Hilarious cringe: Sarah Silverman and Al Franken trying to convince Bernie supporters to switch to Hillary

47  2016-07-26 by Ant_Sucks


I fucking love that all the faggots in the media with sticks up their asses were convinced the RNC would be some horrible shitshow and the DNC would be this unstoppable show of unity against Trump and instead the complete opposite happened. Every time Hillary's name was mentioned after the gavel today the crowd was booing. It's fucking hilarious.

Funny how stealing primaries will do that

The Dems have a remarkable ability to turn wine into water. Hillary rigged the primary, she owns the media, and she has way more staff and money than fucking Trump, and she's LOSING.

She has never been a good campaigner. She's got so much baggage. The dems should pick Sanders if they expect to win. One way or another, (((the establishment))) is going to lose this year.

My favorite part is how she is spending all this time trying to convince people she's one of them, doing those photo ops pouring beer and trying to use the subway. She just ends up looking like an asshole every single time.

The picture of her walking through some poor persons apartment is the best. She couldn't be more confused as to why or how people live like that.

The look on her face could be best described as confused horror.


She's one of the worst campaigners I've ever seen. I hope she has a stroke soon.

Conspiracy people believe that fainting episode might have fucked her head up already. That, and Bill's health is shit but they are holding off on releasing it to get sympathy when needed.


True. I mean a bigger one. I suppose it's an evil thought but it would be good for the country

She's come too far......................from where she's started...from!

You don't think that Chillary is a hep cat?

Trump is an everyman. For all his BS & exaggeration Trump could live a regular working class man's life but jazz up any situation he was in. He happened to get wealthy in property so he lives that lifestyle. But Trump could flip burgers, drive ice trucks, drive cabs, cook meth, be a biker, be a roofer, be a shock jock. He pulls eyverthing off.

Clinton was this trashy woman & hick Bill who got addicted to money only.


Despite growing up well-to-do his family his entire life can be summed up with "nigger rich." He acts like a dude who just won the lottery last week, everything is gold and chrome, his limos are longer than they need to be, everything is audacious and he walks around with the gusto of a pro wrestler. I don't trust these people who are secretly rich. Comedians are really bad for that, they're millionaires but walk around in their dumb denim trying not to rely on Five Hundred Dollar Steak stories.

It's a Jersey thing.

The Donald Trump Radio Show would be amazing. Honestly that was his true calling in life.

She will crush Trump because she is smarter and more qualified. She will make him look like a fool in the debates. Don't underestimate the vicuousness of democrats either. They will wait until the last minute to bring out that he raped a child in the 90s. They will also hire someone to pull that stupid weave out of his skull. It will be like the Kennedy assassignation except a fish hook will be used instead of a bullet.

You forgot MMMaaaannnn!!! At the end of your cuck rant you faggot.

Yeah he really cucked it up. Right proud boy.

Hillary is a phony fraud, the only reason she didn't get pummeled by little old Bernie is because he was afraid of being called a sexist. Trump isn't so he'll slap her around easily.


she is smarter

True, but not a high bar.

Tsss was JFK's ass assigned to hell or sumpin?


waaaaah im one of the absolutely ass tunneled, uneducated, insane radical leftist faggots who supported bernie becuz what he said sounded gud, even tho i had no clue how itd work out, but i still think im rite anyway

free collegez 4 every1!!! tacks teh rich!!! evil republicens arrrrgh KOCH BROS omg

BLM yall...

Waaaah I buy into the elite's "pull yourself up buy your bootstraps" propaganda while they constantly get bailed out by my tax dollars when they go under! The rich don't have a problem bring bailed out but fuck everyone else! Fuck all of us! I only believe what mouthpieces of the rich tell me to! Donald Trump says shit that makes me feel good so I'm going to vote for him even though I have no idea what he'll actually do in office!

I have no problem with free elementary school but we should cut people off before they get actual job skills!!

I want a tax system akin to Somalia and Mogadishu rather than those hellholes like Sweden and Denmark! Fuck country ratings! Fox news doesn't even talk about that!

Give those rich people fewer regulations! That should help things! I'm literally cucking myself like a good goy!

Waaaah I buy into the elite's "pull yourself up buy your bootstraps" propaganda while they constantly get bailed out by my tax dollars when they go under!

Hahahaha I spotted the uneducated unemployed faggot who thinks nobody can make a living in life since he can't, and the fag who blames "the rich" for all his problems, rather than taking a long look at your fuckup of an existence and fixing what you can.

The rich

LOL, called it, you blame your life of fuck ups on a boogeyman.

don't have a problem bring bailed out but fuck everyone else!

I can't even begin to have a rational discussion with you about this since you're a hysterical moron without any specific points founded in reality; did you ignore Obama helping out his friends in Solyndra too?

Fuck all of us!

I hope you don't have access to a firearm.

I only believe what mouthpieces of the rich tell me to! Donald Trump says shit that makes me feel good so I'm going to vote for him even though I have no idea what he'll actually do in office!

LOL! What strawman arguing, hyperbole, exaggerations, and outright delusions!

I'd probably be insane and asshurt too though if not only my shit candidate lost, he sold out to his rival, and then I began to realize what kind of mentally ill faggot I actually am for buying into liberal horseshit.

I have no problem with free elementary school but we should cut people off before they get actual job skills!!

Mentally ill horseshit.

I want a tax system akin to Somalia and Mogadishu rather than those hellholes like Sweden and Denmark! Fuck country ratings! Fox news doesn't even talk about that!

Mentally ill horseshit and I love how you want to just say Sweden and Denmark like there's nothing else to consider - you mentally ill, uneducated, living in a fantasy world faggot.

Give those rich people fewer regulations! That should help things! I'm literally cucking myself like a good goy!

No, you aren't a good goy, you're a mentally ill faggot who should be involuntarily committed for 72 hours' evaluation.

I was replying to your straw man you dumb shit! You have nothing to say about the massive amounts of government benefits given to private industry because you're clueless. You're a red team vs blue team sheep and the right wing (((propaganda machine))) owns you.

I have a career, a master's degree, a house, and guns. I'm just not a sucker for the elitists who have leeched off of us for decades.

Sucker. Keep being a good goy.

I was replying to your straw man you dumb shit!

What strawman, faggot?

You have nothing to say about the massive amounts of government benefits given to private industry because you're clueless.

No, I'm not clueless, and I'm not a fan of big government nor such bailouts; you literally are too stupid to understand the difference between an insurance company and a bank being bailed out, though.

You're a red team vs blue team sheep and the right wing (((propaganda machine))) owns you.

No I'm not you strawman arguing, completely lying faggot.

I have a career, a master's degree, a house, and guns. I'm just not a sucker for the elitists who have leeched off of us for decades.

Wow a Master's! Holy shit! I have a Juris Doctorate, and am much smarter and more accomplished than you'll ever be. Also, your parents' house doesn't count, and check out r/progun, there are plenty of big government liberal faggots like you who own guns.

The best is how you still keep pushing for some liberal faggot candidate who'll grow the government, which you're supposedly against, unless it's a liberal.

Sucker. Keep being a good goy.

LOL, you still haven't shown anything except that you blame "the rich" for your lifetime of failures, you made up an untrue backstory about me, and that you have no specifics to discuss, nothing but hysterical empty talking points and exclamation points.

The most telling was your "you believe the pulling up by bootstraps" - what as opposed to robbing the people who work for your welfare, you far left lazy unemployed poor faggot?

Take your pills this morning, burden?

God I bet you have the softest hands, belly, and dick in the world. You've fucked what, three women in your life?

You wish faggot. Triple digits. I am in my 30s though, so it isn't that hard.

You're a guy who goes around online getting into very involved, angry arguments about politics and respond point by point. You don't get to make fun of people and you obviously don't have much sex.

No that isn't what or who I am you stupid faggot; also, by your dumbshit rule anyone who uses reddit is a guy who goes around doing [ ] - Christ you're dumb!

You're asshurt that you can't do a thing to rebut what I say, nor can you do a thing about me, you cocksucking faggot.

Hahaha you're huffing and puffing and pounding away at your keyboard. What a sad piece of shit you are.

Haha you're so triggered! Is this the level of critical thinking you have after memorizing case law for seven years?!

Where do you learn to scream YOU'RE MENTALLY ILL REEEEEEEEEE! Over and over again, Mississippi Lawyer School and Barber College? (Not that I actually believe you.)

I'm not even a liberal you homo. I want border law to be upheld, I want gun rights, I'm a race realist.

But I'm also not an ignorant sucker clownshoes mark like you. You want low taxes, failing infrastructure, lore college attendance, low regulation, etc? You have two options: move to the third world, since NO first world country operates that way, or travel back to the nineteenth century.

Ignorant faggot.

Haha you're so triggered! Is this the level of critical thinking you have after memorizing case law for seven years?!

I'm not triggered, you're projecting, and we can see your true feelings with your exclamation marks.

Where do you learn to scream YOU'RE MENTALLY ILL REEEEEEEEEE! Over and over again, Mississippi Lawyer School and Barber College? (Not that I actually believe you.)

I didn't learn to scream that in law school, I am just calling out reddit faggots as I see them; lol that you're obsessed with my successes, you fucking pathetic loser who amounts to nothing.

I'm not even a liberal you homo. I want border law to be upheld, I want gun rights, I'm a race realist.

No, you're a liberal faggot, judging by everything you've said.

But I'm also not an ignorant sucker clownshoes mark like you. You want low taxes,

Low taxes, yes. Only a faggot dope wants to give money from his paycheck without auditing it, to unaccountable and unavoidable ends, but then again you're a broke lazy loser who needs government welfare, so of course you want high taxes.

failing infrastructure, lore college attendance,

Strawman argument and unintelligible horseshit; take your medication.

low regulation, etc?

Yes, lower regulations in many regards.

You have two options:

No I don't, you mentally ill faggot, I have plentiful options.

move to the third world, since NO first world country operates that way, or travel back to the nineteenth century.

LOL! No country operates by your level of retarded conceptualization, as opposed to mine thinking a country can have low taxes and regulations, that's for sure. You have no clue how to even think about adult issues let alone discuss them with non mental patients.

Ignorant faggot.

That's you.

Haha you spent time on this.

faggot doesn't see the irony that we both use reddit to waste time

Why are you talking in the third person like a schizophrenic.

Kind of wished I watched some of this now if they really did boo every time Hillarys name was mentioned. Democrats really did pick the worst possible candidate to go against trump. If it was sanders as the nominee, they basically would of ran away with this election because so many people hate trump who are independent voters. Now they might actually lose

I'm not sure if that's true- Bernie is an avowed socialist, his hero is Eugene Debs, he supposed the sandinistas and other literal communist regimes. I don't think Americans are ready for that.

Bernie was the least attacked candidate this year- he was ignored and marginalised, but not really brutally attacked. I think if Bernie vs Trump both would've seen as extreme- Bernie ideologically, and Trump stylistically.

His vs Trump numbers were through the roof. Hilary is about dead even. It was the clear cakewalk choice for VP. It's not like the Clinton's couldn't have snuffed him out after the election.

Lets be honest - his numbers were young people, because he was talking about student debt - an issue neither Hillary or Trump have mentioned.

Hillary won't get the young, or Trump. They're going to sit out again. The dems lost a massive voting block by fucking over Bernie, and they're going to remember it going forward.

Lets be honest

You lost me.


yeah you put democratic in front of it. Big difference

lol, omg there are Sanders supporters in this sub

I know right. Fucking libtard. Probably another lazy, entitled millennial who wants free stuff.

Hey shitlord_cunt....haha okay you win. argument over.

lol you just sound angry. probably because you're old and the world doesn't a give a shit about you anymore.

Bernie would've got totally red scared by the media in the general. Very different dynamic than what Hillary gets being handled with kid gloves.

I watched it. It sucked. Just a generic Bernie speech.

Bernie got stomped in the south. The RNC would have picked him apart in a general election.

Jesus, you would think a couple of comedians would have the ability to naturally stretch for time.

let's stretch for time by just repeating " we were told to stretch" over and over



Sarah Silverman is a hack.

They both are. Don't discriminate.

"You're being ridiculous". Why do none of these cunts care about the incredible scandal that is the DNC conspiring with Hillary against Sanders? They are rubbing in how corrupt they are and none of these idiots are batting an eye.

They seem like they are hostages supporting her it's really funny

They also truly believe Donald Trump is Hitler. At this point people are talking about Clinton like she's going to save the world from destruction, cause Trump is gonna kill all Muslims and drive Mexicans into the ocean and cut ties with Israel. And as amazing as all 3 of those things sound, it's just unreasonable to expect that.

In the leaks, they found a flow chart plans as to scare people about Trump. Power Point motherfuckers.

They are very good at twisting everything Trump has said to make it seem just a bit off. He wants to block illegal immigrants and deport the ones already here but the Democrats turn it into, "Donald Trump hates Mexican immigrants". They are so very good at twisting the truth that it has become second nature to them and they are about to nominate the best truth twister in their party.

"Sure, we fucked over our own party, broke laws, and conspired with the media to subvert the election process - and hey, the head of our party was forced to resign days before our own convention because she's hopelessly corrupt - but here's two funny jews to say funny things about Vaginas and George Bush, so you'll forget how we fucked you while lying to you, looking you straight in the eye. Go on, laugh, and forget it all, or you can stand on the other side of teh steel wall we built to keep your type out."

They really are contemptuous. They think their own party can be placated by two semi-good comics who peaked years ago. They really think they're smarter than everyone else.



Yeah, what the fuck was that? It was a really bizarre thing to do.


That reminds me of Patrice, somewhere in this clip, making this empty-headed hole unintentionally admit that the only way she saw herself as valuable was through sex.



That's enough friendliness on this sub for one day. Fuck your mother.


Then she is powerless.

Getting heckled relentlessly at your own convention. I can't wait for the debates.

Hillary- You say mean things about women

Trump- Your husband's a rapist

Trump is a fucking saint. He just has an immunity to their bullshit.


Just picturing Norm in that situation makes me laugh..

Bernie can beat Trump. Hillary can't. He's going to eat her alive. The world is going to consider her husband a brutal rapist by the end of this.

Bernie is a socialist, atheist, and a Jew. He got as far as he did because he got votes from people that just hate Clinton. Those counties in rural Pa weren't thinking, "finally, a Godless Communist to vote for!". Also he made himself the ultimate bitch when he tucked his chin into his chest and let those two fat black bitches run roughshod on him. Clinton cheated but he wasn't going to win anyway, and I say this with deep hatred of Clinton. Even look at Sanders actual invigorated voting base, the youth. They barely showed up to vote. If you think that old pussy had a shot you're deluded.

I'm going off of polling data. He outperformed Hillary. People also said Obama couldn't win back in the day.

Polling data means fucking nothing in terms of un-nominated candidates.

Yet he outperformed Hillary against Trump every time

And Kasich outperformed Clinton in every one of them. Do you seriously believe Kasich would beat Hillary Clinton?

She is a terrible campaigner! A lot of people could beat her!

People don't seem to understand this. This only place on the internet where Ive read this line of thought.

West Virginia voted for carbon tax queen Bernie Sanders. Not because he is good for their wellbeing but because Clinton was such a bitch to coal miners & Clinton technically pandered to the underworked helpless darkies more than Bernie did.

To TractatusReader:

The raped child that Clinton laughed at.

No one believes Trump (who only sleeps with a tall attractive 30 and 40 year old white women) is a secret pedo.

Trump has a good rep. He only sleeps with 5 foot 11 beauty queens. It's Jeb & Clinton who have a a dwarf fetish.

The Bernie polls where he beat Trump by 20 points were fantasy. It was a bunch of butthurt Bernie bros voting against clinton in the head to head polls to make bernie look good.

The Ron Paulbots did it as well.

Atheist and a Jew?

Atheist is an ideological worldview, Jew can be an ethnicity/ancestry/culture.

You can have black atheists, and asian atheists, and jewish atheists.

For many branches of Judaism, if your parents, or especially your mother, were Jewish, you're Jewish too, irrespective of your current beliefs.

Sam Harris would be a good example of an atheist jew.

"You're being ridiculous"

Good one. A crafted, fully-developed rebuttal that will surely turn the staunchest Bernie supporter.

"I have so much I want to say"

Then say it you fucking slob. Better than shuffling around like an asshole, gawping desperately at each other and some unseen scapegoat off-camera, filling time or whatever it was they were trying to do up there. Holy shit, and I thought the Republicans had some shitty guest speakers. Good one, Bernie, glad you fell in with this train wreck instead of running independent.

Some newspapers and websites are saying she gave a wonderful and amazing speech. I wonder what they were watching?

I saw this live and died laughing, but not at their jokes

Sarah Silverman has become an anti-semitic caricature.

Sarah Silverman really needs to have her head cut off by ISIS.

She isn't a French Catholic priest.

should become one

Those civilians just don't get it.

it's hilarious that there are people, lot of them, who don't see clintons for the criminals they are (or should be if justice existed).

Someone posted on /pol/ that he/she was in attendance and there was an insane amount of boo-ing but the organizers played with the mic-ing of the crowd before-hand so there was a lot of "zoning" i.e the areas that applauded where live-mixed to seem like they are droning out the boo-ing areas of the room. Didn't read the thread but there was a lot of traction so I'm guessing other dem's where posting the same shit under the protection of anonymity.

Reminds me of the 9/11 memorial show where they edited out the crowd boo-ing Hillary

All I can think about when it comes to Hillary is Anthony doing his impersonation of her that turns into the aliens from Mars attacks


Women just can't hide their emotions very well. You can see her panicking miserably.

"Oh, good lord!" ...What a cunty way to throw Al Franken under the bus.

At 5:36 she drops a bababooey. The Opesters gonna be jealous.

Bernie and Elizabeth Warren are frauds. The anti-war, anti-wall street base of the party is being told to go fuck themselves. This is a neo liberal party now. If you vote for Hillary you blow.

I disagree with the notion that Bernie and Warren are frauds, but the Democratic Party is fucked and a neo-liberal shithole, that's fact.

Endorsing Hillary is selling out from where they're standing. Hillary isn't a real progressive. They should've endorsed Jill Stein.

I wouldn't call him a sell out. Bernie's a bitch boy at heart. Always has been.

If you read his book, there's a similar moment where he acts like Newt Gingrich's house will literally destroy America and, a couple paragraphs later, talks about how the Clinton administration are ignoring his suggestions and how they're supporting all this shit liberals wouldn't have dared to support years ago (like welform 'reform') and- BUT WE CAN'T ALLOW NEWT GINGRICH TO GET FULL POWER WITH BOB DOLE

(and you can bet Warren is setting up her own presidency run)

Agreed on all counts.

Hope will fail you every single time. The only emotions that never let you down are spite and despair.

It's important that Hillary gets elected. The intelligent people will be voting for her - there are supreme Court vacancies coming up, and anyone who wants trump filling them deserves to get shit mashed in their face

One guaranteed vacancy. Two if we're unlucky, three if we're very unlucky. More than likely we go back to having a 5-4 conservative to liberal supreme court. I can ride out 4 years of Trump while the Democrats get their shit together. Go scare someone else with that garbage.

More than likely we go back to having a 5-4 conservative to liberal supreme court.

Not if we elect a Democrat, which is the goal. We don't want a conservative supreme court - it would be extremely destructive for the country.

Its not worth a Clinton presidency. Despite a conservative supreme court, in the past 8 years, we've seen both marriage equality and Obamacare upheld. A conservative supreme court doesn't scare me.

Intelligent people aren't voting for Hillary. Niggers and women are. 60% of white men that support Hillary are gay. Good company you're in.

100% of the people voting for trump are functionally retarded. Have fun with your friends, stupid. And enjoy the Clinton presidency - way to nominate a complete buffoon.

You're trying to be edgy but you're a white liberal faggot so it doesn't work.

Liberals are the only people who can be edgy. Any dumb cunt can be a hateful dipshit and fight to keep the status quo. It's a cowardly, pathetic position taken out of laziness and ignorance. Trump voters should be sterilized.

Hillary is as status quo as it gets you retarded faggot. You actually think you're fighting the power by supporting Hillary Clinton? Just hang yourself in your closet.

Also what kind of braindead PC sheep do you have to be to correlate supporting Hillary with intelligence? Her support consists of blacks, who have an average IQ of 85, Hispanics, who have an average IQ of 90, and women.

Oh, you're just a white supremacist.

Okay, I dont need to argue anymore. I win.

If we sterilize Trump voters, who's going to pay for the third world garbage you want to keep flooding this country with?

Certainly not you pieces of shit - red states collect the most welfare.

Because they have the most negros. Ever wonder why the whites there vote Republican?

Ever wonder why the whites there vote Republican?

Not really, since the south contains the poorest white people who are collecting welfare as well. Southern whites vote Republican because they're poor, angry racists and the republican party is the racist party. They're also religious as fuck and think global warming must be a hoax - a lie that assures the destruction of the entire planet and also satisfies the conditions of their stupid ass religion being true. Southern whites are low information voters who put feels before reals - sorry, but it's the anti science party, and it's true.

Well as I've already pointed out, it's rational to be racist and Southerners would know blacks better than some liberal douche in Maine. I'm not gonna defend religion and climate change denial but both of those things are declining anyway.

Whites are waking up to the reality of race though, we're been in cruise control for 50 years. You're doing yourself a disservice voting for America to turn into Central America because you think it makes you smart. I was doing the exact same thing as you 4 years ago.

Well as I've already pointed out, it's rational to be racist

No, you just stated unsubstantiated differences in racial IQ scores.

Let me guess - you're going to cite the Minnesota adoption study.

I've been around the white supremacy block. I was a white angry teenager once too. I know about 14/88. I know about hailing the new dawn. Then I grew up - it's bullshit. It's stupid.

and Southerners would know blacks better than some liberal douche in Maine.

They definitely wouldn't, considering the south is an enclave of anti-intellectual enclave of religiosity, racism, and forced (if not willful) ignorance.

You're doing yourself a disservice voting for America to turn into Central America because you think it make you smart

Am I? I'm a citizen of the human race. I don't pledge allegiance to America. Only brainwashed cowardly retards need to seek refuge in that.

I was doing the exact same thing as you 4 years ago.

Yeah, cite me the FBI statistics that say black people make up twice their per capita of the prison population without mentioning that black people are convicted twice as often and sentenced longer than white people. Cite me statistics that poor inner city blacks rape more than cherry picked poor rural white communities.

I know every argument, because I used to make them. I know every white power band, because I'm from the outskirts of detroit and I used to listen. It's bullshit, and it's sad if a person could still fall for it who is well into their twenties or older.

If you're some 19 year old kid in martins with white laces moshing at white power house shows and fucking some skinhead girls with half their heads shaved, keep doing that. You'll have fun.

I suspect you're just some angry racist in his late twenties republican who thinks they saw the light and the parties are done. You're a fucking idiot, and go fuck yourself. Go rant about why we can't see prussian blue in the remains of Auschwitz.

"Unsubstantiated differences in IQ scores"? Alrighty then. I'm not interested in this argument if you're going to continue to argue in bad faith.

Addressed in the very next sentence, stupid. You can respond to the rest, but you won't because i was a dick and said "I won" - which while technically would be fair, but to be fair, that's all I needed to win. White nationalism is not a philosophy that requires argument against, even though I made one.

Ha, there's more than one study that points out how low black IQ is. Literally every race and IQ study actually. There's never even been one outlier where blacks have an equal IQ to whites. And it's genetic, not environmental. There was an environmental component, when blacks had an IQ 20 points lower than whites, but it was corrected in the 1950's.

Also I'm not surprised you were a 1488 guy to appear edgy. Now you're a liberal to appear intellectual. You're a substanceless human being.

I know there is. And most racial IQ measurement studies will probably take place in either Africa or in inner city schools.

While you didn't admit to it, I'm sure you're hanging on the minnesota adoption study. That study has long been criticized and discredited. It sort of depends on your ideology being correct, and i notice you haven't defended it.


In the studies that take place in Africa, blacks have an average IQ of 70. The ~20% white admixture of black Americans brings it up to 85. Also my ideology isn't dependent on the Minnesota adoption study. IQ is genetic.

Really? You're saying that a continent which is universally poor because of a long history of colonialism produces children which score low on western designed IQ tests? You're saying that kids who go to schools that can barely afford toilet paper are not teaching our black youth as well as white kids in suburbs?

It's fun to be racist until you think about it for more than ten seconds.

This is what this election is about. This is why Hillary has to be the choice - because you white supremacists finally found your candidate, and liberals will never allow it.

Africa is poor because of a long history of colonialism...lol. Only if you believe the "we wuz kingz" stories. Colonialism is the only bring spot in the history of that desecrated continent. Also western designed IQ tests...lol. There's non-verbal IQ tests that measure pattern recognition and shit like that. There's nothing inherently "Western" about that, and Africans bomb on those too. Explain why East Asians do even better on these western designed IQ tests than whites do.

And lastly, IQ isn't a test of knowledge. Inner city schools or suburban schools don't make a difference.

Colonialism is the only bring spot in the history of that desecrated continent.

Sup Don Black

Explain why East Asians do even better on these western designed IQ tests than whites do.

Most asian nations that I'm aware of have a far better functioning education system than even suburban whites.. Explain why blacks in western countries routinely out perform those in shitty african school systems?

And they do - it's routine. It's simply cultural.

Hmm, why would East Asian nations have a high functioning education system? What could that be?

And I already explained why blacks Americans outperform Africans. Partly the 20% white admixture and partly due to not having nutritional deficiencies of course. But you can't seem to wrap your head around it not either being 100% nurture or 100% nature. It's both.

Hmm, why would East Asian nations have a high functioning education system? What could that be?

Cultural differences. White Americans do not encourage education, and they in fact demonize it.

And I already explained why blacks Americans outperform Africans. Partly the 20% white admixture and partly due to not having nutritional deficiencies of course. But you can't seem to wrap your head around it not either being 100% nurture or 100% nature. It's both.

That's a new one. When I was a racist teenager I went with IQ studies, not that black people have less vitamin D.

It's a new one to argue that there are both genetic and environmental factors to intelligence? Alright then. No offense but you're saying so many off the way retarded things. You're clearly not my genetic equal.

Not what I said, stupid. I have a fairly good idea why asian and jewish americans tend to score higher on test score across the board - do you?

Because they're genetically superior intellectually. In the case of Jews it's crystal clear and there's plenty of antidotes for how they select for intelligent traits at the expense of others.

Because they're genetically superior intellectually.

Are you shitting me? It's because Jewish families by and large tend to HEAVILY emphasize schoolwork - just like Asian families. White families aren't worried about if Johnny is keeping up with Xiao Jung overseas - they're complaining that little Tyrion got demolished at the soccer game 30-0 and someone should have stopped the game. It's not because white people are stupider than asians - it's because white people don't push their kids the same way that asian and jewish parents do. We have an inferior culture, and our kids end up stupider. I'm part of that same culture and you clearly are too.

Jewish families do emphasize that, to the point that it's genetically selected for. Same with Asians to a lesser extent. Women don't fuck them for their muscle mass.

Jewish families do emphasize that, to the point that it's genetically selected for.

That is a profoundly stupid thing to say.

Same with Asians to a lesser extent. Women don't fuck them for their muscle mass.

Oh, I wasn't thinking that - I figured most chinese women married chinese men because they were living locally in china. I could be wrong though. I might be a completely wrong fucking dumbass piece of shit. I have no idea.

Jews don't select for intelligence more than other groups? Yes, they actually do.

And it's obvious the Chinese don't select for muscle mass, because they have very little muscle mass. If they did select for muscle mass, they would have a lot of muscle mass. You don't have a basic understanding of genetics.

At this point I would tell you if you were doing a good job here, I conceded that race realist is a gay term - but you just seem like a white trash dude that thinks you look smart for being liberal. Sorry.

I think it's hilarious that you reinvented yourself as a liberal intellectual and you're failing at that too. Just off yourself, unless you're ready to help preserve the white race.

I don't call it re-invention, that's for my peers such as you to praise me for. I prefer to think of it as an evolution of thought. You'll get there one day. I'm sure you'll get to where I am one day. You might even be listening to a George Burdi record and rationalize that still agree with his original message even though he was a traitor.

My greatest fear is a nation wide fully divided race war, because I'll have to join faggots like you.

I've already been there you dope. I started out there. Apparently you started out as a redneck and now you're doing the Bill Hicks routine. I'm more evolved than you.

Actually, I started out as a Bill Hicks liberal kid. Then, as a teenager frustrated with the media and the realities of growing up in an increasingly diversifying / crime inducing suburb of metro detroit, I went white nationalist skinhead in high school.

You will probably follow the same trajectory:

You'll realize you were a dipshit to fall for all of that retarded holocaust denying racist stormfront propaganda ("I'm not smart enough to analyze the leuchter reports but this guy seems on the ball") and you'll become a republican. Then you'll get disgusted by them because they're retarded and go libertarian. Youll like them because they low-key share your leftover racist aims, and the best part is you can hide those true intentions behind promoting "liberty".

Then you'll figure out that it makes no sense structurally or economically and you'll become a democratic socialist and finally shut the fuck up about how awesome you are because you got born white.

Edit: ,.....stupid

I was a Bernie bro/socialist 4-8 years ago while going to a diverse high school/college, kinda rooted for Ron Paul in 2012 but voted for Obama and now I'm a right winger. Honestly, very few whites are following your trajectory. Everything's pointing right. Also I would never walk around as an angry teenage skinhead lol.

I'm just telling the truth about race, I don't care about the stylistic stuff of all of this meanwhile that seems like all you care about. How's that working out for you?

How's that working out for you?

Considering my views are held by most intelligent people and don't make me a pariah in society, I'd say pretty well.

You're free to make a single argument as to why all the races in the world are genetically equal. We know for a fact that's not true, but explain why it's the case with intelligence.

  1. Races cannot be genetically equal, that goes against the idea of genetics. You are stupid.

  2. It isn't the case.

Yes, because obviously I'm the one acting like all races are genetically equal. Wow.

They are functionally equal, stupid.

Clearly they're not. LMAO. You're such a substanceless bullshit artist. I don't know how you live with yourself. Your whole shtick was to impress this sub with your white liberalism and it fell flat.

Clearly they are. I never intended to impress this sub with my white liberalism, but I know for a fact I have succeeded in that. I'm fairly impressive in how liberally white I am.

lol. I don't mean to get personal, I'm just trading venom with venom. The 1488 stuff is cartoonish but you should become a white nationalist again.

Race realist......jesus christ. Just say it, "white nationalist".

Yeah that's what I meant. Race realist is a gay term, my bad.

As far as "race realists" go, I met plenty when I was a teenager. They have all moved on. Check if the band "Angry Aryans" put out a record in the last 9 years - I can pretty much guarantee you that they haven't, I got bought liquor by one of them as a teenager and they said they were done because they were bored of it - because anyone who isn't a complete retard gets bored of that white nationalist shit and wisens up after a couple years of being involved with it. They weren't proud white men fighting a war - they were some losers buying liquor for underage girls and their friends, trying for statutory rape and they thought what they were doing made them tough. Their songs are all on youtube to watch, but they were never anything but losers.

Seriously, you aren't a stupid person. You're acting like a stupid person though. This shit is stupid, that you're arguing for. You're siding with the wrong people, and you're blaming things on the wrong people.


Trump supporters make more money than Hillary supporters. Trump is getting the vast majority of the white vote and white people carry the tax burden of this nation. How do you not know that?

Do you really think it's negroids for Hillary and coastal elites paying all the taxes? Stop watching Bill Maher.


If that were the case, how could he possibly be neck and neck with Hillary? He's winning the white vote far and away. His only issue is with white female voters who believe whatever the media tells them. With white males he's winning high school graduates, white males with some college, white male college graduates by huge margins.

But keep being a self-loathing white guilty faggot. There's nothing wrong with self-preservation in whites.


Wow, good one. America is being turned into Central America. We're being flooded with genetically inferior people. That's the issue.


No they're great at procreating. The problem is they're not good at creating or even maintaining civilization. Probably has something to do with their low IQs. I just don't think they're ready for the promotion.


you didn't win shit

Actually I did.

I'm not Left-leaning at all, but come on man. Hillary is the very definition of a corrupt, elitist, bought-and-paid-for politician. She's earned hundreds of thousands of dollars giving private speeches to Wall Street bankers and CEOs while telling the media that she and Bill were essentially broke upon leaving the White House. She is the perfect definition of a "fat cat" politician. I don't agree with anything Bernie says, but at least he doesn't sound like he's full of shit and actually does believe and stand by his principals.

I definitely don't support Hillary, but I'll be voting for her because there could be some very important vacancies to the supreme court coming up in addition to the one that's already there. It would be a disaster if Trump was deciding who got on the court.

Trump wants states to lower their minimum wages below even $7 an hour. He believes climate change, the issue which will destroy our planet, is a chinese conspiracy. Trump literally is trying to destroy the earth. He deserves to die.

Hillary is a despicable piece of shit, but at least she's on the correct side.

Fair enough. Agree to disagree.

I don't like agreeing to disagree. Didn't Trump make his VP nominee a man who signed a bill that would make women have funerals for miscarriages or something?

Even if it's something close to that, that's who he'll nominate to the supreme court. Abortion rights will be gone, gay rights will be gone, citizens united will keep on trucking. It's fucking retarded.

Yeah, Hillary is corrupt is shit. She might have helped cover a rape, and she might have even ordered the murder of a guy - and she's STILL a better choice. That's how far politics has descended, and how fucked up trump is.

I'll honestly get back to you in the morning. I would debate this now but I let my dumb faggot friends talk me into day drinking and would come across stupider then I already am.

Lol women gonna women, C'mon you guys, you're being ridiculous.

Oh C'moooon......

Fucking Come on? That all you got you fucking bitch? Fuck this really rustled my yimmies.

Whenever I am trying to convince someone to see it my way, I tell them they're acting ridiculous.

They should have paid her the full $60, like Franken, if they expected a better performance.

Who knew that Republicans could plagiarize speeches, praise the white race openly, and let a guy who refuses to endorse the candidate speak, and still have a better convention than Democrats.

Shit, at least all the speakers at the RNC were citizens.

Fuck, marry, kill (brainless Clinton stooges edition): Schumer, Silverman, Dunham

Fuck Silverman, Marry Schumer, kill myself

Kill myself.

Kill em all.

that's cheating

All three of them are fine.



Jimmy Kimmel dumped this hairy cunt because of her nasty hygiene. Oh how rank is that hole?

Honestly if I wanted to vote For Bernie and belived in his platform why not just write him in as vote and go on with your life. How quick the left gathered and backed Hillary to try and defeat Trump, how quickly scorned Bernie supporters rushed to support Trump just fuck with Hillary, zero backbone and no principle

Yeah I don't get this either. Does everybody think you're obligated to check a box?


I know what you mean like a box of her old stuff or sumtin


Yeah, that's not quite how it went down. Bernie was giving Hillary a rough time in the polls, and they ratfucked him. Can't stand in the way of Queen Hillary's coronation, now. The whole thing is fucking disgusting. And I havent even gotten to Trump yet.

I'm opting out of the whole fucking thing. You idiots go vote for the slightly less evil of the two.

I think you got the right idea, fuck it really

Ha, there's more than one study that points out how low black IQ is. Literally every race and IQ study actually. There's never even been one outlier where blacks have an equal IQ to whites. And it's genetic, not environmental. There was an environmental component, when blacks had an IQ 20 points lower than whites, but it was corrected in the 1950's.

Also I'm not surprised you were a 1488 guy to appear edgy. Now you're a liberal to appear intellectual. You're a substanceless human being.
