How often do you think Joe "Spit Receptacle" Cumia visits this sub?

7  2016-07-25 by chrb13

I know we scared him off from posting here around 3 months ago but I would guess he visits multiple times a day to post under alternate accounts and downvote posts he doesn't approve of.

PS Hi Joe!


The only way we could get Joe back to this sub is if we send some shit about him to ( his brothers ) friends on Twitter, Steve from Bayshore, Fred from Brooklyn, cigars & scotch. It would have to be some good shit to get that leach to come back.

I doubt he'd come back here though, he's an idiot, but also an egomaniac and his first priority is to rant and preach for attention, that's why he loves ranting on FB, he can just "block the haters" and still have an audience of Cumia ball kissers.

It's a shame. He's retarded but not quite retarded enough to keep coming back here for punishment.

ball kisser

Project from your spank bank some more you faggot.

This is totally Samcro Joe or one of his brothers friends.

He's got the exact same MO as Bro Joe i.e. keep angrily posting about shit nobody cares about and using the word faggot. He also happens to have the exact same comment karma as Joe. Hmmmm.....Hi Joe!

Nah, this is that weepy faggot who has tears rolling down his cheeks as he fantasizes about being fucked by massive black men

Christ you're a mentally ill faggot who has nothing going on in life except pretending he's part of an online club targeted by only one possible person out there who finds faggots to be disgusting.

You need a better vocabulary, I don't think you say faggot enough.

Good one faggot, you have nothing.

I don't go on /r/opieandanthony to yell about faggots

I'll always have that



Your post history reads like it was written by the Orlando Nightclub shooter. I thought I was a nihilist until I read the garbage you spew here. Holy shit dude get help.

Even worse, he is a clear Trump-tard.

Hahaha exaggerate and lie some more faggot. You really have nothing to say when you start talking shit on my post history.

Aww sweety pie, you seem hurt? Who hurt you big fella?

Describe your penis.


There's enough shit accounts here that we'd never know

He, like Opie and Anthony are always here. Lurking, reading and laughing at what jackasss we are.


Fuck me that website would be shit and outdated in 1995.

