These guests hosts should temper the Opie hate.

0  2016-07-26 by Mr702law

They are unlistenable. No direction. That fucking Opie has more ability than we give him credit for. Today Bobby, for his big guest host spot, had a face painter come in to paint everyone's faces. He actually thought this was fun/ funny. It was just a bunch of yammering.


Was pretty fucking stupid for a radio show. Love Bobby as a guest on o&j though. It was not better than Opie though calm down with that, I didn't hear the Normand show, Opie should be light-years better though, he's been doing it for a 45 years

I enjoyed the show though.

How? It was horrible. Even more Vic than normal

Bobby really screwed the pooch, he should have had Luis and Joe List and it would've blown Opie's shit show out of the water. Instead they were chewing on mic and discussing food. Tim Dillon and Vic Henley aren't good enough to make up for that nonsense. It's like Opie wants the show to maintain some amount of mediocrity so management won't realize they're still paying him.

These Nopie shows never had a chance. I wouldn't be surprised if Opie set them all up to fail to show to SXM that while O&J may suck, there are worse alternates out there.