirty, he was never mean... "

listening to porn stars on the radio is old hat. fucking 1997 shit.

I think having anyone Norton actually wanted to talk to in studio couldn't hurt

Are you high?? You actually want more Rick Ross borefests or dull MMA tards. I still can't believe O&A didn't wait for Oliver Stone. They quote his films so much and is a legendary director.

they were cultivating that classic O&A devil may care attitude

Jim blocked me on twitter for saying that exact thing to him about the Asa Akira thing when he brought it up a while back.

I remember liking the Tiger Belly's she was on. I'm not up to date on my porn watching and had no idea she was a pornstar.


That's true, but I think the point is that Jim didn't just book the porn star anyway behind Opie's back.

Jim referred to himself as a guest on the show?

Yea, he was being a cunt. Spoiled.cunt.

I kill spoiled CUHHNT.


The little tiff was posted earlier, it's like 8 minutes

Opie sucks, but I'm starting to like him more than Jimmy.

Thanks. Opie hasn't blocked me yet but he may do just that after reading the inquiry I sent him on twitter. I don't tweet often however when drama is afoot it's fun to stir the pot a Lil bit. Especially with Opie. You know that breasted man lives for twitter relevancy.

I told him to stop being a coward and confront Jimmy on air.

This is a good angle I think. Feed into his ego. Tell him to stop taking Jimmy's shit because it's YOUR show. YOU'RE the BOSS. Don't let him walk all over what you've worked your entire life on. You need to show the loyal listeners who's in charge and the passive agressive jabs won't be tolerated.

If that doesn't get something going on air and finally make Jimmy unload, nothing will.

twitter relevancy.

1 retweet, 3 favorites

Holy fuck they're both such cunts.

Check out Ants show. He has been pretty good lately. The Columbo game wss funny

No! Good day sir!


I like JIMMY and think he is FUNNY, but he is as BAD as KEVIN SMITH when he thinks he has been WRONGED somehow.


i hope 'sciple fuckin lights you up for downplaying the scorchman

jim is doing some closet sjw thing right now

Opie is following in the footsteps of his idol howard, although at least Howard does a good interview every now and then and used to be funny, while opie was never funny and will probably be booking z list reality stars hawking their cook books after jim leaves.

I heard Raqio Disney is hiring

and if being an OnA fan is any indication, that is one big gut feeling.

@OpieRadio do you know any background on the pornstar? If Jim was upset she was obviously worth talking to.

Was she? I'm struggling to remember even one porn star interview that wasn't like listening to paint dry. If Jim got angry, it's probably because he wanted to fuck her or just stare at her tits creepily while attempting to lure the stupid broad in with his edgy sense of humor.

Opie is starting to seem sensable by the hour

Why did Jim have a beef with DL Hugly in the first place?

DL bailed on appearing on one of Morton's pilots... I think the Vice show.

Are we sure DL wasn't just scheduled to come in for season 1 episode 5? Because see, the show was simply cancelled before that one was filmed, so perhaps this is all just a big gay misunderstanding.

Did Norton think people would really care about him having a talk show?

We've all been where these guys are right now. You both know the relationship is coming to an end, so you subconsciously try to drive the other person away to make the eventual parting of ways easier.

This is nothing to do with booking guests. There's been tension for ages now. Jimmy can't perform in that room. He used to joke to make ant laugh, knowing ant set his comedy bar pretty high. Now he's just got frat boy opie who often fake laughs at shit jokes and ignores good ones, and then just steamrolls over anything be doesn't like. Jimmy has sounded like an abused wife for months now. People saying he's being a worm and what not, but I'm glad he actually grew some balls (dzzzzzk) and called opie a dick

The worst part of this is he used a DNC emoji.

Opie can't last by himself. I don't even like Norton. He says he's moved on from porn stars. He's copying Stern again.

He's not copying Stern, he's just trying to line up people to fuck. Like he did when he paid porn star Bree Olson to fuck him.

I think he meant opie is copying stern, with his whole "reinvented" bullshit not Norton. Unless sterns talking about trannys again

He's trying to make his show mainstream.

Opie inherited his moms mental illness. It will only get worse with each passing year.



In a weird way, I respect Opie. He is somewhat aware of his limited value and stills collects regular cheques.


I really hate @JohnKillelea1

I'm not blocked he's an idiot why follow him


Srs bro what's your endgame here, do you think you're changing anything by preaching that shit in this shit sub

Good one, my man!

This is a good angle I think. Feed into his ego. Tell him to stop taking Jimmy's shit because it's YOUR show. YOU'RE the BOSS. Don't let him walk all over what you've worked your entire life on. You need to show the loyal listeners who's in charge and the passive agressive jabs won't be tolerated.

If that doesn't get something going on air and finally make Jimmy unload, nothing will.

Jim : "Boy, that abuse stuff is just wrong... Max Hardcore was just dirty, he was never mean... "