Wow, Opie manning up and answering some questions on Twitter.

1  2016-07-27 by Mr702law


Manning up after blocking 99.9% of the people that have ever tweeted at him, the thin skinned liar.

yes I'll be blocked very soon lol

Oh, is that why all the comments are "love the show Op" and "right on brothaman!"

Just because he's blocked every person to shit on him, doesn't mean there aren't more accounts for him to block that haven't tweeted him until now. I'd imagine/hope everyone that will ever tweet him is shitting on him (except for the thai sweatshop workers).

I'd love to know how many of the people shitting on him will be blocked. It's certainly miniscule compared to the amount of tweets he used to get.

manning up/dropping Jim in the shit

Exactly right - shades of his mother coming out. Trying to poison things for Jimmy (with DL, with the audience)