Opie & Jimmy's Brief Fight 7/26/2016 (thanks /u/illydelph!)

133  2016-07-26 by im_not


DL: I don't work for a great boss like you, I have a dick for a boss.

Jim: I know the feeling.

Haha, best I've thing heard from the worm in a while.

Is it me, or did Jim's response get edited out of the replay? I scrolled back numerous times to hear his response, and got a weird noise where Jim was supposed to say this

i just heard the replay on SXM.ca .. Confirmed it's just a weird noise where he would have said 'I know the feeling'.

Edit: Erock, comment?


HOLY SHIT IT IS! I just pulled it up on demand on my phone and it's absolutely edited out, DL says his boss is a dick and Jim's line is completely gone. I'll post a clip soon...

you're a saint on erf

It's on the youtube upload. I listened to that an got chills. Does Jimmy work for Opie or work with him?

cant upvote this enough if true.

" The worm has turned "


" how can a worm turn? "


" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! You're an idiot! "

Jimmy's new character, Salty Sal.

That's Salty Sally, the sassy tranny with a sweaty man-made meat wallet

Passive aggressive Patrick

That passive aggressive "I'm just a guest here, same as you" says it all. "They pay me to be here" why don't you take a little responsibility for the show you've been on for 16 years now.

Then he ironically blames Opie for being too much of a boss, how convenient.

He tried to take a hand in the show by blocking a guest he had a legitimate beef with but dummy went ahead and booked the guy anyway without telling him (imagine if the situation was reversed and jim brought in a guest opie had a problem with like anthony).

If his radio partner is going to ignore his wishes then he is right, his name should not be on the show.

In short, Jim is right, opie is a dick.

It's still Jims fault for signing a contract with Titty Boy. He knew what a fucking doucheboat Opie was, and he took the money anyway. On top of that, he defended Opie endlessly and even said shit like "I loved doing radio with Anthony, and I love doing radio with Opie now." He choose money over good radio, and he has been suffering the consequences ever since. Fuck em

What guest does he have a problem with?

Like a child who wanders in in the middle of a movie and wants to know whats going on

I don't listen to this dumpster fire anymore. I have a hard time even trying to hate listen.

This post is all about Jimmy having a problem with DL, Opie knowing about this, bit still booking DL anyway against Jimmy's wishes.

I was bowlin'!


I would love for Jim to tear into Opie like everyone else here, but you're right and he's a little bitch. Same thing with Anthony. Opie is insufferable and the Greggshells episode was well-deserved but Anthony doesn't take any responsibility for ruining his career and destroying O&A over a bunch of drunken tweets.

They're all a bunch of pussies and it's infuriating to watch them destroy their careers with zero self-awareness.

They dont call him The Worm for nothing.

They're both being cunts, but Jim has brought this on himself in a lot of ways:

1) If my boss hated someone's guts, I wouldn't go do their show on a regular basis. (Anthony Cumia)

2) The title on your business card means a lot. Jim Norton has actively avoided having his name on the show, and I think that's cost him money. He should've pushed to make it the "Opie and Jim Norton Show" , not "Opie Radio."

3) Jim has talked about leaving the show constantly. Opie might be miserable too, but he doesn't act like it. Sometimes it's better to keep quiet.

Seriously that pissed me off so much. I hope it pissed off Opie too



I think those comments were in response to the fact opie doesn't think Jim should have a say in what goes on or who comes in, basically saying fuck you opie if that's how you see it that's how it'll go. and Jim was literally the only good part left of the show, I hope all the cellar comics stop coming in

You have to be retarded not to see that was exactly what he meant by it. Lots of tards around here, as we all know.

Did Jim really sit there the whole interview and not say anything until DL brought it up?

Wow, what a faggot.

What's wrong, Jim? Locking up again today?

You OK, buddy? What's the matter today?

Bring out soundboard Jim.

There's seven tranny cocks in my mouth, and there's always room for eight!

Call in if you're also hearing voices

Ok Big Cat why don't you take the stick...

Little passive aggressive bitch boy

And it was most telling when he said "i'm just a guest here like you" when it was he himself that chose for the show name to be "Opie WITH Jimmy" vs Opie & Jimmy. Or so we've been told.

I thought he fucking left..

So did I

Oh he did honey, sometime last year most likely.


Well yeah he pulled a Fez.

Dassabesso, jus' passively aggressive an fuckin..

I wish I could hate opie for this one but Jim's being kinda cunty

I don't blame him, he clearly wasn't upset at the fact that dl was on the show though. He was mad at opie for not consulting him first. Opie could of had him on when Jim was away. I'd be pissed at what he did if someone I worked along side for over 10 years decided to not give a shit what I thought

Or Opie booked him for the heat which probably pissed Norton off more.

Opie: “The problem is (you) DL if you really want to get into it.”

Jim: “I knew he’d say that so I’m kind of glad I mentioned it first.”

Why? We're not that close.

He likely never told Opie about it and Jim only knew DL was booked that day and Opie wasn't willing to cancel someone whose been on many many times same day

So much for speculation. They said on the show that DL had been cancelled the last 2 times because of this specific issue.

The worst part of the whole thing was opie repeating his reason 5 times. "I mean you're just too good DL! You're just too good for radio!" Zero responsibility for any of it. Blames 100% of it on the inexorable awesomeness of the Great DL Hughley. Opie couldn't resist having him on any more than a pebble could resist being sucked toward a black hole.

This is the guy who demanded they don't put his name on the wall right after they re-signed. Looking through Yim Yim's twitter you would never guess he has a show on SXM. He has talked about being there just for the money and leaving in october.

If Jimmy had played his cards right and focused on the show, instead of his side projects and stagnant stand up career, Opie would have made him an equal partner and a multimillionaire. You can argue he's the only reason the show is listeneable, but even if that's the case he's also just dead weight and in the long run it would be a smart move for Opie to replace him.

Jim gets exactly what he deserves.

This is so true. Jim will never be more famous than he is because he doesn't have any more stuff to say. It's all the same jokes.

This is 1000% correct.

Can you imagine having a job where you get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to make dick jokes? And you don't have to get on a plane, in fact you can walk to work?

It's literally a dream job, yet Jim obsesses about being a movie or tv star. The irony is that guys like Marc Maron and Adam Carolla would probably give their left nut to be back on the radio again. Obviously, they have wildly successful podcasts, but wouldn't you rather just get paid to go to work?

He is. I fucking hate when I hear about anyone of them vetoing guests even if I don't like the particular guest that they are nixing. It's always because they're such little bitches who can't confront their problems. Jim did this with Gavin too. Even if he wants to stay, one of them is going to passive-aggress their way out of working with the other come October

Jim is such a cowardly little faggot

I hate Opie but this is true. They've catered to his wants for a long time. Brock Lesnar was a bigger get to him than NORM MACDONALD. And he's a fucking comedian. Fuck you Norton.

I hate Opie too and it kills me to take his side here, but Jim can't be a pissy little bitch and get away with it. No siree Bob

Especially if what Opie says is true, and they cancelled DL twice previously because everyone was walking around on JimShells.

The fact that he kept going on about it made him seem a bit needy and pathetic. The guy offered the most heartfelt apology without hesitation and Jim kept bitching. It's like he was ready for a fight and had what he was going to say planned out, and still went with it despite the apology. What a baby.


Who cares? He apologised. And maybe he didn't want to get into the awkwardness of why he didn't like his shitty script then.


Of course I understand that. You seem to not understand that I don't care.

Opie came off way better than Jimmy.

DL will never again have anything to do with Jimmy after this.

If Jimmy tears Opie up live on air I will donate 20 dollars to the Chip Chipperson gofundme.

I will add a further $3

If a lot of us combine our money we can split a t-shirt in a year.

I've been putting ten cents into a jar every week for a while now. Panera doesn't pay much.

I get it on Thursdays!

I'm afraid I must be insistant on that point.

I will not donate but will claim that I did if Jimmy were to go off on Opie before October gets here

I got fiiiiive on it.

what the fuck is wrong with norton?

colin is right he's just a resentful creep.

Let's not let that distract us from the fact that Opie is genuinely horrible, and the new upcoming on-air fight will be glorious.

That's what this clip reminded me of - Jimmy being too much of a worm to be a man and tell someone he was bothered by their actions.

I honestly don't get why this still interests me. I haven't listened to the show in at least a year and none of the people in my life care or even know who these people are. But I'm still here glued to the audio of these two fruits having another cat fight. Also Brother Joe and other stuff I guess.

Because the sooner the show is off the air and Compound media files for bankrupcy the sooner we can all move on with our stupid lives.

We'll still be making fun of what they post on twitter. I'm afraid death is the only suitable outcome in all of this (either those three dunderheads or all of us, take your pick).

i still re-listen to patrice appearances... what i'm saying is that it's going to have to be us

"Stalking and mocking disgraced radio hosts on the internet is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof"

I unfollowed all three long ago. All I care about is Anthony's media empire imploding in as horrifically embarrassing a way as possible

Dude, This encapsulates exactly how I feel... I listened for a bit more than a year, Starting a month after anthony got fired -_- I think it's because it brings me back to the stern golden years and the amazing fights.

we need something to do before our shift at Panera starts. Are you closing tonight?

Can you count my till, I'm not really feelin it today so I'm gonna tap out for an hour.

As your boss, who is also a dick, I'd just like to say that I will not allow any tapping out.

I got fired for not ringing up credit cards right on the till

enough with the till

I think the biggest reason I enjoy this sub is zero people in my life know what this show or who any of the people are - I would never hang put with them of they did.

Because the people in this sub are hilarious.

OpieRadio is the show where the audience is funnier than the hosts.

If the fighting gets worse it's going to be the best the show has been in a long time.

Jim can never just accept an apology and go "nah it's cool, shit happens". He drags out his indignation and continues being passive aggressive.

Exactly. Honestly, who gives a shit? He canceled late, who cares? He apologized like 10 times and took complete blame and Jimmy still was cold-shouldering him.

Yeah Jimmy acts like he's never canceled late even once or forgot about someone else's shit. He's the most self entitled douche at times. If there's nothing in it for him he doesn't do it.

This is worse than the time he blocked comedians on Twitter because they didn't get back to him about his shitty ass show.

Yes and remember when he wanted to get those shark skin custom boots made from that journeyman cobbler on gobblers knob?

i agree jimmy cant let shit go and is super passive agressive but i think he is more pissed that he asked a day before if it is still on so that they dont rent the place out and his people said yes its on then he cancelled anyway and then he was out money.

Indignation??? Jeez, somebody went to college.

You throwing a whole lot of big words at me and since I don't understand them Imma take it as a sign of disrespect

"Well, you know, I can accept an apology, but I just felt that-- and you know I'd never bitch and whine about the apology -- but I thought that there was something else."

My guess is it was really about the stupid script that DL never got back to him on.

He really is a Baby Boy

it's what happens when you like to suck cock. it's not a male or female thing. just a cock sucking thing.

Jim didn't seem all that pissed with DL once they started talking. Opie doesn't apologize cause he is right, and Jim is sick of his shit

Opie vs Jimmy 2 is heating up

I'm a bit discouraged by Jim saying "I'm not gonna argue on the air." Hopefully that only applies to today's show. Now's not the time to take the high road!

Ohhh don't you worry. If Opie ignores Uncle Paul like 17 or 18 or times. There's gonna be hell to pay!




It's embarrassing how excited I was to listen to this.

I feel like only you all understand that simultaneous excitement and shame

It's shameful, we're no better than the hens on The View.

I'm the sassy one with a fat ass.

I hope you end the same way. But in all seriousness, that emotion, the feeling of excitement at a fight finally happening, is what I want to convey in the book.

You should include some of the top comments from this sub. Try not to use too many of mine coz it would be embarrassing for the other fellas.

That's an incredibly stupid suggesion... obviously I'm only going to use your top comments.

I'm the one who thought history didn't exist before Jesus was born

The black one per chance?

Yeah. Or it was a black woman, yeah.

To this day I wonder if she was subtly trolling or if she's really that stupid.

I'm with you, it was delightful

I shot up from my chair and did the hands on my head "Oh shit!" move.

I was so psyched especially after the barrage of shit posts the past two days

The best part about listening to this was knowing what a good night it was going to be on the sub.

Love Jimmy's little jab about the podcast with his good friend.

He also added that they can take criticism which will have Opester reeling for weeks.

Criticism is fine but THE CONSTANT HATE IS JUST TOO MUCH. ffffuuuCCCKKKK.

"Me and my family don't...deserve...ah-this....ah-shit......puriod...."

ME: He shoulda left my FAWKIN' wife out of it.

Can you say that? Can you say he should left my FAWKIN' wife out of it? Are we allowed to say that these days? These days can you say you should leave someone's wife out of it? I don't know if you can say that. These days. I don't know anymore.

"...and I love doing the podcast.”

Such a passive aggressive worm. It's really my favorite Jimmy.

Jimmy clearly not happy with Opie's handling of DL. Vic Henley worthless as usual.

You mean Vic " cluck ha ha cluck " Henley? He's embarrassing. I prefer Sherrod, at least his stupidity is funny.

And he's black.

There is zero that is appealing about Sherrod besides his inability to take a joke. At least Vic has some music and sports knowledge.

He's black????

Reminds me of when Colin called Jimmy a creep because he unfollowed all his friends on Twitter for failing to support one of his side projects

Now THAT'S a clip we should all revisit.

Part 1

Part 2


Yeah I felt like that too. In both instances he become upset because a person he reached out to never gave him so much as a reply, I get why that might make him feel bad. But it's the unfollowing on twitter, the refusing to talk to anybody ever again, that kinda goes too far. Like, did he maybe try and reach out to D.L. personally and ask again first, before giving him the patented Worm Cold Shoulder?

I'm assuming that changing @OpieAndJimmy to @OpieRadio is the new unfollowing friends. Nothing like taking a stand by making yourself even less known.


TBH, this is all on Jim. He wants to turn down a decent guest because he has hurt feelings over something that occurred outside of the radio world. Opie's priority is to make sure he gets the best guests possible (I know, I know) and if Jimmy has a personal beef with someone who otherwise is a good guest then he needs to suck it up or leave. Sitting there silent is actually a girl move. Jimmy is even more wrong because the beef relates to a personal project he had and nothing to do with the radio show.

That was a great bit of info opie threw out there in front of DL.lol


Well if Jimmy is not man enough to bring it up to DL then I don't blame Opie for booking a guy who has been a loyal guest for years.


Opie just tweeted he has booked people he didn't want because Jimmy did


I don't know who Chauncey is, Fanboy.


Yeah, like Louis CK. That guy blows.


Opie's advice to Jim was to just call D.L. and "work it out since they have a relationship"?

Holy fucking shit, where does this fat-titted fool get the balls to say that?

Jim rightly addressed with sarcastic dismissal.

By balls I assume you mean stupidity and complete lack of self awareness.

I think he mistook the tits for some balls. Understandable and I say he gets a pass.

I will say this, Opie was trying to talk about this and it came off as if Jimmy shelled up. Even before the show.

I seem to remember that Opie had a problem with some guy that he knew for 20 years, but he wouldn't talk it out with him on air.

I agree that was dumb. What's even dumber is they won't even talk about it off air

Lack of self awareness is the cause of and the solution to all of Opester's damaged relationships.

It's amazing how he could be simultaneously right and hypocritical at the same time.

Fucking little baby worm boy. Pull your 24" inseam pants up and get over yourself. Lets see how far jimmys career lasts after sirius. Tits passed on DL twice to accommodate you. poopoo.

Did ya hear DL making a noise when he realized it was because of jimmy? Ooooof he ain't coming back


It was just the "huh", like thats why nigga, and his tone shifted to more defensive

So a semi-famous comedian didn't want to do Jimmy's awful fucking show? What a surprise.

And he bumped himself with only an hour's notice because why not? It's Jim Norden, nobody cares.



let me guess, DL was supposed to be in drag or recently having fucked a tranny...

So he ran to Africa without telling anyone.



nothing humiliating about feeling another man's pee pee

God he's a fucking baby. He refuses to take any responsibility for that Vice shit show failing miserably, so he's still blaming everybody else. Good luck with the Australia tour shithead, he's fallen so far behind by not touring anywhere outside the U.S over the last 15 years, Burr started touring Europe 10 years ago in small venues and steadily built up a fan base from there, now he can play any venue he wants, same goes for a lot of the old regulars. I guess Jimmy has had to reconsider his I won't tour internationally because "they hate Americans" stance, fuck him.

"I certainly have" "No? Oh okay I stand corrected, good for you"

Haha even during this discussion Opie has to a) make it about himself and b) take the opposite side of the issue just for the sake of feeling like he's proving Jimmy wrong

Jimmy is unbelievable. What a passive aggressive worm.

Put a fork in those tits; they're done.

Jimmy saying DL is a genius made me gag.

Grade A worm shit.

Genuinely a genius.

Hearing this and remembering that this is a man who frequently refers to others as, "Baby boy" is astounding.

It's called projection. When in the heat of passion, we throw the first thing that comes to mind at someone else - what we would do.

"I don't know how other people think, so I assume they think like I do" is the mentality.

Jim is tone-deaf to how other people think, so he goes for what he knows. He's shown an incredible ability to throw tantrums over the years, this is a surprise? Go find Coffee Diva, or the time the desk broke in the new XM studio and fell on his foot, or the times they got his food wrong. His tantrums over coffee were almost a daily bit. Jim used to be all about the explosions of rage he criticises everybody else for now. He thinks he's transitioned into this enlightened, Carlin-eque elder comic statesman state, when he's still the same shame filled raging man child he was years ago.

Finally something happened. Holy shit this clip is a worm overload. What a baby back bitch, he keeps complaining about everyone but than saying it's not their fault. What a passive aggressive douche fag. Did you hear him say he's a guest on the show just like DL? what a delusional worm, and of course DL backed the fuck out of whatever it is he tried to get him to do, if the chip chipperson cartoon is any indication of his creative abilities

Of all the things to fight about ... Jimmy picks this? Hilarious. At any rate, I'll take it. Hearing Jimmy's little jabs at Opie was worth the price of admission. I particularly like the little "You don't actually reach out to people, so ..." in the middle of the clip.

"But they pay me to be here" - sure, that was why in the past you've bailed from the show for celebrity photos, right Jim?

You wanted to be in DL's face not talking to him. You act like a woman. You learned it from Opie - you wanted to sit there sniffing and looking at your phone like Opie does.

And the best part? DL doesn't give one fuck - he's got a viable career. They blew off your pilot because they could smell the failure on it a mile away, and he had better things to do. He shined Jimmy on big time here, and Jimmy lapped it up, because his feelings were hurt. Boo hoo. It's business, get a fucking helmet, Jim - you've been in this game long enough to know how it works. DL basicially talked you off the ledge like a guy does to a woman.

Jim, you're turning into Opie. Leave in October before the transformation is complete.

Everyone in studio is an awful person is my take away. Especially Opie, but they all kinda suck.

DL is cool. He bought intern David a massage and a hand job.

DL cancelled doing a voice over for that chipperson cartoon? Dude dodged a bullet

Opie sounds like a fucking psychopath in how he completely disregarded Jimmy's feelings because "DL is good radio." He said go stand outside like Jimmy was a dog.

Jimmy sounds like a whiny bitch that doesn't know how to handle conflict.

ME: "welll... the issue was with you D.L." Worm: "I knew he'd do that"

Tits is such a retard

Bitter, resentful Jimmy is the second worst Jimmy character. Right next to Pontificating Jimmy.

1:53 for anyone who wants to hear Jimmy call Opie a dick.

You can really feel the rage one must feel to sit in the same room with Opie. Just listening to the audio I imagined crawling over the desk and just smashing his face in.


Why didn't you do it, you pussy

Opie didn't really do anything in this clip. Except book someone Jim hates. Jim will be gone in Oct I'm sure of it now after this clip

You underestimate the worm

They changed the twitter name

Then said well if you had a problem Jim you shoulda contacted DL privately and settles it SNIFFF. whata hypocritical faggot

Jimmy is a big cry baby passive aggressive fag man

It's a bummer that the argument is kinda through DL though. I liked DL saying "I don't have a cool boss like you have, my boss is a dick" and Jim goes "I know the feeling.."

Still, them being openly pissed at each other is a step in the right direction.

Jimmy has had it. This is gonna blow up big time before October.

I bet you it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, I wish it would but it just won't. Life is pain like that.

Celebrity photos and a nice chunk of money are only keeping him around. No way he gives that up.

I like how DL is apologising and shit then Jimmy just ignores the apology and starts ranting about himself and how he feels.

No awareness or acknowledgment that someone is manning up and trying to settle things. All he needs to do is start babbling about the Mets and he'll be Bobo.

It makes you fez

I don't care what anyone else says, Opie is still the absolute worst human on the planet. I HAAAAAAATE how he promotes their gigs immediately after having a fight like it's him being the bigger guy who can separate business from personal shit.

I fucking hate him and his stupid tits.

Attack Opie's personality all you want but please leave his luscious tits out of it.

I'm sorry, I got carried away.

I should've read the entire thread before posting my most recent reply.

You clearly didn't hear the start of the show. Obvious tension followed by Opie completely blanking Jim's jokes and comments, while Vic's dull observations get the full on HYAH-HYAH-HYAH.

When Vic replaces Jim do you think they should keep the name of the show as 'the Opie show' or change it to something more upbeat like 'Opie and Vic's morning zoo'.

You're a real fuckin jerk, huh? Hate is a strong word man, and it's not something anyone should throw around in such a cavalier way. How would Gregg's piggle jiggle fucking slob tits feel about you saying that you hate them? His titties have feelings too dude, I hope you take the time to consider your words more carefully next time this blonde haired delusional faggot that lucked his way into many millions of dollars does or says something infuriatingly tone-deaf and/or fucking stupid on a platform where the idea is ostensibly that you're listening to him. Shame on you sir, Gregg's boobs are a delight and they don't deserve to hear your bunk and baloney.

*Note - I am not a doctor and I cannot independently confirm that Opie's boobadoobas are sentient life forms.

Jimmy should have done the manly thing and left one of his poems lying around for DL to read. Or maybe leave him an anonymous letter with KISS lyrics explaining that he's sad.

DL picks up a piece of paper

"Hey DL,

Get up, everybody gotta move their feet,

Get down everybody gotta leave their seat

Gotta lose your mind because you really hurt my feelings.

Signed, James Norton"

"Ok, I stand corrected. Good for you." Wow, Jimmy really has had it with Opie.

Jimmy is being a resentful creep, and Opie is being a cunt.

But I hate Opie more, so I'll side with Jimmy.

I liked DL's line about not being able to take that emaciated worm out for dinner.

ugh why does he keep saying "i'm just a guest" like it isn't his show that he's been on for almost two decades. i want to hate opie on this but jim is a passive aggressive little weasel.

Fuck Jimmy. DL is much more interesting.

Since Jim never watches other comics, what on earth would make him think D.L. Hughley is a "genius?"

I wonder if Vic is having second thoughts about becoming a part of the show. In the past few weeks alone, he's seen Opie at his most cunty (e.g. the Nick DiPaolo incident). I wonder what conversations he's sat through when they're off the air.

Vic would love to have whatever Jims contract is, he's pushing for Jims chair if he decides to leave

Vic Henley pretended to be a comedian at single A ballparks for food scraps his entire life. He will take anything that comes his way, and I don't blame him.

"Opie at his most cunty (e.g. the Nick DiPaolo incident)."

Wa happa?

(I've been away in Syria )

They had a big blow-up on-air. Opie made some dumb comment about Nick's wife, and Nick threatened to kick Opie's ass outside the building. Kenny ended up physically dragging him out of the studio. Opie burst into tears again and then he went on for like 40 minutes about his own failing marriage and other disappointments in his life.

The most amazing part was no one bothered to record it.


Fighting the kumiyas or joining?

Great. Now even ISIS members are tuning in for Greggshells.


Yeah right sounds like opie's gonna dump the worm for vic.

If you're Vic Henley, who has had to sit in that room routinely for basically free, doing the same thing for six figures would always sound pretty good.

Doubt it would be six figures with this heatless show

What was the 'Nick DiPaolo incident'?

Around the 2 hour and 50 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpH_edAoWXg

Thank you brotherman

two years ago I would have put $$$ on Opie being the most hate-able , oh how the mighty despicable duo have fallen

I think he's still the most hateable, but the margins have closed in on the other two for sure

Jimmy really might as well just throw on a dress and start living as a woman at this point. I mean he already likes cock and he's got the passive aggressive feminine behaviour down to a T.

I was under the impression he'd been living as elderly lesbian Jemima Morden for that past several years.

Dangerously high levels of estrogen in this clip.

Jimmy says that they pay him to be there and he doesn't want to derail the interview after he derails the interview and makes the guest apologize profusely. Opie should have beat him with his mammoth bazongas.

Also, I could have swore DL died but I was thinking of Bernie Mac.

What is with Gregs croaky voice when it gets "real".

Right? I'm surprised not many people have picked up on this. I honestly think it's because he's holding back from crying.

Anyone remember the time they had DL Hughley downstairs waiting, and Opie decided just to not have him on so that they had more time for Jocktobering Blaine & Allison?

Jimmy is right. If he feels like somebody slighted him and he doesn't want him on the show when he is around, that is how it goes. Who the fuck is Opie to "Big Time" Jim Norton and go behind his back to book a guest that Jimmy explicitly said no to on two occasions? Oh, because it's good radio, right. Jimmy should sit outside like a moron because DL is "good radio."

Wouldn't taking a phone call from Anthony when Opie had the chance have been good radio? "You gotta reach out to people, Jim." Opie, a man who never ended a business relationship in an amicable fashion and has 30 people in the industry that hate his guts, "Ya just gotta reach out, bro."

Is everyone sure Norton doesn't have a vagina?

It's called a wormhole

Tss... good place to go if you wanna go fishin'.

According to the former staffers, there used to be an Ant team and an Opie team in the office and they each had their own cliques. I'm sure if someone wanted to get something done on an executive level at the show, they'd have to come to Ant or tits and appeal to them, and I'm sure Jim usually went to Ant if he needed something done regarding the logistics and whatnot of the show, because he was never seen as an equal partner enough to be an automatic 3rd vote. When Ant left, he probably expected to at least not have to go through tits to get shit done; if he wanted to book someone, he could just tell Roland and since he's above Roland in the hierarchy, he would have to listen. But then what happens when a staff member gets competing demands from Opie and Jim? Obviously the back office people aren't gonna say to him "well Opie told me different, you gotta go talk to him", they'll just err on the side of caution and go with what Opie says. I doubt anyone in the back even knows whether or not Jim could fire them; they all believe Opie can, and Opie already has his network of sycophants from the Ant days. So Jim is left with no leverage at all to get his creative decisions accepted, except the threat of leaving. He probably looks around and goes "I could do a shitty talk show, a shitty movie, a shitty standup special... what do I need this horseshit for if I'm not even considered an equal partner?" And so he was doing it for the paycheck. He knows tits will absolutely flounder on his own, and he has no sense of loyalty whatsoever. His loyalty was always to his bank account. But he's thinking "you wanna put my name on this shitty show and give me equal billing but unequal pay and treat me like a bitch? You get to veto guests but I don't? Fine then, acknowledge that were not equals and take sole responsibility for your shitty show".

Definitely looking for an exit. Just like Ant, just like Jackie Jokeman before him, and Artie before him, Jim has vastly overestimated his appeal and reach without the show. Artie is way funnier, left the most popular radio show of all time, and his income is less than half of what it was on Stern. Ant's income probably isn't 1/10th. Jimmy will leave and a lot of the opportunities he thought he had will dry up because he won't have the platform to promote himself or reach people who don't specifically seek him out. I rank the ex-radio "stars" in order of funniness: 1) Ant, 2) Artie, 3) Jim, 4) Jackie, but Jackie has the most money purely because he bought NYC real estate when it was cheap and he was rich, instead of heroin or a massive, no resale value load-bearing formica stack of white marble in Long Island. Jim will soon be "writing a lot, shopping some pilots" for years, and fade into the obscurity that his endless deviant sex and taboo-driven alleged "comedy" has destined for him.

Long, but I think you nailed it

Artie didn't "overestimate his appeal"; he tried to kill himself on heroin.

If Artie had gotten and stayed clean, he'd be in Stern's chair right now. Or, at the very least, host of his own "theoretically #2, but actually much better than the #1" show, just waiting for the "king" to retire on his own terms.

An Artie show also would have pushed O&A further down the totem pole.

A sober Artie would have changed the entire landscape.

I'm pretty sure Jackie is broke. His entire issue with Stern was that he wasn't earning enough, and he stopped earning 15 years ago. Whatever you think he has, cut it in half (divorce). Also, he's been taking nothing but bottom of the barrel gigs since walking off the Stern show. Pitiful gigs. Bob Levy-esque gigs. Gigs nobody with FU money would ever agree to.

I'm a fag who can't listen at work, and I'm still having trouble figuring out what the argument was about via context clues posted here. So Jim is mad at Opie for having DL in? That's about all I can surmise.

Jim had some kind of pilot or show that DL was booked for. According to Norton DL was locked in to appear. Instead DL cancelled one hour before taping. Norton then decided to cock block any further bookings of him on O and J. Somehow this time DL slipped through and Norton acted like a silent mad girlfriend.

Jim's vagina is HUGE.

Jimmy is such an attention seeking bitch. A man would have just said "Hey, you didn't show up for that thing. What's up with that?" and moved on. Instead he sat there and pouted for 3 hours just to get an meaningless apology from DL to validate his menopausal tantrums.

He has the sensibilities of a 30 year old cat lady. Just a passive aggressive douche with no balls.

I can see why Jim is pissed off at this idiot. He never heard from him about the script.

I can't stand this nobody...but what would be your reaction if someone sent you this horrible script for an animated show that was going nowhere?

Sadly, Jimmy doesn't realize that this guy has more important things to do. Things that make money. (Not sure what it is...probably working with a Wayans brother). This script was probably even shittier than what was put on the stupid animated shitshow.

But fuck Opie too. He's a cunt.

Do you think either Jim Norton or Opie are embarrassed by this? Listening to it now, you can tell it's completely a fight between Opie and Jim, DL almost has nothing to do with it. He's just the outlet for their disregard for each other.

Opie & Jimmmy show in the last 2 years has exposed these two as nothing but straight up premadonna bitches.

Like before Madonna?

"Prima donna," you illiterate boob.

It's what happens when you eat too many edibles my mind is my mush.....check out the edibles maaaaaaaannnnnnnn

One other funny thing is when jimmy was plugging his ausi comedy tour, DL said in an honest voice as a comic-"why??"

Most important moment:

Opie says they had to cancel DL twice. DL goes: "Ahhhh"

Won't see those 2 together no more

Opie needs to stop hanging peoples jobs over their heads. Hasn't Jimmy earned the right to be on the show and brand he helped build without being told to stay outside?

Also you reach out to people when you have a problem? Sitting for a decade with "you didn't get the wedding gift I wanted or stay the 3 days I wanted you to" was really direct.

Hoping for drama in October.

I love that Opie's show has turned into a ball.of tension. In part due to this sub being so awesome.

I can't believe so many people in this thread are trashing Jim more than Opie about this. Is Jimmy acting wormy in this clip? Yes, absolutely, but Jim is an actually funny guy who acts wormy now and then, Opie is CONSTANTLY a cunt and this is another example of that.

Jim has problems, Opie is a fucking problem. I'm absolutely on Team Jim on this one, fuck Gregg Opie Hughes, passive aggressive cunt.

"I certainly have done that over the years..." have you? Fucking talentless hack.

I can't wait for the inevitable blowup.


No, no, no. You don't have to choose either team. Fuck both of these assholes.

Fuck both of these assholes.

Love to.

Jim is hateable but the fact that Opie won't even really acknowledge the argument and then sounds like he has a sore throat. Jim ends Opie life with the "good for you" line.

Does anyone think that was an awkward walk down the hallway after the show?

I loved that DL laughed his ass off after Morton said "we had issues". Fucking baby worm.

I don't get JIMMY here. Why didn't HE bring this up BEFORE or AFTER the SHOW?! The "OPESTER" should have DEFLECTED too.

It SOUNDS like JIMMY was SEEKING an apology from a GUY whose appearances are booked by a PUBLICIST. Why put DL on the SPOT when this COULD have been EXPLAINED privately?

OPIE is an IDiOT though. He is SELFISH and doesn't care what ANYONE else wants as long as its "GREAT RADIO"!!! Boy would OPIE'S milk be BOILED if JIMMY pulled this on him.

WHY are you YELLING at US?

I hate bitch tits voice change when he is in a fight or disagreement with jim. This fuck does not deserve anything he received from radio except that stroke that is coming in October

What kind of retard pays money to see Vic Henley?

We'll see on twitter in Oct when the Opie & Vic show starts.

tss brief fight what are they fightin over some underwear or somethin tss

Opie clearly doesn't care for Jims input anymore. I have no idea what pilot Jim was talking about but maybe he should of just accepted the first apology and moved on from it. He is clearly so enraged with Opie's attitude that it made him act passive aggressive like that. I do like the little jab at the end at opie when he's talking about the podcast and said if you hate it let us know about it, we can take the criticism. Should of been handled better by everyone involved though. Professionalism was definitely lacking here


Jim complimented Jason Ellis.

"we had Jason Ellis on who was EXCELLENT" - Definite fuck you to Opie.

Two people I don't like fighting with each other. If only a grenade could have been thrown into the room.

LOL opie is such a bitch.

Hughleygate is really heating up.


edit: opie radio Verified account ‏@OpieRadio

Fact: an email went out yesterday that @RealDLHughley was going to be on the show today. Would have been time to discuss the issue further.

Weren't the times, plural, the two times Jim explained why he didnt want Hughley on the show enough? This show gets Academy award winners and Grammy and Tony award winners and some of the biggest comics in the world. who fucking cares if DL Hughley never does the show again?

Coming soon the Opie and DL Show

Jim "Faggot" Norton

In the wise words of Colin: Jimmy is a phony.

Very subtle dig from DL - "its like when my wife doesn't speak to me for long enough and I'm like something must be wrong"

....way to go worm....newsflash....you're not Carson

I also cant stand when Jimmy is mad and everyone is joking around and he keeps his serious quiet "im mad" mood. he did it when colin called him out unfollowing people on twitter and everyone was laughing at him.

I hope he mispronounces Melbourne again when he's on stage over there.

So Opie has no issue throwing Jimmy into uncomfortable situations but the guy can't even acknowledge the fact that people photoshop his pictures on air? Fuck Opie

Thanks so much for putting this up, LOVE THIS SHIT


Here's some speculation:

DL: “Sorry Jimmy, I’d have done the same thing except I’d have walked out and yelled ‘Fuck that guy!’” (referring to himself, not Opie)

Jim: “Nah, they do pay me to be here, I wouldn’t walk out.”

Is Opie the only one of the 3 to walk out on the show?



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So was DL Hughley the guy Jim was referring to when him and Colin got in the fight over the Twitter thing? He said an unnamed comic (not connected with Tough Crowd) fucked him over and I always wondered who it was.

I think the Twitter fiasco may have predated when Jimmy was doing the show for Vice, could be wrong though.

Pretty sure he was talking about Jim jefferies

Seriously? Is that why Jim Jefferies hasn't been on the show in awhile? I thought it was just he didn't like Opie w/o Anthony or something but that makes more sense knowing Jimmy was actively blocking people from the show for what some might consider petty stuff

Jim Norton booking Diva!!



DL has the worst hyuck hyuck hyuck laugh ever.

Side kick jimmy thinks he has enough clout to sideline an A-lister over losing a room deposit?

I didn't listen to the whole show, but from what I've heard Jimmy was the baby in this situation. To sit quiet like a bitch? Fuck that shit.

Jimmy's in a corner now with a more expensive apt he has to pay for.

Excellent find, the cringe is palpable

Wow. This, in my humble opinion, might be the thing that will cause Jimmy to leave. Sorry in advance if someone has said all this but Jimmy is PISSED. First off Jimmy keeps referring to Opie as "He." Jim mentioned how "he" knew how he felt about having DL on the show, and fuck Roland for not telling him too as he said. Opie knew this would be great radio and never told Jim about DL. The best was when Jimmy mocked Opie saying "good for you" for being able to reach out and confront someone who he has issues with. Did he really say that? I kinda consider myself to be an Opie supporter, for the most part, but cmon man. Plus Jimmy saying he has a dick for a boss too?! PRICELESS

How the fuck could you be a Opie supporter?

cuz I I'm a fan of the show and have been for many years

lol, fag.

yeah and a man typing "lol" is what?

An elegant swan.

My sources are saying Anthony to return and Sam for third mic.


Haha then what are you still here for? These are the best and last remaining treats these idiots still provide us


This was gay and not a fight. Just two old bats bickering.

I hope in October Jimmy leaves and go on Ants show

That would be career suicide.

He has to have a career first

What if he just did for real suicide?

Jim actually needs money to pay rent. I highly doubt his landlord accepts Compound Media Bucks. Do you really think Anthony and his network generate even the bare minimum it would require to hire Jim, or is this a new Jim that doesn't care about money and will work with Anthony just because its the most fun thing to do?

People always act like Anthony can piss away endless millions on his network. How many subscribers do you think he has? How much do they pay a month? Multiply. Can Anthony afford Jim? No. Can Anthony afford anyone not working for minimum wage? Probably not.

It was interesting when Luis J. Gomez acted so pumped early on yesterday with Bobby, saying something like "On Opie Radio, no longer under the Anthony Cumia umbrella"

fff haha

I've been putting ten cents into a jar every week for a while now. Panera doesn't pay much.

Can you count my till, I'm not really feelin it today so I'm gonna tap out for an hour.

I bet you it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, I wish it would but it just won't. Life is pain like that.

I think he mistook the tits for some balls. Understandable and I say he gets a pass.

It's called projection. When in the heat of passion, we throw the first thing that comes to mind at someone else - what we would do.

"I don't know how other people think, so I assume they think like I do" is the mentality.

Jim is tone-deaf to how other people think, so he goes for what he knows. He's shown an incredible ability to throw tantrums over the years, this is a surprise? Go find Coffee Diva, or the time the desk broke in the new XM studio and fell on his foot, or the times they got his food wrong. His tantrums over coffee were almost a daily bit. Jim used to be all about the explosions of rage he criticises everybody else for now. He thinks he's transitioned into this enlightened, Carlin-eque elder comic statesman state, when he's still the same shame filled raging man child he was years ago.

Celebrity photos and a nice chunk of money are only keeping him around. No way he gives that up.



HOLY SHIT IT IS! I just pulled it up on demand on my phone and it's absolutely edited out, DL says his boss is a dick and Jim's line is completely gone. I'll post a clip soon...

nothing humiliating about feeling another man's pee pee


I hate Opie but this is true. They've catered to his wants for a long time. Brock Lesnar was a bigger get to him than NORM MACDONALD. And he's a fucking comedian. Fuck you Norton.

Fuck both of these assholes.

Love to.

WHY are you YELLING at US?

I get it on Thursdays!

I'm afraid I must be insistant on that point.