Favorite Jocktober pics. This my favorite...any others?

60  2016-07-26 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


I haven't seen that one haha perfect.

Holy shit you got a nigga sides hurting.


i wanna know what the context of the original picture was

That kid was being a nigger on that guy's lawn

".....and s-o he ca-alled him a nih-hh........"

When I was a li'uhl boy like 1-5 yrs old kids who had summer birthday parties always had water toys like slip'n'slide, plastic kiddie pool etc. I think this guy is spraying the water hose on the kids at his kids party. Just adding to the fun.


This one always gave me a chuckle


Edit: A montage from 2013 starring Erock and Dennis Falcone




That Vos as Forest Gump one is great.

I never liked the racist ones. Though I love the Denny ones. But hey, that's just me folks

Shannon should now be replaced with Opie.


Hulk Hogan 9/11

Did those Hulk Hogan photoshops originate during Jocktober?



Shitting on Sam outside of an O&A context is one of the best ways to look like a complete faggot here. He was a genuinely smart radio personality, learned quick and knows how to stir shit without having to take credit for it like a homo as Tits always would.

There would be a massive fight going on between a comedian and a guest, and Opie could NOT resist interjecting: "heheh, see how clever I am?" "This was my exact plan, and it worked out perfect >:)". Shut the fuck up.

Special Delivery was better and O&A was, if you removed Jimmy.

Anyone remember the one with falcone photoshopped as a Nazi officer shooting Jews into a ditch? that one was probably the worst I've seen, that or all the shit covered dick ones.

Dennis Falcone's hard drive of preteens is a classic

Belly laugh. Holy shit. My biggest regret is not being a part of jocktober in real time.

I used to have to wait for Steven knight to upload the shows to YouTube a few hours later in the day, so I couldn't see the Facebook abuse in real time.. Gutted

I laughed so hard when they described this one

Can I get a link to that clip?

I don't recall what clip it was in. there's a "Complete Jocktober" playlist on youtube you should listen to, they describe all the photoshopped pictures like this one when the facebook pages get attacked.

its in one of the jimmy Norton laugh compilations

They did this picture but with Beavis Cumia, no?

I never actually saw the pic, but they always used to howl at the guy covered from head to toe in shit.







That Vos as Forest Gump one is great.