Just told my parent's I'm gay...

12  2016-07-25 by felchandbelch

...but the hardest part was my peckah.


See, I understand the chiproll but I'm still unconvinced this post isn't strictly autobiographical

What's a chiproll?

What Opie does when middle-aged women try to give him gifts


"I'm, ah, PROUD of my GAY SON!" - Norm

They might not have known you're gay but I'm sure they're both aware you're a faggot.

They knew already, at least your father did, you been pushing back and tongue kissing since you were 8.


No, I am his friend, the guy with the camera.

Thats hardly the worst news a parent could hear with the whole Proud Boys thing taking off these days.


I dont know if I would risk the trouble of that, but I would definitely abandon him.

tss what like your happy er sumpthin

You told them be proud of your boy? Uhuru?


I hope you get cancer for using an apostrophe to pluralize.

They knew.....

Well Ant your parents are dead or in cognitive so it doesn't count really.
