The constructive ideas thread

0  2016-07-26 by Dennyislife

Opie in October leave and go live your life out with your wife and kids. You are washed up. It was fun whilst it lasted but you are exactly like the people jocktober opie would rant against.

Jim become a touring comic and be happy with that perhaps co-host a morning show with Sam if you still want to do radio. Admit what you are and settle down with a nice man.

Ant. Come out as enjoying the trans. You'll be happier.

Bobby Kelly. Put that cake down.


I liked it better when O&A Jesus did this

of all these things, the least likely to occur is Bob Kelly putting the cake down.

I liked it better when we can hang those people and the cops would laugh and ask us to cut them down after a day.

This sub should have less dummies.

you don't go culling the herd when you are down to twelve steers

I thought this would just be thirty people telling OP to kill himself.

I tell myself that enough 😥😲😵😨😟😍😲😟😲😰😧 Lolololol